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Chapter 946

There was no mistaking it now.

The only other person who can use the Death Eater was Donn Lawrence, Lord of the Southern Woods'son and Mystic Sky Sect's senior apprentice who had gone missing three years ago!

"Y-You're really alive...?

Frank did not turn to look at Silverbell, however-he had more pressing business.

"The combat ward may buff your vigors collectively within reach." He suddenly sneered at theTalnamese. "But what if I put in my pure vigor too?"



The Talnamese around them all astonished, but they soon saw the thick red pure vigor shrouding themfrom every direction. It was Frank's Death Eater, using their offensive vigor to pervade their combatward.


One of the Talnamese collapsed on his knees soon enough, clutching his head.

The second followed in under two seconds, and then a third...

Like a chain reaction, every Talnamese casting the combat ward collapsed to the floor, their eyes beetred and their faces contorting with madness.

"There's no mistaking it... It's him!"

Silverbell felt a mess of emotions even as she watched the Talnamese collapse.

She had once seen Frank training with this technique as a child, and he reacted exactly the same way.

As abundant death aura pervades the body and mind, one would not win against the bloodlust withouta powerful will.

While Frank managed to condition himself against it even as a child, that was not the case for theTalnamese.

"Die!" One of them suddenly screamed resoundingly and lunged toward one of his comrades, sinkinghis teeth into his neck and tearing through it.

"Garhg! Die!"novelbin

"I'll kill you!"

The other Talnamese had lost their mind, attacking every other comrade around them.

All at once, the situation spiraled out of control, leaving a mess of blood and guts.

"Damn it!!!" Talc's eyes were beet red as well, but he bit down on his tongue to stop himself from losinghis mind from the infectious bloodlust.

He was aware that they were defeated-soundly.

Donn Lawrence was much worse than he was thought, a warrior with both strength and cunning. Hewould even turn their combat ward against themselves, infecting them with his death aura.

If Talc's will was not strong enough, he definitely would have lost his mind like his comrades, becomingzombies obsessed with bloodlust.

"1-1 have to tell Talnam about Donn Lawrence... Draconia's leaders promised US..." he mumbledthrough his bloodied lips.

However, Frank heard him.

His face fell right then, and he seized Talc by the collar, bellowing, "What was that?! Draconia'sleaders?! What did they promise Talnam?!"

"Heh... the Lord of the Southern Woods abandoned his wife and son... Just to save his own skin...Hahaha..."

Knowing that he was going to die, Talc laughed maniacally just to spite Frank. "Trust me, you will die...Not by our hand, but by the hand of your own people! Donn... Lawrence..."

He barely managed to squeeze out Frank's name before dropping to the floor, dying with his eyesopen.

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