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Chapter 461

Chapter 461 Belated Realization

The scream came from the second floor. The cameras positioned there showed nothing but darkness.Dexter prompted the crew to switch to night mode, but the equipment decided to go haywire at thatprecise moment.

way on

While the team upstairs struggled to see around them, Wynter and Tobias were happily scoring away

the first floor.

The only person on the second floor who had picked up the flashlight prepared by the crew was HoraceThis was not how the show was supposed to go. Dexter frowned as he demanded, ��Where are theproducers? What's with the screw-up on set?��

None of the guests knew what was happening. Oliver had been so arrogant that his terror almost seemedcomical.

In his panic, he had snatched Horace��s flashlight. He schooled his expression into one of neutrality as hesaid, ��Don��t worry guys. Mr. Lyons loves a good power outage on the show.��

��But, Oliver, we've only got one flashlight, and there��s eight of us here,�� Zane pointed out, starting to regretpicking Cecilia. If he had known she would be this useless, he would have picked Joshua instead.Sensing that Zane was irritated with her, Cecilia picked up the bottle of sleeping pills lying nearby andsaid, ��Hey, the woman in the story had trouble sleeping and might be delusional. | say we start from there.��Zane��s eyes lit up at this. ��You have a lead?��

��Well, the story did say the woman lost her child. All we have to do is find out where her child went andthat'll lead us to another clue,�� Cecilia suggested confidently.

She had gotten on the show through her live��streaming platform, and she had practically bribed theplaywright to let her be a candidate.

If nothing else, she was the only one here who knew the entire storyline. She would have won over theaudience if Wynter hadn��t stolen the spotlight in the beginning.

��So, where will the lead most likely be?�� Zane was in no mood to hear Cecilia out.

Cecilia��s eyes widened at the question. She knew how the story went, but she had no idea what the layoutwas, seeing as she had limited time to process the information the playwright had given her.

��Well?�� Zane asked loudly, growing impatient. The all-consuming darkness around him and the chill in the air made his skincrawl. He wanted to get out of this place as quickly

y as possible.Being an honor roll student, Cecilia knew that she could draw inferences by going through the storyline by line.

However, it was only after all her inferences led to one possible lead that her face darkened. ��It��s in the delivery room on the firstfloor. That��s where we should have started looking.��

The viewers couldn't see the guests, but they could hear them just fine. At once, the viewers erupted into laughter as commentsflooded in.

��Wow! How the tables have turned!�� a viewer mocked.

��Who was it that said there��s strengthin numbers? Oliver was.all \k, theway 1s ityKinednd Wynter. haveb��at��n hem five to zero,�� someoneelse commented. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

��Guess being loud isn��t going to help you win challenges.

��Kina and his partner are going to be my new obsession. Look at them go!��

��If | were Oliver, I'd stay on the second floor and never come down. I��d rather bc ubborn than lose face so publicly!��Oliver thought the same thing. Going back to the first floor would mean total humiliation.novelbin

He could give up his position as areturning guest on Slimal essaonce filming wrapped Sut Re wouldnver be able to live down the shameif he went downstairs now. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

However, as things were, he did not have a choice. Regardless of their number, the darkness that surrounded him and his fellowguests was terrifying.

Yvonne was the first to break the silence. ��Let��s head back downstairs! | think the power hasn��t gone out on the first floor!����How do you know that?�� Oliver demanded.

Not wanting to reveal that she had brought her phone on set, Yvonne lied, ��I saw it! See, that��s light right,


Standing by the window, they couldvaguely make out a blur of lightcoming from the first �QorSonly foolswould: nt'to linger on the secondfloor after that! Alas, they were toolate. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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