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Chatper 518

Frank was hesitant if he should ask Helen what was wrong, but Gina suddenly started snapping

sarcastically from the other end, "What's holding you up, Helen? You called him and told him, and that's

all you have to do. Mr. Graves is waiting for you downstairs! He wouldn't even be allowed here if not for

your grandfather's sake!"


Helen hung up right then, while Frank shook his head self-deprecatingly, still holding his phone.

Still, he smelled food just then and stepped out to the dining table.

However, it ended up becoming an awkward table of four with Frank himself, a surprised Carol, a silent

but scowling Winter, and Aria, who was grinning ear to ear.

Eventually, despite the awkward vibes, Winter looked up at her friend impassively and asked, "What

are you doing here, Aria?"

"Frank told me to come."Aria held a fork over her lips, looking especially innocent since she was

wearing her Riverton University uniform without her usual flamboyance.

Turning toward Carol, she exclaimed, "Your cooking is fantastic, Madam Zims. It's much better than my


Carol was befuddled with her daughter's reaction, as she was scowling at her friend who had just comenovelbin

over for dinner.

"Thank you," she replied. "Feel free to help yourself to more."

"Thank you."

On the other hand, Frank knew it was time he manned up.

Straightening himself, he gave Winter a guilty look as he said, "Winter, something happened last night

and I'm sorry, but I must take responsibility too."

Carol saw in turn that Winter was still hanging her head in silence and asked in concern, "What's

wrong, Winter? Did Frank do something to upset you?"

Frank began, "Madam Zims, it has nothing to do with Winter. I—"

"I'll just say it out loud." Aria suddenly raised her chin, cutting him short.

There was no hiding the excitement in her face as she looked straight at Winter and said, "Frank and I

slept together last night, and he said... he'll take responsibility. But that's fine—we're still besties, right,


"Is that true, Frank?"

Carol gaped at Frank in disbelief at Aria's words—she did not think that Frank was that casual about


Frank braced himself and nodded.


Winter suddenly slammed her fork and knife on the table, growling coolly, "I'm full."

With that, she strode back to her room, slamming the door shut deafeningly.

"Winter...?" Frank was puzzled as to why Winter was upset.

Aria was her best friend, but she should not be that angry.

Carol sighed in turn. "It's alright, Frank. I'll talk to her."

She entered Winter's room to find her lying sprawled over her bed, bawling.

"How could she do this! She's my best friend!" Winter threw herself into Carol's arms and bawled when

she saw her. "I thought of her as my sister, and I even told her I like him. Why did she do this?"

"Oh, don't be sad, dear. All men are like this." Carol sighed as she comforted her, patting her head—

she certainly understood what she was going through.

"No!" Winter cried. "She must have seduced Frank. He's different from the rest—he's not that casual!"

Carol sighed lengthily, unsure what to say when her daughter was defending Frank so stubbornly.

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