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Chapter 1312

Chapter 1312, Meeting An Old Acquaintance In A Foreign LandEditor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain

“As | said, price is no issue, as long as you can satisfy us,” Yang Kai smiled slightly as he tossed a Space Ring over to the youngwoman.

The young woman caught this ring and promptly swept its contents with her Divine Sense. After seeing the number of SaintCrystals inside, her beautiful face changed slightly and in the next moment, she smiled brightly, all of her previous annoyancethrown beyond the highest Heavens as she said charmingly, “This Young Lord is a man of great spirit! Since that is the case, thisMistress won't dare disappoint.”

Saying so, she flipped her delicate little hand, causing the Space Ring to disappear. Judging from her expression, she wasobviously very satisfied with the price Yang Kai offered and with a flick of her wrist, she sent out a ray of silver light towards him.

Yang Kai frowned, but did not take any precautions, simply putting his hand out and catching this silver streak. Upon closerinvestigation, he found that what he caught was a set of extremely thin silver mirrors.

On each of these mirrors’ surfaces a beautiful woman. These women showed various expressions and poses, some of themaloof while others smiling, some of them stood while others sat. These images were incredibly lifelike, as if real people had beensealed inside these mirrors, eliciting great excitement from any man who saw them.

However, Yang Kai soon discovered that the figures on these thin silver mirrors only made a few simple actions before repeatingthe sequence from the start.

“These girls are the signature specials of our Joyous Union Pavilion. Each one of them still retains their purity and possesses aFirst-Order Saint King Realm cultivation. If not for Young Lord bringing out so many Saint Crystals at once, this Mistress wouldnot have been able to take responsibility for introducing them. | believe they should satisfy the requirements of two Young Lords,but if not, then this Mistress can only express her deepest regrets.”

“First-Order Saint Kings!” Yang Kai gently nodded but his expression remained faint, not betraying any of his thoughts as hechecked through the silver mirrors one by one

The number silver mirrors were indeed not high, only eight in total, but each of these mirrors seemed to be quite a specialartifact. Each one was capable of recording several lifelike pictures that perfectly showed off the graceful style and features ofthese women.

If Yang Kai had simply been seeking pleasure here, each of these beauties would have met his requirements, but he knew thatChen Fan Lei had come here because of Wang Yu Han ‘unintentionally’ mentioning it, so Yang Kai knew there was somethingafoot.

By now, how could Yang Kai not have understood that Wang Yu Han had malicious intentions towards him? It was just that theschemer’s method this time was clever, allowing him to achieve his objective without acting overtly.

Yang Kai was currently stalling for time, deliberately making things difficult because he wanted to see what Wang Yu Han was upto.

He did not really want to have fun here, so after quickly checking through each of these silver mirrors, he would shake his handand toss them over to Chen Fan Lei who was currently staring dumbly at him.

After browsing through four of these mirrors, Yang Kai still wore a look of indifference, causing the young woman to feel a littleuneasy, but remembering how the other party had paid so much Saint Crystals in advance, she didn’t lose her temper like beforeand simply decided to quietly wait.

When Yang Kai reached the fifth silver mirror, he planned on just taking a casually glance like before, but in the next instant, hiscomplexion changed greatly as a sharp light flashed across his eyes, even his aura suddenly became unstable as he stared atthe beautiful figure presented on the silver mirror in his hand.

The young woman who had been closely observing Yang Kai’s expressions naturally did not miss this change and giggled lightly,“Has Young Lord found a beauty that suits his fancy?”

Yang Kai lifted his gaze as a complex light flashed across his eyes, something that surprised the young woman somewhat, but amoment later, that slight awkwardness disappeared and Yang Kai smiled widely, “En, | have indeed. This woman suits myrequirements so perfectly | was taken aback for a moment, causing me to embarrass myself slightly.”

Saying so, Yang Kai tossed the silver mirror he was looking at back.

The young woman caught this mirror and looked at the figure displayed on it, murmuring lightly, “So it's her. En, Young Lordhaving a liking for her shows you have exquisite taste.”

“Would it be possible to learn this girl’s name?” Yang Kai seemed to ask casually.

The young woman giggled as she covered her mouth, “Please don’t blame me, Young Lord, it is not that this Mistress doesn’twant to tell you, it’s just that Joyous Union Pavilion has a rule that forbids our girls true names from being disclosed. However,Young Lord You may call her Yue’er!”

“Yue’er!” Yang Kai's eyes flashed strangely once more before he gently nodded and asked, “Then may | know what attribute theSecret Art she cultivates is?”

This time the young woman frowned and hesitantly said, “Is there a reason Young Lord wishes to know this?”

“Please don’t misunderstand, it’s just that since I’ve come here to take advantage of your special Dual Cultivation Technique tobreak through my bottleneck, | naturally wish to know what the attribute of my partner’s Secret Art is, otherwise, if there is somekind of conflict with mine, wouldn’t it cause some complications for me?”

“En, Young Lord seems to be quite a cautious person, your concern is indeed reasonable,” The young woman heard this andnodded, not giving any hint as to whether she believed him or not as she smiled and replied, “In that case, informing Young Lordis not an issue. Yue’er’s original Secret Art was of the Ice Attribute, but there is no need to worry about conflicts occurring withYoung Lord when you engage in dual cultivation because our establishment's Dual Cultivation Technique does not draw on anykind of attribute. No matter what attribute of Secret Art Young Lord cultivates, there will be no incompatibility. If there were reallysuch worries, this Mistress would naturally have informed Young Lord in advance. “

“| see!” Yang Kai took a deep breath, as if he had just made a big decision, and nodded firmly, “Good, then I'll choose her.”

“Understood,” The young woman saw Yang Kai make up his mind and quickly clapped her hands. Immediately after, amaidservant walked into the room and the young woman instructed her, “Take this Young Lord to the Snow and Ice Pavilion!”

The maidservant nodded obediently before leading the way.Yang Kai glanced over at Chen Fan Lei and grinned, “Brother Chen, please help yourself.”“Eh... ah...en, good good!” Chen Fan Lei nodded repeatedly.

After leaving the private room, Yang Kai followed the maidservant along a long path. As his figure merged into the night, YangKai’s face suddenly sank and his body shivered slightly, seemingly unable to suppress the violent swings in his mood.

He had never imagined that after coming to this place he would see a person from Tong Xuan Realm!How could he not feel shocked?

Originally, he wasn’t certain it was who he thought it was; after all, the world was wide so there were many people who lookedsimilar; but after learning the other party’s name was Yue’er, that she cultivated an Ice Attribute Secret Art, and that she was aFirst-Order Saint King, Yang Kai immediately determined that this Yue’er was someone he knew.

It had been almost ten years since he stepped into the Star Field and all this time, he had never met anyone he knew from hishomeland, but now, the first person he met was not just someone related to him, but was actually living in this kind of amorousestablishment.

Most importantly, however, she should have been with Su Yan! Now that she was here though, where was Su Yan? Yang Kai’sheart pounded with uncertainty as a series of chaotic thoughts crossed his mind. It took him quite a while to finally calm his moodand begin chatting with the maidservant, trying to probe for some more information about this woman named Yue’er.

But whether Joyous Union Pavilion had rules against it, or this maidservant’s position was too low for her to know anything, YangKai was unable to extract anything of use from her. In the end, the maidservant could only apologize with a guilty look on herface.

Seeing this, Yang Kai could only sigh softly and hold his questions until he met Yue’er in person.

Not long after, the two arrived in front of an exquisite pavilion that was constructed from some kind of special material that gaveoff a faint chill.

Here, the maidservant bowed and said, “Young Lord, please enter. This is where Lady Yue’er spends most of her days inmeditation. Since she is here today, she should have already been informed that she had a guest so she should be waiting forYoung Lord’s arrival.”

“En,” Yang Kai waved his hand and sent the maidservant away before striding into the small palace.

There was no one on the first floor, but Yang Kai’s Divine Sense had already located a person on the second floor. After realizingthat this person’s life aura was indeed the same as the one he knew, Yang Kai no longer hesitated and quickly rushed upstairs.

The series of footsteps sounded likea drum, causing the woman on thesecond floor to tremble with fear anda dangerous ligpt adickly fastedaerdss Neautitul eyes, but soon,she seemed to remember somethingthat caused her face to darken and abitter smile to appear on her face.She then sat quietly at a small roundtable and waited expressionlessly.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

A moment later, Yang Kai arrived onthe second floor and directly openedthe door to enter a snow-white fgg.Everything in.thjs foerhdobid bedestroy Ee pure, and whether itwas the curtains or the bedding,everything was white, and togetherwith the slight chill in the air, it gavethe illusion that one had just entereda world of ice and snow. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Yang Kai's eyes landed on thewoman sitting nearby and he couldtell that she was currently feeli

quite uneas shes naadaroGaradown, At qe up to greet him inany way. A few strands of hair hungdown to her chest which gave her anextremely desolate and helplessappearance, eliciting a great sense ofpity from any who saw her. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

As Yang Kai walked straight towards her, this woman’s tender body trembled slightly, as if she was panicking and a painfulexpression appeared on her face; however, she remained still without moving.

It wasn’t until Yang Kai arrived right in front of her that she let out a resigned sigh and got up to bow politely, “This mistressgreets Honoured Guest. May | ask if Honoured Guest wishes to begin immediately?”

She had apparently been informed about having a patron and she continued to hang her head down from beginning to end,avoiding looking at Yang Kai as if she was afraid of something. Even when she spoke, she shows the slightest intention ofmaking conversation, cutting straight to the point.novelbin

Yang Kai did not speak as he simply stared at her silently, causing Yue’er to feel quite uncomfortable, as if everything about herwas being seen through, causing her to shiver unconsciously.

However, even after quite some time, her guest did not try to take advantage of her at all, causing Yue’er’s brow to wrinkleslightly. Just as she was about to say something more, a sigh rang across from her and a faintly familiar voice sounded in herear, “Elder Qian Yue, it’s been a long time!”

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