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Chapter 1431

Chapter 1431, Making Use Of Local ResourcesTranslator: Silavin & PewPewLaserGunEditor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain & Dhael Ligerkeys

Worried about this very possibility, Mo Yu immediately added, “Of course, if you Sect Master Yang feels this is inappropriate thenjust pretend this old master had not asked.”

“Inappropriate?” Yang Kai shook his head slowly while saying casually, “Since Senior Mo is the Honoured Master of Sister Chenand Sister Lu Ying, this Junior certainly won’t refuse. Not to mention departing for the Emperor Garden from here, if Senior Molikes, you are free to wait here in my High Heaven Sect until the day arrives.”

As soon as this statement came out, Chen Shi Tao and Lu Ying, who had been standing behind Mo Yu, both had a brilliant lightflash across their beautiful eyes as they cast grateful looks towards Yang Kai.

Mo Yu also wore a look of joy on his face, not previously expecting Yang Kai to agree so easily. He had still been consideringwhether he should have Chen Shi Tao and Lu Ying ask personally if Yang Kai refused, but it seems there was no need to do soat all now.

Mo Yu deeply admired Yang Kai’s forthrightness; after all, this kind of matter was not something to be casually decided upon.Clearly, the other party so readily agreeing was completely because of Chen Shi Tao and Lu Ying’s face.

Although these two disciples of his did not have the best of aptitudes, their luck was quite good and they had made a very goodfriend. Mo Yu immediately felt relieved and offered his sincere thanks. As for Yang Kai inviting him to remain here in High HeavenSect, Mo Yu naturally had not taken him seriously as it was obvious that this was simply Yang Kai being polite.

High Heaven Sect had only just been founded, and certainly had many matters to attend to, having Yang Kai agree to let ClearSky Sect use it as a staging ground on the day the Emperor Garden opened was already more than Mo Yu could have expected,so how could he be brazen enough to remain and take advantage of the latter’s hospitality as well?

“En, Elder Qian and Shadow Moon Hall's contingent are also welcome to set out for the Emperor Garden from my High HeavenSect!” Yang Kai turned his head to Qian Tong and spoke.

“If that’s the case, this old master will offer his thanks in advance,” Qian Tong grinned meaningfully, not bothering to be polite.Yang Kai had already agreed to allow Clear Sky Sect to enter the Emperor Garden from here, so he definitely would not refuseShadow Moon Hall doing the same; Qian Tong understood this well.

“Sister Dai Yuan, if you’re interested, you can also set out from here,” Yang Kai looked over at Dai Yuan and said, addingafterwards, “But the others from Coloured Glass Sect may not.”

Although Yang Kai was good to his friends, that did not mean he was charitable to others. Allowing these people to enter theEmperor Garden from High Heaven Sect was all because he had personal friendships with them, but that did not mean he wouldextend the same courtesy to Coloured Glass Sect. He had no friendship with anyone else in Coloured Glass Sect, and even hada grudge with Yin Su Die.

Dai Yuan’s face became gloomy as she smiled bitterly, “Dai Yuan thanks Junior Brother Yang for his kindness, but... | probablywon't have an opportunity to enter the Emperor Garden.”

Yang Kai frowned but soon understood why she said this. In Coloured Glass Sect, Dai Yuan was not thought of very highly. Ifthere really was a disciple from the younger generation eligible to enter the Emperor Garden, it would be Yin Su Die, not her;after all, the quotas for entering were simply too precious.

Qian Tong, however, grinned meaningfully and said, “Dai Yuan, there’s no need to belittle yourself so. If it was before, I'd agreethat you really don’t have a chance to enter the Emperor Garden, but now... heh heh, although this old master doesn’t daremake a guarantee, there’s probably at least a seventy percent chance you will be able to, as long as that old fogey Gong XingHe hasn’t gone senile yet.”

Dai Yuan’s brow furrowed slightly as she turned to look at Qian Tong in surprise, seemingly not understanding why he wouldmake such an assertion.

However, she was not a fool and quickly understood after some thought!

Indeed, if it were before, she would not have a chance to enter the Emperor Garden, but now, the only one who had any kind ofrelationship with Yang Kai in Coloured Glass Sect was her. They could even be considered close friends. If Coloured Glass Sectreally wanted to be on good terms with Yang Kai, they would not mistreat Dai Yuan.

And did Coloured Glass Sect want to be on good terms with Yang Kai? Absolutely.

Without even mentioning that High Heaven Sect was the best place to enter the Emperor Garden from, the Origin King GradeStarship in Yang Kai’s possession was not something Coloured Glass Sect’s Sect Master Gong Xing He could ignore. He wasalso a master at the peak of the Third-Order Origin Returning Realm and wanted to break through to the Origin King Realm!

To break through to the Origin King Realm, one needed to leave Shadowed Star to escape the shackles of the World Principleshere.

The only way to do this, however, was by travelling aboard Yang Kai’s Origin King Grade Starship.

As such, Gong Xing He definitely wanted to be on good terms with Yang Kai and High Heaven Sect, which would lead to DaiYuan having an opportunity to obtain an Emperor Jade in turn.

Considering all this, Dai Yuan could not help feeling excited as she cast her beautiful eyes towards Yang Kai with gratitude.

Although this matter was far from certain, she now had a chance to enter the Emperor Garden at least, and it was all because ofYang Kai.

When a person’s ability and resources reach a certain level, they can affect the destiny of others, both subtly and overtly! Beforenow, Dai Yuan had not really given such sentiments much thought, but now she was able to experience it personally, astonishingher somewhat.

With Dai Yuan immediately understanding the crux of this matter, Yang Kai naturally wasn’t ignorant of it either, grinning as hesaid, “Sister Dai Yuan, after returning to your Sect, please mention to Senior Gong that if Coloured Glass Sect’s delegation islead by you, this Sect Master would have no reason to not allow them to depart for the Emperor Garden from High HeavenSect!”

As soon as this remark came out, Dai Yuan’s tender body shivered as she bit her thin lip, not knowing what to say, only able towear a look of gratitude on her face that everyone was able to understand.

Yang Kai’s words just now were tantamount to forcing Coloured Glass Sect to give her an entry quota!

Although his remarks may have sounded somewhat overbearing, Coloured Glass Sect would obviously make a smart choice;after all, Dai Yuan was a disciple of Coloured Glass Sect, so if she obtained some benefits from the Emperor Garden, it wouldalso increase Coloured Glass Sect’s strength.novelbin

Taking a deep breath, Dai Yuan slowly got up and elegantly bowed to Yang Kai. Although she did not speak any words, thisgesture was enough to express her attitude.

Qian Tong and the others present all observed this with thought-provoking smiles.

In truth, the few old men present did not quite understand why a young man like Yang Kai cared so much about a woman like DaiYuan; after all, she was unattractive!

Unattractive was putting it politely, ugly was really the only way Dai Yuan’s face could be described!

However, as a result, their evaluations of Yang Kai rose further, thinking this boy was not someone who judged others byappearance, placing more importance on sentiment and friendship.

After Dai Yuan excitedly took her seat again, Yang Kai suddenly had a thought and grinned as he asked, “Several Seniors, if youcan, I’d like you to help this Junior with a little something.”

“Oh?” Qian Tong looked at Yang Kai with a surprised look, “Boy, your means and methods are now extraordinarily high. What doyou need our help for? Well, whatever it is, feel free to mention it, it’s a chance for we old masters to do you a favour.”

Fei Zhi Tu and Mo Yu also nodded, turning to Yang Kai curiously.Yang Kai smiled treacherously and whispered a few words to them.

After Qian Tong and the others heard what he said, they all exchanged a somewhat blank glance before grinning themselves,Qian Tong putting on a forced smile, “Boy, you're seriously quite crafty. If this kind of news gets out, you'll likely be able toachieve your objective in short order!”

“Exactly. High Heaven Sect now occupies this incredible geographical advantage, so not using it to your advantage to do somebusiness would be a shame!” Fei Zhi Tu grinned fiercely.

“I'm simply making use of local resources, drinking fresh water from the local stream. Several Seniors don’t need to taunt thisJunior,” Yang Kai quickly waved his hand.

“Rest assured, after this old master leaves here, he will definitely spread the word for you, and... even if we don’t say anything,those people outside will probably come here on their own to ask. In fact, I’m sure they’re impatiently trying to figure out a way todo just that right now,” Mo Yu chuckled.

Yang Kai’s eyes flashed as he could not help somewhat looking forward to the future.

This was understandable though. Just now, he had asked Qian Tong and the others here to spread word that High Heaven Sectintended to sell several spots to outside Sects to depart from inside the Flowing Flame Sand Field on the day the EmperorGarden opened.

However, there would only be three such spots, and as for the price, Yang Kai did not mention one, simply implying thatwhichever great force bids the highest would win the best starting position.

The best spot and the worst spot would mean a difference of three to four hours extra distance from the Emperor Garden.

If anyone was willing to offer up an Emperor Jade, their Sect would even be allowed to set off directly from High Heaven Sect’sFront Court.

Yang Kai currently only had twoEmperor Jades, but High HeavenSect required at least three. He andYang Yan needed to enter theEmperor Garden, and (8 xcyGn'woutd daltainty need to accompanythem as well; after all, she was oneof, if not the, strongest master onShadowed Star, having her by theirside would increase their safetymargin greatly. Lacking this lastEmperor Jade, Yang Kai had beensomewhat worried, but now therewas a good chance for him to solvethis problem. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Departing from High Heaven Sect’s Front Court to enter the Emperor Garden had an incredible appeal, one strong enough thattrading an Emperor Jade might be worth it.

Qian Tong and the others praised his proposal, but also warned Yang Kai to remain cautious and not let the people he sold thesespots to take advantage of him.

Yang Kai naturally nodded. Since he had decided to do this, he would certainly not make any careless mistakes, planning onhaving Yang Yan arrange several powerful Spirit Arrays at the designated departure spots so as not to let outsiders wanderabout freely in his territory.

If anyone dared to leave the designated spots, he would show them no mercy!As such, this danger was not difficult to avoid.

Afterwards, Yang Kai politely asked Qian Tong and the others for their insights about breaking through to the Origin ReturningRealm, a request to which everyone freely offered their own experiences and comprehensions, allowing Yang Kai to benefitgreatly.

In particular, the opinions of Wei GuChang and Dong Xuan’er wereextremely helpful to Yang Kai; afterall, these two had only Broken) a8)throwgtteceity, so many of theirexperiences and insights were stillquite fresh in their mind. Althoughtheir overall comprehension of thismatter fell behind Qian Tong andother masters’, they won out in termsof familiarity and understandability.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Dai Yuan also listened very seriously!

Like Yang Kai, she was a peakThird-Order Saint King and wouldenter retreat to break through ja tieOrigin Retusping Reaitratterétubhing to Coloured Glass Sect. Shealso had the Origin Condensing Pillthat Yang Kai had given her a whileback, so she was completelyconfident in succeeding. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

After half a day, Yang Kai got up and saw his guests off from the reception hall. Outside, Wu Yi personally escorted them out ofthe Flowing Flame Sand Field via the Flying Shark Battle Shuttle.

Sitting in the reception hall, Yang Kai sank into contemplation for a moment before taking out his communication artifact andpouring his Divine Sense into it.

Amoment later, Yang Yan arrived.

Yang Kai told her about his idea of selling departure spots, causing Yang Yan to nod in praise and immediately set off to startmaking preparations. After all, this news would draw the attention of countless forces and would no doubt set off intensecompetition.

Silavin: Dang. This was really an unexpected plan. Quite creative.

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