The Legendary Man

Chapter 1018
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The Legendary Man Chapter 1018

The Legendary Man Chapter 1018-Hearing Remy’s words, everyone turned to look at Jonathan.

Recently, Jonathan attained a level of fame in Chanaea that made him the most renowned individual inthe region.

Not only did he defeat Jetroina’s warriors at Doveston and get involved in the battle between the eightrespectable families, but he also caused quite a stir in Remdik and the West Region.

If Chanaea were a vast whirlpool, Jonathan was at the epicenter of the whirlpool for the past sixmonths.

In fact, his popularity even gave the public an illusion that the entire universe was focused solely onJonathan.

That illusion deeply upset the eight respectable families, who were at the pinnacle of Chanaea’s socialhierarchy.

Previously, the eight respectable families were enmeshed in a fierce rivalry and thus did not have theopportunity to focus their energy and resources on dealing with Asura’s Office, despite the fact thatthey had a strong animosity toward it.

Most importantly, they assumed that Asura’s Office was established by a mere mortal.

Other than Jonathan, the rest of the members were merely Grandmasters at most.

No matter how influential the organization was, the eight respectable families assumed they could getrid of it easily.

Thus, they refrained from sending their men to the newly founded Asura’s Office, giving it theopportunity to flourish and gain strength.

In actuality, they had made a conscious decision to overlook the development of Asura’s Office, withthe intention of being able to swoop in and take control of it once it was up and running.

No one anticipated that Asura’s Office would grow and expand so rapidly, or that Jonathan would beable to unify all the military forces outside of Yaleview under his authoritative control. The nameJonathan soon became synonymous with dread throughout the entire nation of Chanaea.

By the time they wanted to take action, Jonathan had already convinced Karl to join him.

Utilizing the power of Doveston’s secret special missile, he found himself in confrontation with the eightrespectable families, as each attempted to intimidate the other.

At this moment, Jonathan was once again the focus of everyone’s attention, for he had recentlydeclared his decision to step away from Asura’s Office, which he had diligently worked to establish andgrow.

Prior to this, nobody had seen Jonathan’s true appearance except for Xavion. This sparked theircuriosity, as they were eager to finally uncover what he looked like.

Jonathan was a legend in Chanaea. His ability to successfully manage Asura’s Office, combined withhis rapid cultivation speed, were clear indications of what he was capable of.

Jonathan noticed their gazes and furrowed his brows. “Why do I have to tell you the reason for mebeing here?”

“F*ck you!”

A God Realm cultivator from the Leeson family rolled up his sleeves, ready to attack Jonathan for hisrude reply.

Remy, who had been standing in front of the throng of people, raised his arm to stop them from takingaction.

“You can’t hurt him,” he said sternly.

The cultivator from the Leeson family was upset at being stopped.

“Remy, he’s a cripple. How dare he act all arrogant on our territory? I will not stand for it. If you allowme to take action, I’ll teach him a lesson now!”

“Who do you think you are?” Jonathan sneered. He took one step forward and appeared before Remyin a flash.

Without any prior indication, the glowing spiritual energy shield on his right hand surged forth towardthe cultivator of the Leeson family.

“Wait!” Remy hollered as he raised his billhook to chop off Jonathan’s palm.

Sparks flew as Jonathan gripped the billhook with his right palm and delivered a punch with his lefthand.


The Leeson family’s cultivator flew backward and crashed to the ground with a heavy thud.

Jonathan took one step forward, but Remy hastened over and blocked his path.

“Jonathan!” Remy yelled, holding his billhook horizontally across his chest.

Casting him an icy look, Jonathan asked, “What is it?”

Jonathan might’ve left Asura’s Office, but he wasn’t called Asura for nothing.

He typically showed a pleasant and welcoming demeanor since he made a conscious decision to bethat way.

Moreover, in the military, it was imperative that soldiers eat, sleep, and fight alongside their comrades.

However, being a superior who held a high position, especially a God Realm cultivator who was morethan capable of easily defeating other cultivators of the same power level, he held a certain amount ofpride in himself.

The eight respectable families had decided single-handedly about how to handle the situation with him;whether they would resist him or form an alliance with him.

Jonathan had never seen the old b*stards of the eight respectable families before, but Xavion, Winston,and the like were individuals who represented their families.

Remy and the like had no right to behave in an aggressive manner toward Jonathan.

If Jonathan refrained from retaliating when the Leeson family’s cultivator publicly insulted him, he wasdemonstrating to the other seven families that he was a pushover.

If everyone joined in to insult him as well, it could quickly devolve into a chaotic situation.

Jonathan took one look at the Leeson cultivators standing behind Remy and let out an icy snort. “What,do you think that I don’t pose a threat now that I’m no longer part of Asura’s Office? Is that why youthink you can talk to me however you please? You need to be aware of one thing—the only reason youhave been hesitant to harm either me or Asura’s Office is that I have been shielding Asura’s Office fromany potential harm, not the other way around!”

His voice wasn’t loud, but each and every word seemed to boom right by everyone’s ears.

They knew he was right.novelbin

All the while, the respectable families only took into account Jonathan and the special missile whenmanaging the issues regarding Asura’s Office.

They never took the other members of Asura’s Office seriously.

It was ridiculous to assume that Jonathan had been deprived of his backing just because he was nolonger part of Asura’s Office.

Instead, without Asura’s Office, Jonathan was now free from concerns and constraints.

Remy gazed at Jonathan as Winston’s words popped up in his mind.

Jonathan is indeed a crazed man without any reservations!

Slowly, he lowered his billhook and gave Jonathan a curt and respectful nod.

“I offer my sincerest apologies for the uncouth behavior of our clan’s cultivators. It is inexcusable thatthey displayed such a lack of discipline and showed you disrespect.”


The Leeson family member who had been defeated was still unwilling to accept the outcome of thesituation, but before he could express his disagreement, Remy’s death stare silenced him.

“Mr. Goldstein’s wife has been abducted by the Osborne family, and he’s no longer part of Asura’sOffice. His Cor has been destroyed. It is not in our best interests to directly confront someone asunpredictable and volatile as him, so instead, we should endure his antics.”

Remy was addressing his comrades in a cool and calculated tone, but his eyes betrayed an intensehostility as he directed a piercing glare toward Jonathan.

He didn’t even bother to lower his voice.

Remy was clearly informing Jonathan that the Leeson family had no intention of causing any trouble,yet they would not back down if Jonathan chose to confront them.

Wielding his billhook, Remy slowly backed off.

Finally, when they had taken at least ten steps, they both sprung up into the air and began to descendthe mountain.

The two cultivators from the Welsh family gave Jonathan one last look before turning to leave.

As for the members of the Blackwood family, they inclined their heads at Jonathan as a greeting beforesetting off as well.

The relationship between the Blackwoods and Jonathan was a complicated one.

While they had been of great assistance to Jonathan during Jonathan’s trips to Remdik, it was unclearwhether they were allies or adversaries.

After all, they were merely using each other.

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