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Chapter 62

She couldn’t help smiling at his words, which were so like her thoughts. They really were on the samewavelength.

“Some of those couples split up under the weight of the grief and those men and women have thebenefit of love on both sides.”novelbin

“I don’t know about other people, but I don’t give up in the face of adversity and neither does yourdaughter. You, of all people, should be intimately aware of that fact. She survived leaving friends andfamiliarity behind time and again in her childhood and a disaster of a first marriage as an adult.” He puthis arm out to her. “Piper isn’t going to give up on our marriage, no matter what we have to facetogether.”

She practically flew off the sofa to land against his side, the relief she felt in the shelter of his presencenearly physical. His words created another welcome layer of protection against her parents’ fears andher own secret ones.

He put his arm around her waist and looked down at her as if they were the only two people in theroom, as if her opinion was the only one that mattered. “You said nothing would change your feelingsfor me.”

“It won’t.”

“Well, nothing will change the fact that I want you to be the mother of my children and the woman at myside, including the far-reaching possibility you will not carry this baby to term.”

“Then we’re golden.” She smiled even as tears burned at the back of her eyes.

He set his espresso gaze on each of her parents in turn. “If that’s not good enough for you, I am sorry,but I will not give your daughter up. Not now, not ever.”

That was a statement of long-term intent if she’d ever heard one.

“We’re not suggesting you give her up. Merely that you hold off on the wedding for a while.” Piper’smom gave Zephyr her let’s be reasonable look. “Surely, you can be a father to your child without beingmarried to its mother.”

“I can be a better father and helpmate to your daughter if we are married.” Zephyr wasn’t budging andshe didn’t think his attitude would be any different if they hadn’t already been through a civil ceremony.

Piper was certain that if this discussion had come a week ago, he would have responded the sameway. Unlike her parents, who were giving a very different attitude in person than they had when shecalled to tell them her news.

“I just don’t understand,” she said. “You didn’t say anything about not wanting me to get married whenwe talked on the phone.”

“This isn’t something you say over a telephone line.” Her mom met her eyes, willing Piper tounderstand.

She didn’t. Not one little bit. “And you wouldn’t have gotten a free trip to Greece out of it, either.”

“Piper!” her mother admonished.

Her dad just frowned at her with that disappointed expression he reserved for misbehaving troops andhis children.

Zephyr shook his head. “She didn’t mean that.” But he didn’t sound disappointed in her.

He understood her parents were really hurting her and right, wrong or indifferent, she’d lashed out. “Ofcourse I didn’t. I’m sorry, but this is my time to celebrate and you’re diminishing it for me.”

“That is not our intention. We just want what is best for you.” Her mom sounded as sincere as Piperhad.

Zephyr gave her parents a considering look. “Tell me something, did you suggest she wait to marryArthur Bellingham?”

“No,” her mother answered as if she’d been forced to.

“We thought he was perfect for her,” Piper’s father admitted.

“That is why you are so determined to make her reconsider her decision now, isn’t it? You didn’t protecther from pain once and now you are going overboard to do so.”

Piper had not considered that possibility. “Is that true?”

Her mom’s eyes filled with tears. “We just don’t want your heart broken again.”

“Everyone faces pain in life, but we can’t stop taking chances because of it. I trust Zee to be thehusband I need. If I’m wrong, I’ll deal with the fallout. What I need from you right now is not advice, butsupport. Can you give that to me?”

“Yes, of course,” her dad said even as her mother bit her lip in worry.

But they both hugged her and apologized for hurting her feelings, if not for doubting Zephyr.

Surprisingly, dinner was relaxed and pleasant. It was as if, once having voiced their concerns, herparents gave themselves permission to simply enjoy the celebration of their daughter’s secondmarriage. She appreciated that and did her best not to hold the discussion in her and Zephyr’s suiteagainst them.

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