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Chapter 25

Chapter 25 – The Twins Arrival. LAURA I was taken to the hospital and hooked up to different machines. And the Dr. camein together with two nurses and checked me. Liam has not left my side since wegot here, sitting next to the bed and holding my hand. I had told him I wouldn’tmind if he wanted to wait outside the room, but he just smiled at me and told mehe wanted to be there. “We are together baby, do we do this together too. There is no way I will let youdo this alone.” He said and kissed me softly. A new rush of pain runs through me,and he takes my hand kissing my fingers. Dr. Marshall checked the machines then go and check if I am ready to push. Helooks up at me and smiles. “Okay miss Perl, you are ready. On your next contraction, you are going to push.”

And I do I push and push. It’s been an hour and I have been pushing, Liam is still sitting next to me, holdingmy hand speaking to m e, letting me squeeze the life out of his hand. “You are almost there Miss Perl, one more push.” I do as he tells me to andpushes hard. “And here we go.” Dr. Marshall tells us and a nurse comes over with a blanket. “Congratulations miss Perl you have a strong handsome baby boy.” The sound ofa baby crying fills the room. The nurse comes over with Zack wrapped in a blanket and I get for the first timeto have him in my arms. And he stops crying Dr. Marshall is right he is onehandsome little baby boy. He has dark hair like his father but that is the only thinghe got from him, the rest is all me. Even his blue eyes. The nurse comes back toput my little baby boy in a hospital cradle. “Okay miss Perl, get ready to push so we can get your little girl to join us.” And Ido I push and push, and this time it goes faster. “And here she is, a beautiful baby girl.” The sound of another baby cryingreaches us. It’s finally over the nurse and Liam help me over to a clean bed. Andthen the other nurse comes over with little Zara and puts her in my arms. 1 “Oo, the baby she looks just like you,” Liam says softly looking at my daughterwith soft eyes. And she does look like me all the way, hair, nose, ears, and mouth.But then she opens her eyes and we look at each other in shock. “Her eyes,” I whisper. Liam doesn’t answer and Dr. Marshall comes over to seewhat made us shocked.

“My goddess.” We look at him. He turns to the nurses and tells them to leave theroom. “Miss Perl this is a sensitive subject, are you okay with that the king hear this.”He asks me and I nod. “Of course, it’s okay.” *Her eyes look like the moon around her pupils,” Liam says in a low voice. “Yes, I had the feeling something would happen.” Dr. Marshall says. “What you mean Dr.** They are born doing an Eclipse, and the girl just at the rebirth of the moon wascomplete. I believe that your kids are blessed. But in what way I do not know. Iguess that the boy will be stronger than most Alphas. But I think the girl is even more special, in what way I don’t know.” Liam and I look at each other and I know that he thought the same as me. Zara isa special wolf, and we need to protect her, jeep this from the outside world for aslong as possible. After Dr. Marshall left us. Liam went to get Rosa and Mack. Rosalooked at the sleeping babies in my arms and got tears in her eyes. “They are beautiful Laura.” She bends down and gives me a gentle hug. “Thank you.” Liam and I tell them about Zara’s eyes and Dr. Marshall’s explanation. First, theyare both just as shocked as we were, but they agree that we need to make sure tokeep them safe. After a little, while Rosa and Mack left, I fed the twins and Liamput them in the hospital cradle. Liam was sitting on his chair again, gentlycaressing my fingers, seeming to be far away in thoughts.

“Laura, I promise you, I will keep you and the twins safe, they might not be mine.But you and I are together and that includes them. And I will love to be a fatherfigure to them if you will let me be.” He says softly and kisses my fingers. “Liam, you have been a part of this a long time before us, but it all just got morecomplicated. Are you sure you want this?” 1 “Yes Laura, I am.” He answers looking deep into my eyes. I reach up and caresshis face and smile.LIAM I am sitting in the chair, watching over sleeping Laura and the twins. It was a totalsurprise when mom mindlinked me, to let me know Laura had gone into labor. Dr.Marshall says he thinks they are a blessed pair, but we don’t really know for sure.Only time will tell us for sure, but little Zara’s eyes are proof enough to show thatshe at least is special. Now we only need to wait to know in what way. Laura tried to make me go home and rest, but I don’t want to leave her and thebabies, and I have gottens o used to having Laura next to me. My bed would feeltoo big and empty without her. Laura has fast become someone I don’t feel I canbe without. And there is no doubt that I have fallen in love with this incrediblewoman. And I am in this for the long run, I want her, but I also want to be more forthe twins. More than just the man that is with their mother. I am pulled out of my thoughts when little Zara says a noise. I stand up and goover to check on her, she i s just laying there with her eyes open. I don’t want towake up Laura, so I gently lift her up settling her in m y arms. “You are a beautiful little princess, just like your beautiful mom. You are anovelbin

precious little girl. And I will always be here for you, in any role you need me tohave. I will keep you safe, you, your brother, and your beautiful mom. I will alwaysprotect you.” She yarn and I smile, I settle her against my chest and before I knowit, she is sleeping. I go and sit down in the chair, still with little Zara sleeping onmy chest. Before I know it I close my eyes and relax. This is a good thing, thus usa new beginning, this is my family. With that on my mind, my breathing slowsdown and I fall asleep.

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