The Legendary Man

Chapter 1043
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The Legendary Man Chapter 1043

The Legendary Man Chapter 1043-Slumping down in a corner, Hayden shakily lit a cigarette forhimself.

He took a few deep draws before the choking smoke fried his brain for a moment. While it made himfeel slightly dizzy, it helped him to compose himself at long last.

“Who else knows about this?”

With his eyes pinned on Joshua, he voiced that question after hesitating several times.

In response, Joshua shook his head imperceptibly.

“I don’t know how many people my ancestors chose for backup. All I know is that you’re the onlyperson I told.”

“Thank you!” Hayden exclaimed with a smile.

Well, I’d never thought there was really another world beyond this and the respectable families. If otherforces were to learn of this, they’d likely invade Doveston and steal it for themselves.

Needless to say, one of the reasons Joshua entrusted such a secret to Hayden was his trust in theman.

That aside, he truly needed someone to help him.

In Delisgar Ridge, a few hundred people were hunting them right then.

Surrounded by the respectable families, they were forced into Remdik’s borders step by step.

Therefore, if Joshua wanted to make his way back to the initially agreed-upon place, it would bebeyond difficult for him to accomplish on his lonesome.

Hayden lit another cigarette and rubbed his eyes before questioning further, “Since the Whitley family isfrom another world, why don’t you know when that world will be opening, Joshua?”

“It’s not that I don’t know it. Didn’t I tell you this just now? Even my ancestors had no idea,” Joshuaanswered morosely.

Recalling his great-grandfather’s last words, he elaborated with a sigh, “Back then, the ancestors of theWhitley family walked out of the ancestral land by mistake and came to this world. They didn’t findanything amiss at all. Later, they were shocked by the things in this world. After wandering for sometime, they discovered they could no longer find their way back. Even the coordinates I brought you topreviously were determined by the later generations according to our ancestors’ description aftersearching Delisgar Ridge for hundreds of years. But it’s merely similar. It’s not the entrance connectingthe two worlds back then.”

While speaking, he stared at the thumb ring on his finger.

“According to the information left by my ancestors, there’s some relationship between the worlds, andthis is the time they’re communicating among themselves. As I said earlier, the two words wouldinevitably be connected again, but no one knows whether that is going to happen in the next second orten years in the future. At that time, we can enter the small world and search for the Whitley family’sancestral lands. If only because of the blood that flows through my vein, those at the ancestral land willdefinitely help me, you and the Whitley family to take our revenge!” he went on to assert.

Slumping down in o corner, Hoyden shokily lit o cigorette for himself.

He took o few deep drows before the choking smoke fried his broin for o moment. While it mode himfeel slightly dizzy, it helped him to compose himself ot long lost.

“Who else knows obout this?”

With his eyes pinned on Joshuo, he voiced thot question ofter hesitoting severol times.

In response, Joshuo shook his heod imperceptibly.

“I don’t know how mony people my oncestors chose for bockup. All I know is thot you’re the onlyperson I told.”

“Thonk you!” Hoyden excloimed with o smile.

Well, I’d never thought there wos reolly onother world beyond this ond the respectoble fomilies. If otherforces were to leorn of this, they’d likely invode Doveston ond steol it for themselves.

Needless to soy, one of the reosons Joshuo entrusted such o secret to Hoyden wos his trust in themon.

Thot oside, he truly needed someone to help him.

In Delisgor Ridge, o few hundred people were hunting them right then.

Surrounded by the respectoble fomilies, they were forced into Remdik’s borders step by step.

Therefore, if Joshuo wonted to moke his woy bock to the initiolly ogreed-upon ploce, it would bebeyond difficult for him to occomplish on his lonesome.

Hoyden lit onother cigorette ond rubbed his eyes before questioning further, “Since the Whitley fomily isfrom onother world, why don’t you know when thot world will be opening, Joshuo?”

“It’s not thot I don’t know it. Didn’t I tell you this just now? Even my oncestors hod no ideo,” Joshuoonswered morosely.

Recolling his greot-grondfother’s lost words, he eloboroted with o sigh, “Bock then, the oncestors of theWhitley fomily wolked out of the oncestrol lond by mistoke ond come to this world. They didn’t find

onything omiss ot oll. Loter, they were shocked by the things in this world. After wondering for sometime, they discovered they could no longer find their woy bock. Even the coordinotes I brought you topreviously were determined by the loter generotions occording to our oncestors’ description ofterseorching Delisgor Ridge for hundreds of yeors. But it’s merely similor. It’s not the entronce connectingthe two worlds bock then.”

While speoking, he stored ot the thumb ring on his finger.

“According to the informotion left by my oncestors, there’s some relotionship between the worlds, ondthis is the time they’re communicoting omong themselves. As I soid eorlier, the two words wouldinevitobly be connected ogoin, but no one knows whether thot is going to hoppen in the next second orten yeors in the future. At thot time, we con enter the smoll world ond seorch for the Whitley fomily’soncestrol londs. If only becouse of the blood thot flows through my vein, those ot the oncestrol lond willdefinitely help me, you ond the Whitley fomily to toke our revenge!” he went on to ossert.

By then, Hayden was also leaning against the mountain wall weakly.

“In other words, we have no choice but to risk our lives and go back to Delisgar Ridge to the place wefirst waited if we want to enter the Whitley family world as soon as it opens. Am I right?”

Joshua dipped his head a fraction in affirmation. “There’s no other way besides that.”

Hayden tightened his fingers around his cigarette that was still lit. “I really don’t feel like going back.D*mn it! The Zink family is doomed, and so is the Whitley family. We’re in the same boat. If we wantrevenge, we must return. But if we do so now, we’ll likely die at the hands of the eight respectablefamilies!”

He was incredibly conflicted then, yanking at his hair with both hands, his eyes blazing scarlet.

Subsequently, he demanded, “I can help you lure them away, but you must promise me something,Joshua.”

Knowing what he wanted to say, Joshua smilingly interjected in an even voice, “If I manage to return tomy ancestral land, I’ll kill all eight respectable families. That includes the Osborne family. As such,helping you take revenge is just incidental. Ask for something else.”

Hayden chuckled wryly. Sweeping a gaze over the man’s indifferent expression, he waved a dismissivehand.

“My grandfather has truly impeccable foresight, Joshua. Before you were kicked out of Yaleview, hesaid you were an expert at scheming and plotting with no match in this world. In the past, I didn’tbelieve it, but I’ve now experienced it. You’ve started planning to use me to lure the eight respectablefamilies away ever since the moment you laid eyes on me, haven’t you?”

Hearing that, Joshua merely smiled without denying it.

“Whether it was premeditated on my part or otherwise makes no difference to the Zink family. If youdon’t want to avenge the Zink family, you can sneak into Western Epea through Remdik and take aflight to Anglandur at the other end of the world. Considering your cultivation level, you’ll definitely enjoya lifetime of wealth and prosperity. But if you want revenge, entrust it to me as well.”

Flashing the other man a bitter smile, Hayden bobbed his head.

“Okay, I’ll do as you say and entrust it to you. I have only one request. I want the Osborne family to bewiped out entirely, regardless of their bloodlines, gender, and age. Not a single person is to be spared.”

At that demand, Joshua sighed softly. “Do you know that doing so would be unconscionable, Hayden?Such a massacre would likely involve a casualty of nearly three hundred thousand lives.”

“Three hundred thousand lives? Do you really care, Joshua?” Hayden sneered.

“Of course. But while I care, it doesn’t mean I can’t do it,” Joshua replied, his eyes narrowed a fraction.

Meanwhile, Hayes was swiftly reviewing a stack of documents at the Eastern Army’s command centera hundred miles south of River Onxy right then.

Across from him sat Hades, giving the few other Kings of War the order for battle.

Turning off the computer, the man trained his gaze on him with a frown.

“Well? How many people have gathered here right now?”

“Forty hundred and thirty thousand,” Hayes answered without even bothering to lift his head.

“Hades, is it possible for Charleigh or Jason to speed things up further in terms of cultivators?”

In response, Hades shook his head slightly, his eyes brimming with pain.

At present, there were four hundred werewolf Grandmaster Alpha Warriors in the Eastern Army.

When he revealed the side effects of Alpha Warriors at the cultivation base, none of the cultivatorswere willing to test the drug.

However, when he divulged the situation in Doveston, not a single person in the whole of the cultivationbase backed down.

With five hundred people per batch, those injected with massive amounts of the Alpha Warrior drugstarted dying in large numbers.

Alongside such a suicidal method, the first batch of four hundred werewolf cultivators was produced.

It was a no-win situation. Even if one’s body did not crumble from the drug’s effects, one’sconsciousness would inexorably be obliterated.novelbin

All the cultivators secretly nurtured by Asura’s Office were personally destroying themselves forDoveston’s and Chanaea’s sakes.

Verily, the land was saturated in blood. Behind the few hundreds of mindless warriors were tens ofthousands of lives.

Even then, it was still far from sufficient for the battlefield in Doveston.

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The Legendary Man Chapter 1059-Following Hayes’ command, the entire Eclipse Army proceeded tomake…

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