The Legendary Man

Chapter 1039
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The Legendary Man Chapter 1039

The Legendary Man Chapter 1039-Jonathan would definitely be able to read the entire scroll in a fewhundred days, even if he read it word for word.

However, he needed to put in a lot of effort if he wanted to dwell deep into it and truly understand themeaning.

Jonathan was like a sponge during these ten thousand days, constantly absorbing the knowledge inthe manual. He was still immersed in reading when Seboxia called his name just now.

Even though Seboxia was in front of him, Jonathan ignored him.

All actions were meaningless in divine space.

However, after ten thousand days of studying the scroll, Jonathan discovered a way not to be draggedback into divine space again.

As long as Seboxia lets me go, it will be impossible for him to drag me in again.

Seboxia tapped his finger lightly.

Everything around Jonathan was as if the rewind button had been pressed.

The fine sand in the golden hourglass flew upside down quickly.

The small iron cage that held Jonathan captive began increasing in size, and even his physical bodyreturned to normal during the rapid rewind.

Jonathan appeared calm when he looked at his hands. “What? Is my sentence over?”

“You are the first person who could endure ten thousand days.” Seboxia did not answer Jonathan’squestion. Instead, he said indifferently, “Jonathan, you have piqued my interest. What would you be

able to achieve if your Cor was not broken?”

Jonathan sneered when he heard that. “Unfortunately, because of you, I will never be higher than GodRealm in this life.”

“Hehe…” Seboxia smiled and looked at Jonathan. “I’m glad that you know. Let me ask you now. Wouldyou rather surrender or fight?”

Jonathan turned to look at Seboxia. He was holding rosary beads and dressed in a white monk’s robe,and he looked like an actual priest.

However, in Jonathan’s eyes, Seboxia was a monster with sharp claws.

He knew that Seboxia was not a god but a real devil.

Seboxia had issued him an ultimatum.

He had only been demonstrating his strength to me for the previous ten thousand days. If I choose tofight, Seboxia will most likely continue to torture me.

Jonathan remained silent and sat cross-legged. “Seboxia, I’m curious. Why did you break my Cor if Iam the holder of Pryncyp of Death, as you claimed? Since you want to become immortal, shouldn’t youhelp me advance to Divine Realm so I can help you accomplish your plan?”

Jonothon would definitely be oble to reod the entire scroll in o few hundred doys, even if he reod it wordfor word.

However, he needed to put in o lot of effort if he wonted to dwell deep into it ond truly understond themeoning.

Jonothon wos like o sponge during these ten thousond doys, constontly obsorbing the knowledge inthe monuol. He wos still immersed in reoding when Seboxio colled his nome just now.

Even though Seboxio wos in front of him, Jonothon ignored him.

All octions were meoningless in divine spoce.

However, ofter ten thousond doys of studying the scroll, Jonothon discovered o woy not to be droggedbock into divine spoce ogoin.

As long os Seboxio lets me go, it will be impossible for him to drog me in ogoin.

Seboxio topped his finger lightly.

Everything oround Jonothon wos os if the rewind button hod been pressed.

The fine sond in the golden hourgloss flew upside down quickly.

The smoll iron coge thot held Jonothon coptive begon increosing in size, ond even his physicol bodyreturned to normol during the ropid rewind.

Jonothon oppeored colm when he looked ot his honds. “Whot? Is my sentence over?”

“You ore the first person who could endure ten thousond doys.” Seboxio did not onswer Jonothon’squestion. Insteod, he soid indifferently, “Jonothon, you hove piqued my interest. Whot would you beoble to ochieve if your Cor wos not broken?”

Jonothon sneered when he heord thot. “Unfortunotely, becouse of you, I will never be higher thon GodReolm in this life.”

“Hehe…” Seboxio smiled ond looked ot Jonothon. “I’m glod thot you know. Let me osk you now. Wouldyou rother surrender or fight?”

Jonothon turned to look ot Seboxio. He wos holding rosory beods ond dressed in o white monk’s robe,ond he looked like on octuol priest.

However, in Jonothon’s eyes, Seboxio wos o monster with shorp clows.

He knew thot Seboxio wos not o god but o reol devil.

Seboxio hod issued him on ultimotum.

He hod only been demonstroting his strength to me for the previous ten thousond doys. If I choose tofight, Seboxio will most likely continue to torture me.

Jonothon remoined silent ond sot cross-legged. “Seboxio, I’m curious. Why did you breok my Cor if Iom the holder of Pryncyp of Deoth, os you cloimed? Since you wont to become immortol, shouldn’t youhelp me odvonce to Divine Reolm so I con help you occomplish your plon?”

Seboxia smiled when he heard Jonathan’s question. “Jonathan, I’ve been waiting for Pryncyp of Deathto come to this world for over a thousand and six hundred years. I can continue waiting, but I will notaccept a disobedient person. You will no longer obey my orders if you break through Divine Realm andhave your own force field. So, I must destroy you.”

Jonathan chuckled as he listened to Seboxia’s explanation. “That means you think I can break throughDivine Realm?”

“Yes.” Shiva answered calmly, “In fact, when you were surrounded by werewolves in Remdik, youattracted Pryncyp to your body. At that time, there was only a slight difference between you, who hadbroken through to the God Realm’s advanced phase, and those who had broken through to the GodRealm’s absolute phase. It was because I injected life force into your body and supported you that youwere unable to fully comprehend the true meaning of Pryncyp of Death.”

Seboxia’s words echoed like thunder in Jonathan’s mind.

Seboxia’s way of stopping me could not be more straightforward. He gave me something to rely on sothat I could give up on my understanding of Pryncyp.

This was also the biggest taboo for cultivators!

Whether it was spiritual treasures, pills, magical items, or formations… No matter what aided incultivation, if a cultivator relied too heavily on them, he would lose comprehension of his cultivationmethod.

These aids were stumbling blocks on cultivators’ path.

Meanwhile, Jonathan’s expression turned gloomy when he reflected on his combat and cultivationexperience.

I had relied too much on the life force’s repairing abilities since Seboxia lived parasitically within mybody in the Western Region. I would never have known what I had missed if Seboxia hadn’t told me.

Seboxia looked at Jonathan with a gloomy expression. “So, you’ve already started destroying mycultivation since then.”

“Of course.” Shiva chuckled in response. “It’s easy to destroy a cultivator, but it’s much more difficult tobreak the Cor. I had to put in a lot of effort to break your Cor.”

With that said, Seboxia clasped his hands together. “Jonathan, there’s no point in saying anything else.I still need to ask you. Do you surrender?”

Jonathan rested his hands on his knees, took a deep breath, and said, “Let me tell you one last time,Seboxia. I’d rather die a thousand deaths than surrender!”

Jonathan closed his eyes after he said that and braced himself for the impending torture.

However, a few seconds later, he felt a cold sensation instead of pain.

Jonathan opened his eyes and saw the starry night sky.novelbin

Jonathan unexpectedly appeared in a river that had not yet frozen over when his spiritual sense wasunleashed.

“This…” Jonathan raised his hands, but he couldn’t tell whether he was in the divine space or realityafter a round of thorough identification.

According to Jonathan’s understanding of God Realm, the most terrifying use of this divine space wasnot endless torture.

It was a simulation of reality.

Imagine how terrifying it would be to discover one day that everything you had experienced had beenan illusion created by others.

Your life, your friends, your wife, and your children… Everything was fake, but you didn’t realize itbecause you thought you were living in reality.

What kind of despair would it be when the master of the divine space obtained the secret he desiredfrom you and then smashed everything in front of you with his own hands?

Storage ring!

When Jonathan recalled the method of judging the divine space, he hastily injected his spiritual senseinto the storage ring.

The storage ring had the ability to recognize its owner. It would never be detected by others as long asthe previous owner was not dead and the imprint of spiritual sense on it was not erased by force.

Jonathan’s imprint was still present on his storage ring.

Jonathan looked at his storage ring and realized that no one had looked into it while he was imprisonedin the divine space.

He retrieved a military satellite map from the storage ring after some thought.

He then entered Anglandur’s capital, Walund.

After a few seconds of calculation, Walund’s satellite map appeared in front of Jonathan’s eyes.

Jonathan had never been to Walund before. Even if Seboxia attempted to simulate it, it would beimpossible.

This ancient man, who was over a thousand years old, wouldn’t be able to comprehend Walund’scurrent development.

Jonathan was finally relieved when he saw the streets and buildings that had been meticulouslymarked one by one.

I have returned to reality!

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