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Chapter 665


Maron was laughing as he came over, throwing an arm around Frank's shoulder. "Lady Silverbell, this

is my friend, Frank Lawrence."

"Frank Lawrence.?! No, that's impossible."

Silverbell's cool gaze flickered for a moment, showing confusion and reminisce. However, it only lasted

for a moment as she regained her cool composure, and she threw those thoughts away.

She had come to East Draconia for Frank Lawrence—Donn Lawrence, to be precise.

Donn was the son of Godwin Lawrence, the Lord of the Southern Woods. Silverbell was told that Donn

had found success in Riverton, and she had traveled there to meet him. to clear the air and annul the

engagement their parents decided for them while they were children.

As for the man before her. Even if he had the same name, Frank should not be here in Southdam, let

alone get involved with Sage Lake Sect.

After all, Sage Lake Sect was a minor cabal in a remote location—the Lord of the Southern Woods' son

would never keep such frivolous company.

Presuming that this man of the same name caused a misunderstanding, Silverbell shook her head and

drifted away before Frank said a word.

Frank frowned even as he looked on—he recognized her even though she could not recognize him.

It was indeed Silverbell, the daughter of his father's valet.

She did not go by any last names—Frank remembered naming her Silverbell himself. -

When Donn was young and playing in the woods, he chanced upon Fenton telling Godwin that he was

gifted with a daughter and asking Godwin to name her.

Though Godwin was happy for Fenton, he let Donn do the naming. However, Donn was just a boy at

the time, and the wind chimes dangling beneath the roof just happened to catch his attention. He

suggested Silverbell right then and was surprised that Fenton took it seriously.

With that, Donn had a playmate until he was ten, when his mother was slain in a revenge killing.

Under the rain and thunder, Frank clutched his mother's lifeless body and cursed her father for being

too much of a coward to avenge his own wife.

Eventually, Donn became Frank, parting ways from his father and leaving Cloudington, eventually

joining Mystic Sky Sect.

Frank actually had no idea what the Martial Alliance was all about. Given Maron's attitude, however, it

was definitely no child's play.

He did not take offense that Silverbell did not recognize him either, since people changed—especially

over twenty years.

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