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Chapter 1327

Chapter 1327, Yu Feng DetainedEditor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain & Dhael LigerkeysAmidst the crowd's rising suspicions, the main door of the bamboo tower opened, and a single person stepped in.

After an initial period of shock, everyone stood up, having recognized the person who entered. Wu Yi said in joy, “Yang Kai, youcame out of seclusion?”

“Mhm,” Yang Kai nodded. Looking around the crowd, his gaze finally settled onto Qian Yue. She was looking much better thanwhen Yang Kai saw her at the Joyous Union Pavillion, a reassuring sign that she was rather happy with her life here.

Off to the side, Chang Qi and Hao An exchanged a glance, a look of awe flashing across their eyes. Both of them made a fistpalm salute at the same time. “Congratulations, Nephew Yang, for reaching Third-Order Saint King. Your rate of cultivation isunmatched within the entire Shadowed Star.”

When they went to the Flowing Flame Sand Field, Yang Kai was a mere First-Order Saint King. By the time they made it out ofthere, he had reached the Second-Order, and now he was already a Third-Order, all within a period of two to three years. Thisleft the duo with not just a sense of awe, but also a slight feeling of inferiority. Compared to Yang Kai’s cultivation speed, theywere mediocre at best.

“You flatter me, Foreign Elders. Luck played no small role in getting me to where | am today. Compared to the true geniuses, thisis nothing.” Yang Kai smiled humbly before changing the topic, “That aside, | heard you discussing Shadow Moon Hall andmentioning something about Yu Feng being detained? | want to hear more about this.”

Hearing Yang Kai’s questions, everyone exchanged glances, allowing Wu Yi to take up the role of explaining the situation toYang Kai.

Listening to her explanations, Yang Kai finally found out about the unfavourable occurrences which had taken place in HeavenlyFate City regarding the order of goods Dragon Cave Mountain had made from the Shadow Moon Hall a month ago.

A few days ago, Yu Feng led cultivators from the Hai Ke Family to Heavenly Fate City to pick up the goods, only to find that theyrefused to honour the previous terms of exchange, instead raising the price of the goods by more than a good thirty percent.

Such a price was obviously unacceptable, and Yu Feng immediately went to reason with Shadow Moon Hall’s person-in-chargestationed there. However, they refused to back down a single inch. Exasperated, Yu Feng then requested them to return theinitial deposit. After all, they were the ones who went back on the contract, and Yu Feng thought that they should at least get thedeposit back even if they were not going to purchase the goods.

Nobody expected even that request to be refused. Not only that, they decided to resort to force to settle the conflict, resulting inYu Feng and the other four disciples being injured.

Obviously, Yu Feng’s group wouldn’t simply sit there and allow themselves to be beaten up, so they returned a few blows,damaging some of the shelves within the shop. They were immediately captured by an Origin Returning Realm master, detained,and stripped of all of the Saint Crystals which they were preparing to use for the exchange.

Only a single disciple was allowed to return to let Dragon Cave Mountain know that they had to prepare a large amount of SaintCrystals as ransom.

Otherwise, Wu Yi and the rest wouldn’t have known about the details either.

Having listened to the explanation, Yang Kai remained calm and expressionless, speaking only after a moment of thought, “Theirlives are not in danger, right?”

“According to the disciple who returned, their injuries are not light, but not that serious either. They should be fine after a fewdays of recuperation.”

“Hm, that’s good,” Yang Kai nodded, directing his next question to the crowd, “What do you think is the problem here?”

“What's the problem?” Wu Yi looked bewildered. Then she retorted, “Everything’s a problem! We have been working with theShadow Moon Hall for so long without facing a single issue. We pay the Saint Crystals, they sell us the materials and we allmutually benefit. In the last few years, we seem to have already become the largest buyers of Shadow Moon Hall. Normally, theyshould be trying to maintain our interest instead of causing rifts like this. Not to mention, they wouldn’t have the courage to do soin the first place. | suspect there’s someone behind the scenes giving the orders.”

“| think so too!” Chang Qi agreed, “Dragon Cave Mountain doesn’t have a strong establishment, only plenty of resources. Theprecious stone lands its innocent possessor in jail. Perhaps Shadow Moon Hall is no longer willing to continue trading with usperiodically and instead wishes to take everything that we have in one go?”

“You suspect this is the work of Qian Tong?” Yang Kai narrowed his eyes.“It's not impossible,” Wu Yi nodded.

“The possibility is there, but | don’t think this has anything to do with him,” Yang Kai shook his head slowly. Out of everyone here,he'd interacted with Qian Tong the most. Regardless of his inherent character, Qian Tong wouldn't turn against Yang Kai,especially considering his relation with Wei Gu Chang and Dong Xuan’er, and how he saved them in the Flowing Flame SandField.

“| heard you saying that three months ago, all the Shadow Moon Hall's stores at the Heavenly Fate City replaced all their storeowners and employees? Is that true?” Yang Kai asked again.

“Yes, that’s right,” Wu Yi nodded immediately, “I often go to Heavenly Fate City, so I’m quite confident about this.”“In the last six months, did anything peculiar or significant happen at the Shadow Moon Hall?” Yang Kai furrowed his brows.

“If we’re talking about peculiar things, nothing happened at the Shadow Moon Hall, but there’s something going on here. Inrecent months, a few unfamiliar faces appeared around Dragon Cave Mountain. At first, they were just loitering around the area,but then some of them started trying to breach into our territory. They were caught in the Spirit Array, and all of them said that itwas an accident when we questioned them. We decided to release them after a warning since none of them had high cultivation.As for significant things... well, there was one.”

“What?” Yang Kai's expression grew serious.“Grandmaster Ge Lin passed away!” Wu Yi lowered her voice.

“Grandmaster Ge Lin?” Yang Kai thought for a while before realizing, “the Low-Rank Origin Grade Artifact Refiner of ShadowMoon Hall?”

“That’s him. This happened half a year ago. According to rumours, Grandmaster Ge Lin had lost a lot of vitality right afterrepairing an artifact for Shadow Moon Hall, so much so that he hadn't refined a single artifact these past few years. But whatdoes that have to do with us?”

“| don’t know about the exact details, but there might be some connection,” Yang Kai pondered, “I heard from Qian Tong that hewas on very good terms with Grandmaster Ge Lin once.”

Wu Yi thought for a moment, “You're saying that Grandmaster Ge Lin’s passing affected Elder Qian Tong, and since he’s the onewho’s been looking out for us, we're being affected too?”

Yang Kai grinned, “It’s just my guess. It could also be Qian Tong turning on us, but if it really has something to do with ShadowMoon Hall’s internal strife, we should try not to get dragged into the situation.”

“That’s right. We definitely can’t mess with the matters of Shadow Moon Hall,” Wu Yi immediately became more cautious. Shehadn't thought about this this deep before, but with Yang Kai’s help, she was starting to see the underlying issue.

“Any news from Wei Gu Chang and Dong Xuan’er?” Yang Kai asked.

Wu Yi shook her head, “All that Shadow Moon Hall said was that they were secluding themselves to break through to the OriginReturning Realm, nothing else.”

“Understandable. Forget it, it's not good to depend on others anyway. I’ll make a trip to get Yu Feng back. Saint Crystals aside,the people are what's important.”

“That’s a whole twenty million Saint Crystals gone!” the expression of pain was clearly written on Wu Yi's face, “So what’s yourplan?”

“If they're not going to be nice, then I’m not going to be nice either. Otherwise, they'll really think that Dragon Cave Mountain isan easy target,” Yang Kai said coldly.

Wu Yi stared at him, dumbfounded.

Yang Kai merely smiled and wavedaway her concerns, “If it really is dueto internal strife, we have nothing toworry about. They Sertsraceane

ti e towlvertafy 0 tention onto us,so there probably aren't any mastersthere. Plus, | myself really want toknow exactly who is showing suchmalicious intent towards our DragonCave Mountain! What better way tofind out than to personally make atrip there?” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“This elder will accompany you!” Chang Qi stood up.

Hao An said, “So will this elder! Even though my and Old Man Chang's cultivations are nothing special, we're still OriginReturning cultivators. Ever since we broke through, we haven't had a single fight yet. This is the perfect opportunity to test ourstrength.

The two elders looked at each other and smiled.

Yang Kai thought this over before replying, “Alright, then I’m counting on you two Foreign Elders. The rest of you, however,should stay here.”

“Okay, be careful,” Wu Yi warned.

With that settled, Yang Kai exited the bamboo tower with Chang Qi and Hao An, took out his Star Shuttle, and headed straight forHeavenly Fate City.

At Heavenly Fate City, ina roomwithin the inner garden of a storecalled the Gathering Sourc HaluFeng a thevest Wwerbtie up. All ofiherhthad bruises all over, and not asingle strand of Saint Qi could bedetected in their bodies. Clearly, theyhad all been restricted by a strongbarrier. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

They had been lined up in a single row and forced to kneel on the floor.

In front of them was a malicious looking old man with white hair sitting on a chair of sandalwood and holding a purple teapot inhis hands. His eyes were half-closed, as if asleep, but the occasional sparkle of ferocity which could be seen in his eyes provedthat he was wide awake.

“Speak. | want to know a safe way into Dragon Cave Mountain. Speak and | will allow you to leave, so you no longer have tosuffer.” Beside the old man stood a fierce-looking brute, toying with a long whip with the thickness of three fingers in his hands ashe spoke.

“Ptui!” Yu Feng’s reply was a glob of spit mixed with some blood aimed right at the brute’s face, “You want information from me?Dream on! I'd die before handing any information over to you despicable lot!”

The brute stayed still, allowing the glob of spit to run down his face. He smiled viciously, and the whip in his hands suddenlymoved, swishing through the air and landing on Yu Feng’s face.

Coupled with a resounding crack, theright side of Yu Feng’s face tore openand a piece of mutilated meat flewout amidst the bloodshed. Yu Feng’swhole body was shakembycate trceof the brdvondarly causing him to fallover. However, he quicklystraightened back up, roaring with afierce look in his eyes, “Come on! Youcan beat me to death today, and youstill won't get anything out of me!Just wait till you rush into DragonCave Mountain and get ripped topieces by the thousands of SpiritArrays there. Hahahahaha!” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!novelbin

The arrogant laughter caused a look of annoyance to show on the brute’s face, and even the old man seated on the chair wasstarting to lose his patience.

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