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Chapter 1630

Chapter 1630, A Year

The woman frowned and asked back doubtfully, “Does Junior Sister know this person too?”

When she asked, Su Yan realized that she had made a mistake.

When she was walking just now, she suddenly heard someone talking about Yang Kai and rushed over immediately.

Su Yan took a gentle breath and restrained her swirling emotions before nodding lightly, “En, | know him. Senior Sister, can youtell me when you met him and how he was? If you can, Junior Sister will be incredibly grateful.”

“The relationship between Junior Sister and him seems to be quite good,” The lead woman giggled lightly but did not dig anydeeper into the subject. “Telling you is naturally not an issue; however, this was a matter from several years ago.”

“A few years ago?” Su Yan frowned.

“Yeah, Junior Sister, you also know that the Emperor Garden opened a few years ago and that | and several others from the Sectentered to explore it, right? It was there that | met him. If it were not for his help at that time, we Senior Sisters would likely havesuffered heavy casualties at the hands of Brilliant Flame Sect’s Kong Wen Dong! He even helped us kill that Kong Wen Dong.”

“He killed Kong Wen Dong?”

“Kong Wen Dong is a Third-Order Origin Returning Realm master, being able to kill him must mean that man is very powerful,yes?”

The group of women who had gathered previously all chatted in amazement.If Yang Kai was here, he would recognize this woman leading the group.

During his expedition to the Emperor Garden, the first real fight Yang Kai had encountered was between this woman and KongWen Dong over an ancient cave mansion.

Yang Kai’s True Alchemy Enlightenment Scripture and Purple Origin Alchemy Furnace were obtained at that time.“Could you tell me more about that encounter?” Su Yan’s beautiful eyes flashed as she looked towards the woman expectantly.The woman looked back at Su Yan thoughtfully, seemingly becoming aware of something, and nodded, “Sure.”

The lead woman began telling the story of what happened to her in the Emperor Garden a few years ago, entrancing the groupof disciples from Ice Heart Valley, but Su Yan had long ago fallen into a daze.

[He’s already so strong.]

She did not know who this Kong Wen Dong was, but from the reactions of her fellow disciples, Su Yan was able to infer someinformation.

Kong Wen Dong was definitely a peak level master in the Third-Order Origin Returning Realm, and Yang Kai was already able tokill him a few years ago when he was just a First-Order Origin Returning Realm cultivator!

Several years had passed now, so what realm had Yang Kai reached? Just how powerful was he now?Her Junior Brother, her man, was already so outstanding.Alight smile filled Su Yan's face, one that seemed to brighten the entire Pure Ice Island.

“Junior Sister Su, please come with us now. Don’t make things more difficult than they need to be!” The tall woman in charge ofguarding Su Yan urged impatiently as the happy look on the latter's face somehow annoyed her.

“Yes, if we are delayed here and Great Elder finds out, we will be the ones who are punished, or is Junior Sister Su saying youare willing to take responsibility for us?” The shorter woman snapped.

The others all looked at them in surprise, then at Su Yan, not understanding what was going on.

Su Yan thanked the Senior Sister who told her about Yang Kai before quickly saying goodbye and continuing to walk towards herice mansion, walking briskly as she tried to sweep away her previous sorrows.

At the bottom of a blue river, the Sealed World Bead sat silently covered in silt for almost an entire year.

One day, however, a school of fish swam by, close enough to disturb the silt covering the Sealed World Bead, exposing it from itshiding spot.novelbin

One curious fish from this school spotted the Sealed World Bead, opened its mouth, and swallowed it down. Twisting about a bituncomfortably for a moment, the fish then casually caught up with the rest of its school.

Ten days later, these fish swam into a vast lake, and as soon as they entered this place, a huge black shadow appeared from thedepths. This black shadow opened its mouth wide, like a whale, and inhaled deeply, swallowing almost eighty percent of theschool of river fish.

Ashort time later, this black shadow belched and left contentedly.

A few days later, ten thousand kilometres away from the entrance of the lake, an iron ship was sailing along slowly. Aboard thisiron ship, a group of cultivators were pushing their Saint Qi to use Secret Technique and artifacts in combat with a huge blackshadow below the water’s surface.

Half an hour later, the shadow was killed, and the cultivators happily fished up the shadow from the lake.

This strange fish was nearly twenty metres in length and had large, bulging red eyes. Its mouth was filled with jagged fangs,giving it a truly terrifying appearance. Most notable however was its tail, which was ball-shaped and filled with spikes.

Many of the cultivators aboard the ship were injured while fighting this strange fish, but at this moment, they all had joyful looksupon their faces as they examined their spoils.

“Uncle Wang, this Flowing Star Fish is enormous! From the struggle it put up just now, it’s likely a peak Eight-Order MonsterBeast,” A young man at the First-Order Saint King Realm stood next to the strange fish and kicked its belly lightly with his foot,smiling as he called out to an old man in green robes nearby.

The old man smiled and stroked his beard as he nodded, “En. This is a Flowing Star Fish that has grown to its limit, a genuinepeak Eighth-Order Monster Beast.”

“Hahaha, we’ve struck it rich this time. The Flowing Star Fish’s Monster Core is extremely rare and worth at least 200,000 SaintCrystals, much more than the Monster Core of other Monster Beasts of this level,” The young man laughed.

“Yes, with this Flowing Star Fish, our trip this time has already been worthwhile! Selling the Monster Core will provide our WangFamily’s cultivators six months worth of cultivation resources.”

“Uncle Wang, should | process it, or do you want to do it yourself?” The young man looked at the old man.

“You do it, of course! This old master is too old to do such bloody work!” The old man said, drawing a laugh from everyone on theboat.

The young man did not complain and immediately took out a small silver dagger before pouring his Saint Qi into it to form a longblade which he stabbed into the fish’s body. A moment later, the young man extracted a fist-sized Monster Core from the fish’shead.

The young man then respectfully handed the Monster Core to the old man. The old man took a closer look and nodded, “En, thisis an excellent Monster Core, one that contains an extremely rich Water Attribute energy. If this is used by a cultivator whocultivates a Water Attribute Secret Art, they will be able to rapidly improve their strength. Alright, this old master will look after thisMonster Core for the time being and hand it over to the Patriarch when we return. Everyone here will be rewarded well for thismerit!”

Hearing this, the cultivators who participated in the battle just now cheered in excitement.

“This Flowing Star Fish is quite rare, and its flesh is also a delicacy that cannot be wasted. Call someone over to process it,”After the old man gave the order, he turned around and entered his cabin.

The young man standing next to the fish then called over a few of the younger disciples to handle it.

This young man was naturally unwilling to handle such menial work and assigned the disciples with the lowest cultivationonboard to handle it. Generally, these low-level disciples wouldn't participate in the battle and were only responsible for doingchores to earn some Saint Crystals for their cultivation.

Although the Flowing Star Fish was quite big, it was not too much trouble to handle.

Ashort time later, everything was processed, and the fish meat was specially preserved to not lose its freshness while its organswhich were of no use were thrown overboard.

Somewhere at the bottom of the boat, in a rather crude room, a young girl about sixteen or seventeen years old closed her doortightly and sat on her bed. Looking left and right, with a guilty expression her face, she carefully reached into her pocket andpulled out an unremarkable-looking bead.

This bead was only about the size of a longan and did not seem to be anything special.But this did not stop the young girl’s heart from pounding.

“Is this a Monster Core?” The girl muttered to herself, her face flushing with excitement as she bit her thin lip and looked at thebead in her hand anxiously.

Just now, she was one of the lower base disciples who had processed the fish and at the time she had accidentally found thisbead in its belly, after which she quickly hid it from the others.

She thought it might be the Flowing Star Fish’s Monster Core!Now, thinking about what she had just done, however, she couldn’t help feeling fearful.

Since she came out with her family’s iron ship, everything she obtained should technically belong to the family. She did not knowwhat came over her at the time to actually try to pocket this bead for herself.

It was obviously impossible for her to turn it in now; if she tried to, she would likely be punished by the Family Law for theft.

“This isn’t a Monster Core,” The girl was not able to calm herself, so she instead tried to convince herself that she hadn’t doneanything wrong to ease her guilt.

The Monster Core had been takenaway by her Uncle Wang, and shehad never heard Ie) Morstet 'Beast that Porred two MonsterCores. Moreover, this bead had noenergy fluctuations, so Obviously itcould not be a Monster Core. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

But since it wasn’t a Monster Core, what was it? Why was it in the belly of that fish?

The girl tilted her head to the side and kept staring at the bead in her hand in confusion.Suddenly, the bead flashed and mysteriously disappeared from her hand.

At the same time, strangely, a person appeared in front of her.

The girl turned pale when she witnessed this and quickly lifted her head to examine this stranger.

Standing in front of her was a young man who seemed to be around twenty-five or sixty years old. His expression was alsoslightly confused, seemingly puzzled by his current situation.

Four eyes suddenly met, and the girl's beautiful eyes flashed with terror as she opened her small mouth to try to shout.Yang Kai moved faster though and quickly managed to cover her mouth.

The girl struggled, punching and kicking Yang Kai as her face filled with panic, obviously thinking Yang Kai was some kind ofheinous criminal.

“Don’t shout and don’t move!” Yang Kai frowned as shouted in a low tone.

He still does not quite understandwhat had happened, but he quicklydiscerned that after coming out hehad appeared ee) skiip@hat!waseaityiny Several cultivators.Although the strongest cultivatoraboard was only at the First-OrderOrigin Returning Realm, nothing heneeded to worry about, Yang Kai didnot want to stir up troubleunnecessarily. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

As such, he would first need to deal with this girl, albeit, a bit roughly.The girl remained undeterred however and continued struggling.

Yang Kai saw that any attempt atgentle persuasion here would beineffective and instead wore ayvigiousgrin aire awvepettid eyes overthe Girl's figure and whisperedmaliciously, “If you don’t cooperateobediently, this King will have his waywith you first then feed everyone elseon this ship to the fishes!” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

The young girl’s tender body shivered as a pleading look appeared in her beautiful eyes. She kept shaking her head as tearsflowed out, obviously uneasy.

But despite being terribly frightened, she really calmed down and stopped struggling.

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