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Chapter 837


“What is that brute strength?!"

The Janko bodyguards could feel their hearts clenching when they saw the sheer power Frank fought with.Even Ned was left stunned for half a beat as he stood right beside Frank!

On the other hand, the Birthright rank Janko retainers were unfazed—they were no pushovers.

After all, they were the backbone of the Jankos' strength as they rose as one of the Four Families of Morhen, replacing themysterious Lawrence family.

As everyone watched, the ashen-haired retainer stayed on course, kicking the limousine thrown at him in two.

As he landed and looked around for Frank, he abruptly felt a cold burst of air on his cheek.novelbin


Before he could turn, Frank's foot was on his check, launching him into the air, spinning violently as he coughed liters of blood."What?!"

Yed, who had been watching all along, did not even notice when Frank appeared mid-air.

"He's so fast"

The two remaining Birthright rank Janko retainers did, however. They more or less saw Frank vaulting into the air right behindthe limousine after he threw it and were left stunned!

“What are you spacing out for?! Go!" Yed bellowed at the retainers when he saw them hesitate.

"Hah!" the white-haired elderly retainer barked as his palms moved rapidly, blurring in motion as he streaked toward where Frankwas landing.

The other retainer clenched his fingers like claws, aiming them at Frank's eyes as he followed his comrade."Weak and insignificant!" Frank bellowed as he descended from above, putting his psalm together."Boltsmacker!"

Two purple lightning bolts shout out despite the bright blue sky, and there was a resounding clap of thunder as Frank releasedboth palms!

"What was that?!"Lothar Janko, who was staying by his brother's bed, noticed the lightning bolts.The rumbling thunder soon resounded not too far from the main Janko mansion.

"Was that... an Ascendant rank fighting?!" Lothar murmured in shock, his fingers clawing into the bedpost.

The elderly Janko retainer with himshook his head solemnly. "No. That'sno mere Ascendantxdar the Mnartialtéchnigq he used employs theworld's energies. He's closing in onTranscendent rank!" The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"What? Who other than Ciril could'vegone that far?!" Lothar exclaimed,.buthe was sudden|y.fuihiolis when hesawwh the lightning bolts landed."Isn't that Yed's mansion? Is hefighting Mr. Lawrence?!" The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

However, while Lothar and the Janko retainers were distracted, they did not notice the child sneaking up to Ciril's bed.Then, jumping on top of Ciril's body, he started laughing as he hopped repeatedly on top of Ciril!"Blargh!"

It was not until Ciril coughed a largevolume of blood that CaS Heand saw Hal Jaakorodvere in bloodakdgitting on top of Ciril inconfusion. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“You wretch!" Lothar's eyes widened in sheer rage as he lunged toward Ciril's bed, seizing Hal by the neck and ready to stranglehim!

"Lothar!" At the same time, the elderly retainer from earlier cried out in shock as he leapt toward Lothar, pushing him out of theway.


The elderly retainer caught the full brunt of a palm strike in his chest right then and was sent crashing through the bedroom wall,screaming.

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