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Chapter 1457

Chapter 1457, Fate Is Truly UnpredictableTranslator: Silavin & PewPewLaserGunEditor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain & Dhael Ligerkeys

There was no injustice or hatred between them, and Yang Kai wasn’t a cold-blooded person who felt the urge to kill innocentsindiscriminately, so he didn’t plan on attacking this woman anymore; however, even if he didn’t kill her, in her current condition,she likely wouldn’t survive long.

In truth though, Clear Sky Sect's trio falling into such a dangerous situation was this womans fault. If not for this woman trying touse them to deal with her four pursuers, the Clear Sky Sect group wouldn't have found themselves in mortal danger just now.

Considering all this, Yang Kai squatted down until his face was almost at the same height as this woman’s before reaching outand moved the black hair covering her face to the side.

When this woman’s face appeared before his eyes, Yang Kai's face filled with a dumbfounded expression before it quicklychanged to one of shock and disbelief as he muttered out loud, “How can this be?”

It was as if he had suddenly seen something impossible.“What’s wrong? Does Sect Master Yang know this woman?” Gu Zhen was a worldly master and immediately had a guess.

Yang Kai didn’t answer immediately as his expression fluctuated erratically and he continuously swept his eyes over thiswoman’s face. The more he looked, the more shocked he became though, because this woman’s appearance was nearlyidentical to another young woman in his memories, and despite not having seen this woman from his past for two or threedecades, Yang Kai’s impression of her was still quite vivid.

However... was she really the same woman from his memories?

If she wasn't, this would be too much of a coincidence. The world was indeed vast, but even if there were people with similarappearances, it was impossible for there to be two different people who had the exact face. But if it really was her, how could shehave appeared here?

For a time, Yang Kai’s thoughts flashed as many different scenes from his past appeared in his head.

What most kept Yang Kai from confirming this woman’s identity was that she was all alone. If she was who he thought she was,where was the other young woman who was always together with her? Her singular presence made no sense.

“Sect Master Gu, | need to help her heal, I'll have to trouble Sect Master Gu to stand guard for me!” Yang Kai didn’t have time tothink; although this woman’s eyes were closed and she was clearly in a comatose state, from how her brow furrowed andtwitched, it was clear she was still experiencing deep pain. Her vitality was also rapidly passing, so if Yang Kai didn’t act fast tosave her, she would likely soon pass away.

Whether she was who he thought she was, Yang Kai could only first wake her up then ask carefully.“Sect Master Yang may rest assured; this old master swears on his life that no one will disturb you!” Gu Zhen declared solemnly.

“Many thanks!” Yang Kai didn’t say anything more, instead propping up this injured woman against the wall carefully beforesitting down cross-legged in front of her. Reaching out, Yang Kai grabbed this woman’s wrist and began gently pouring his SaintQi and Divine Sense into her body to investigate her condition carefully.

As he investigated, Yang Kai’s expression gradually became ugly.

This woman’s injuries were much worse than he had originally thought. Her five viscera and six organs had all suffered a heavyimpact and there was some kind of rampaging energy inside her meridians, probably the effects of some kind of powerful attackshe had been struck with.

This kind of injury was nothing less than severe, and if it had been any other cultivator here, they would have been absolutelyhelpless to help her, likely only able to use their own Saint Qi to try to maintain her life.

Even for Yang Kai, this was a difficult problem. Whether or not he could save her, even he didn’t know, but he could only makean attempt now regardless of his chances.

Thinking so, Yang Kai touched his Space Ring and took out a jade bottle, opened it without hesitation, and poured out a pinkcoloured pill.

This pill instantly released a fragrant and refreshing scent and was clearly not low in grade.

Although Gu Zhen was standing a short distance away, fulfilling his role as a protector, he was also paying attention to YangKai’s movements, so the moment this pill appeared, he couldn’t help showing a look of shock because according to hisjudgement, it was actually an Origin King Grade Low-Rank healing pill!

Origin King Grade pills could not be found on Shadowed Star at all, and even taking the entire Star Field into consideration theywere rare treasures; after all, only Origin King Grade Alchemists could refine such pills.

If it was just this though, Gu Zhen wouldn’t be too shocked; the key was that this pink pill had actually formed Pill Veins!

Gu Zhen’s eyes bulged so much they nearly popped out of his skull and he immediately realized that the relationship betweenYang Kai and this woman was probably not simple. If this wasn’t the case, how could Yang Kai not hesitate to take out such avaluable pill to help her heal?

There were likely not many pills like this in the entire Star Field, and if it were brought back to Shadowed Star, countless masterswould likely go all out to obtain it.

What kind of identity did this woman have that would actually make Yang Kai go so far to save her life? Gu Zhen suddenlybecame curious.

This Origin King Grade pill was naturally something Yang Kai obtained in the hidden mountain valley before, but he hadn’texpected that it would come in handy so quickly. With his current Alchemy technique, Yang Kai wouldn't be able to refine such apill.

When distributing the pills with the young woman from Ice Heart Valley back in the hidden cave mansion, Yang Kai haddeliberately divided the pills by their various purposes, including healing pills.

Origin King Grade pills had extremely powerful medicinal efficacies, but given this woman’s current condition, Yang Kai couldn'tbe sure whether taking it would be a blessing or a curse. If she was unable to withstand its potency, it would likely kill her beforeher injuries.

Considering this, Yang Kai took a deep breath and forced out a drop of pure Golden Blood from his finger before quickly pinchingthis woman's cheeks and dropping it into her mouth.

This drop of pure Golden Blood would greatly supplement her vitality, so there wouldn’t be a need to worry about the damage thepill’s efficacies might cause.

All that was left was to help her refine the pill itself.

Yang Kai didn’t shy away, simply reaching out and holding her two jade white hands and pouring his pure, rich Saint Qi into herbody in order to promote the circulation of her own Saint Qi.

As time passed, both Mo Yu and Chen Shi Tao also finished restoring themselves and after asking Gu Zhen what washappening, they learned about the situation happening in front of them and also stood by quietly.

On the other side, with Yang Kai continuously assisting her to refine the medicinal efficacies of the Origin King Grade healing pill,the complexion of the woman who had been severely injured was obviously getting better and the damage to her five visceraand six organs was gradually being repaired while the rampaging foreign energy in her meridians was being driven out.

After two full hours, the woman suddenly coughed and spat out a mouthful of black blood straight towards Yang Kai.Yang Kai reacted quick enough though to flick this mass of black blood aside.Only now was he able to relax.

Through his efforts, he had managed to bring this woman back from the gates of death, but if she wanted to fully recover, itwould definitely require her a long time, and the combat power she could display right now would probably be less than half ofher peak. Inside the Emperor Garden, this kind of condition was undoubtedly very dangerous as once something happened, shewould have no way to fight back.

After expelling the mass of black blood, the woman’s eyelashes fluttered as she seemed to wake up.Yang Kai was overjoyed.

Amoment later, the other party opened her beautiful eyes, but it seemed she was still in a daze as her gaze was somewhatblank. After seeing the man sitting cross-legged in front of her though, she wore a stunned look and stared while Yang Kairemained silent.

Yang Kai did not dare to voice his thoughts, for fear that the answers he received would not be the ones he wanted to hear.

It took a long time and great effort, but eventually, the woman lifted her hand and stretched it out, seemingly wanting to touchYang Kai’s cheek. There was a flash of excitement in Yang Kai’s eyes seeing this so he didn’t try to avoid her.

“They really know each other!” Chen Shi Tao saw this and couldn't help calling out, “And it seems that their relationship isn’tshallow.”

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land was undoubtedly a joyful matter, so Chen Shi Tao was also quite happy for Yang Kai andfelt deeply moved by this touching long-awaited reunion.

The next moment, however, an unexpected scene occurred.

When the woman’s delicate hand was only a palm length away from Yang Kai’s cheek, she suddenly pushed it forward swiftly, asif she wanted to slap him, but lacking in strength and energy, her actions came off far more ambiguous, as if she was trying to flirtwith him.

“Bastard, why is the first person this young lady sees after dying actually you? Mistress truly pined for you for all these years fornothing! Why did you die? Weren't good people not supposed to live long while scourges last for a thousand years?”

Scolding like this, tears began flowing out from her beautiful eyes, dripping down her face, making her look extremely sad andpitiful.

“Bi Luo?” Yang Kai’s face twitched as he forced this name out from his throat.

At this moment, he could finally confirm the identity of the woman in front of him. There was no need to guess, she was the onehe knew, otherwise it would have been impossible for her to recognize him at a glance.

Beguiling Demon Queen Shan Qing Luo’s personal maidservant, Bi Luo!

The last time he had seen either of these two was back in the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land nearly thirty years ago, but Yang Kainever expected that he would meet Bi Luo here.novelbin

Fate is truly unpredictable!

He longed for reunion with Su Yan in the Emperor Garden, but he encountered Xue Yue instead, then met Bi Luo who he thoughthe would never see again.

It wasn't like he could think any otherway though; after all, all these yearshe had been unabl ocrgurgite with SuYan puncte ad some cluesabout her location and knew that shewas alive, but he had no idea whereBeguiling Demon Queen Shan QingLuo and Bi Luo had gone. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

When he left the Great Han Dynasty and travelled to Tong Xuan Realm, he said goodbye to Shan Qing Luo and Bi Luo.

Nearly ten years later, when hereturned to the Central Capital fromTong Xuan Realm, he had once goneto visit the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Landto find Shan Qing eo bycheh!spe fad fone digap éared. Aftersome inquiries, he learned from theLightning Flash Shadow King thatShan Qing Luo and Bi Luo had lastbeen seen heading to the SpiderMother's Den. After Yang Kai arrivedat Spider Mother's Den, he only foundan ancient altar with somebloodstains on it; as for Shan QingLuo and Bi Luo, there was no way totell if they were even alive or dead.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Since then, Yang Kai had been convinced he would never be able to see Shan Qing Luo or Bi Luo again.Who could have imagined such a dramatic reunion would take place in the Emperor Garden though?For a time, Yang Kai couldn’t help wondering if he was dreaming.

When Yang Kai fell into a daze, Bi Luo seemed to come out of hers and realized she wasn’t dead. For a moment she feltembarrassed, but she mostly felt joyful.

She too had not expected to meet Yang Kai again here.

Although this bastard had bullied herall those years ago, and even causedher Mistress to feel incredibly sathand lonely for se.loiyg Gwas Oubdeniddi that being able to reuniteat this time in this place made Bi Luohappy. Her pair of beautiful eyesglowed with radiant splendour andeven her vitality seemed to besomewhat restored. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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