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Chapter 1428

Chapter 1428, Unreasonable“This is also your High Heaven Sect’s territory?” Some people raised their brows.

“Yes, starting from this flame barrier and extending out a hundred kilometres is my High Heaven Sect’s territory!” Yang Kaireplied solemnly, “No outsiders are allowed to set foot in this region. Otherwise, they will be regarded as invaders provoking myHigh Heaven Sect!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone frowned.

Myriad Beast Mountain’s Old Woman Feng stamped her dragon head cane hard on the ground and coldly snorted, “Boy, aren’tyou looking down too much on this world’s people? Actually daring to bluster so wantonly!”

“You believe I’m just blustering?” Yang Kai tilted his head towards her and chuckled, “Then dare | ask Senior Feng, how manykilometres outside Myriad Beast Mountain’s headquarters do you forbid outsiders from entering? One hundred kilometres? Athousand kilometres? More?”

Old Woman Feng’s face immediately went black as she choked on her words.

“What about Heaven Battling Union?” Yang Kai turned to look at Mo Xiao Sheng again, the latter wearing a gloomy expressionas he remained silent.

“Thunder Typhoon Sect?” Yang Kai looked at Cheng Peng Xuan, who just coldly snorted and looked away.

Yang Kai smiled heartily and waved his hand, “Several Seniors are all prominent figures so do not try to quibble with this Junior.Not to mention the first-class Sects several seniors hail from, which second or even third-class forces allow outsiders toapproach their headquarters at will. As far as this Junior knows, the region a thousand kilometres outside any first-class Sect isconsidered a restricted area that no outsiders may set foot into, yes? Many of you even claim more than this! This Yang is notasking for much, just a hundred kilometres, or could it be that several Seniors believe that since this Yang is young and HighHeaven Sect has just been established, we can be bullied as you wish? Do you not place my High Heaven Sect in your eyes atall?”

As he spoke, Yang Kai’s voice gradually became colder, and his expression chilled to match.

“Sect Master Yang, may | say a few words?” A charming voice suddenly called out, one that was crisp and sweet and instantlyattracted everyone’s attention.

Yang Kai turned his head and saw a beautiful young woman standing next to Old Woman Feng, looking at him with a smile.novelbin

Yang Kai did not know who this girl was, but since she was standing beside Old Woman Feng, she was clearly a disciple ofMyriad Beast Mountain.

“What advice does young miss have?” Yang Kai looked at her lightly.

The girl stepped forward and bowed elegantly, seeming knowing how to observe proper etiquette, and with her graceful looksand sweet smile, it was difficult for others to have a poor impression of her.

Pursing her red lips lightly, she sweetly spoke, “I believe this is our first meeting, Sect Master Yang. This little sister is MyriadBeast Mountain disciple Feng Yan.”

“Feng Yan,” Yang Kai raised his brow as he glanced thoughtfully towards Old Woman Feng. These two shared the samesurname and the cultivation of this Feng Yan was not very high, Third-Order Saint King Realm the same as him; however, shewas standing in an almost equal position to this old woman, so she was likely one of Old Woman Feng’s descendants. Moreover,she must be quite talented, otherwise, she wouldn’t have dared to speak rashly on such an occasion without fear of beingpunished.

“Little sister doesn’t dare claim to advise Sect Master Yang, | simply wished to remind Sect Master Yang that this Flowing FlameSand Field was originally one of Shadowed Star’s Three Great Forbidden Zones, a place with no owner. In fact, it could be saidthat this place is the common property of all Shadowed Star’s cultivators. Every time the Flowing Flame Sand Field opens, manypeople will come here to seek benefits and opportunities inside. Sect Master Yang now declaring that place is his territory, andeven forbidding others from approaching to within a hundred kilometres of its border... doesn’t that seem somewhat improper?”Feng Yan spoke clearly and concisely, immediately illuminating the crux of the problem, causing many of the gathered masters’eyes to light up and nod in agreement. The entire crowd’s attention quickly became focused on her, with everyone's face filledwith great anticipation, and Feng Yan did not disappoint them. At first glance, it was clear she had experienced many big scenesand continued with a light laugh, “If one really wishes to discuss semantics, every great force on Shadowed Star has partialownership of this Flowing Flame Sand Field, so Sect Master Yang's current behaviour is equivalent to snatching that whichbelongs to everyone. If My Myriad Beast Mountain were to snatch Sect Master Yang’s property, Sect Master Yang would likely bedispleased, no? For the same reason, before declaring that your noble Sect has now occupied and controls the Flowing FlameSand Field, should you not ask the Seniors gathered here for their opinions?”

“Indeed!” Mo Xiao Sheng immediately beat the snake with a stick, nodding nearby and declaring, “Flowing Flame Sand Field isone of the Shadowed Star’s Three Great Forbidden Zones, but the wealth inside it is shared by all of my Shadowed Star’scultivators. No one alone should be allowed to possess it!”

“Shared wealth?” Yang Kai sneered, curling his lips into a grin, “That may have been how things were in the past, but now theFlowing Flame Sand Field is my High Heaven Sect’s territory! If you are not convinced, you are welcome to try to seize it fromme! If any one of you is capable of wresting control of the Flowing Flame Sand Field from my hands, this Yang will hand it overwithout any complaint!”

“Sect Master Yang...” Feng Yan frowned, her face showing a look of displeasure as she argued lightly, “Is there any need tospeak so aggressively? If you really insist on doing this, you will surely be provoking public anger. Does Sect Master Yang notunderstand what the consequences of doing so will be?”

Yang Kai sneered, “Before, my Dragon Cave Mountain never provoked public anger, yet it was still besieged by so many people.If not for this Yang’s luck being good, perhaps | would have been buried on that hill, so what does provoking or not provokingpublic anger matter? Girl, don’t try to play word games with me or to threaten me, you’re not qualified to speak to this SectMaster. Let your Elder come out to speak.”

“You...” Feng Yan bit her red lips lightly as she glared at him with resentment, “Aren’t you being unreasonable?”

“Haha, unreasonable? Don’t you understand that, in this world, whoever has the bigger fist is the one who is reasonable?” YangKai looked at her with utter ridicule, causing Feng Yan to shiver in anger, her face blushing with embarrassment but not daring toargue back aggressively.

Not interested in giving others an opportunity to make trouble anymore, Yang Kai coldly snorted and swept his eyes over thecrowd before shouting loudly, “This Yang has said everything he needs to. If any of you insist on being besotted, this Sect Masterdoes not mind paying a visit to your respective headquarters in the future to return the courtesy. If you fail to heed this Yang’sadvice and continue to willingly trespass upon my High Heaven Sect’s territory, then this Yang will no longer be polite! If yourSect suffers any losses as a result, then don’t blame this Yang for not having warned you beforehand.”

This blatant warning, made without any consideration for others’ faces, caused everyone's expression to become ugly.

Yang Kai looked around and was very satisfied with the reactions of these people. As long as they feared him, they wouldn’t doanything to displease him in the future; after all, Dragon Cave Mountain had displayed astonishing combat strength in theprevious battle, especially when their Origin King Grade Starship was counted. No Sect Master would dare disregard the powerof this Starship’s Crystal Cannons as they could likely devastate any Sect Defending Array on Shadowed Star.

Suddenly, Yang Kai’s gaze landed on a certain spot in the crowd and he smiled happily, calling out loudly, “Sister Dai Yuan!”

Among this crowd, there was a group of disciples from Coloured Glass Sect present, led by Gong Ao Fu, Dai Yuan, and Yin SuDie.

Yang Kai had not seen them until now.

Hearing Yang Kai call out to her, Dai Yuan showed a smile on her face and gently nodded to him.

“Sister Dai Yuan should also come inside, it will allow us to communicate more easily in the future,” Yang Kai warmly invited.

In an instant, everyone's attention was redirected towards Dai Yuan, their faces showing looks of surprise and shock as they did.

If Dai Yuan was a great beauty, then Yang Kai extending her an invitation could be explained; after all, which young man did nothave a weakness for beauties?

But not only could Dai Yuan not be considered beautiful; she was extremely ugly. Her face was pockmarked and scarred, filledwith green and yellow pustules that made her look both ill and malnourished. Even if her figure was quite enchanting, it couldn’tconceal the utter travesty that was her face.

If such a woman were to go out for a walk, most people would actively try to avoid her.

Yet Yang Kai, who had just ridiculed and embarrassed Feng Yan without hesitation, actually took the initiative to invite this DanYuan to visit his High Heaven Sect and even said it would make it more convenient for them to communicate in the future.

What was happening here?

Did this boy have some kind of ‘special’ interests, disliking beauties and preferring ugly women? As this thought crossed manypeople’s minds, they could not help shaking their heads, feeling this was unlikely.

I...” Suddenly being scrutinized by so many people, Dai Yuan’s expression cramped up slightly; after all, there were too manymasters here, making her uncertain of how she should answer for a while.

Gong Ao Fu, on the other hand, had asplendid light flash across herbeautiful eyes as she lightly movedher lips and communic ted. witty BaiYuan, “ ane, airlods invited youpérgdnally, you should accept. Go inand see what this High Heaven Sectof his looks like. En, if possible, askhim if he will allow the people from ofmy Coloured Glass Sect to enter theEmperor Garden from inside theFlowing Flame Sand Field when itopens as well.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Dai Yuan’s brow furrowed. Although she subconsciously wanted to reject, she could not disobey her Honoured Master’s ordersso blatantly, so she could only acquiesce, “Since Junior Brother Yang has been kind enough to invite me, this Dai Yuan will notstand on ceremony.”

“Very good,” Yang Kai smiled slightly.

“Yang Kai!” Yin Su Die suddenly calledout, her pair of beautiful eyes glowingsubtly, releasing a seductive andenrapturing charm. ake omouulaicec aprofolnty guilingTéehhique and now that she hadbroken through to the OriginReturning Realm, this technique,combined with her natural beauty,while unable to confuse the old OriginRealm masters present, no SaintKing Realm male could resist staringat her. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Little sister would also like to accompany you inside to have a look. May |?” Yin Su Die asked tenderly, her voice so sweet andmelodious that those who heard it felt like a pair of jade white hands were brushing their heart, giving them a sense of comfortthat penetrated deep into their bones.

“Do | know you?” What shocked everyone present was that Yang Kai not only did not care about her, he actually bluntly rejectedher.

Yin Su Die’s pretty face went from green to red as she gritted her teeth, the infinite style and charm disappearing from herbeautiful eyes and being replaced with endless hatred.

But Yang Kai did not pay any further attention to her, simply continuing to scan the crowd for a moment before his gaze fixed ona particular group. Cupping his fists, he called out, “This Senior...”

In the direction he was looking, a middle-aged man in plain robes with long hair giving him a wild and unruly look raised his browand revealed a happy expression, laughing heartily as he shouted, “Since Sect Master Yang has invited, this old master will notrefuse!”

Yang Kai scratched his cheek, musing that he had not actually said anything, yet the other party had already accepted;obviously, this man had long been expecting this to happen.

However, this did not matter; in any case, Yang Kai’s plan really was to invite this man inside.

This man seemed to be called MoYu. Yang Kai did not know his detailsbefore, only that he had_no icjqusintenti igwacds itrand was fromCledr'sky Sect. During the battle onDragon Cave Mountain, this man hadeven taken action once to help YangKai resolve some troublesomeattacks directed towards him. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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