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Chatper 506

Chaz was still keeping up with his nice guy act, his tone as humble as it was gentle.

"Oh, if only my daughter had met you earlier." Gina sighed over the phone. "Anyway, just come home

soon. Let's get you married to Helen soon."

"Sure, Mrs. Lane."

"By the way, can we really return to the main family? Jade's been threatening us, saying they'd never

let us go back..."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Lane. My family's word holds sway in Southstream."

"That's wonderful!"


Chaz played another recording soon after.

"Oh, Chaz. Hughie is so useless, getting killed by some gigolo. Come over tonight. I'm so lonely." Cindy

was purring.

"Haha! I'll come for you when I'm done with your cousin, you minx!"

"That's a promise. You must come tonight. By the way, I'm also game if you need help holding Helen


In the bathroom, Helen's heart sank rock bottom as the recordings finished playing.

"Just give up and give in to me already." Chaz chuckled outside. "Your whole family are all agreeable to

you marrying me. There's no fighting it now. Of course, you might be hoping that Frank will save you,

but I don't mind telling you that he'll be dead in a few days."


While Chaz's words left Helen disappointed before, her heart skipped a beat this time.novelbin

She held on tightly to her bathrobe as she opened the door, glaring fiercely at Chaz as she demanded,

"What are you doing to Frank?!"

"Hehehe." Chaz licked his lips at the pretty sight before him, his libido threatening to explode when he

saw Helen's half-naked body.

However, forcing himself on her was boring—he wanted her utter obedience to satisfy his lust to


"I'm sure you have heard of the Morhen's four families, specifically the Lionhearts? On top of that,

they're backed by Volsung Sect—one of the South Sea Four—and crushing Frank Lawrence is no

more than squashing an ant with a boot."

He then brandished a bright gold business card at Helen. "This right here is Titus Lionheart's business

card. Just think about it—I can call him and tell him that Vicky Turnbull, who was supposed to be his

fiancee, has been messing around with some gigolo... Surely you know what happens after that?"

Helen was left flabbergasted by Chaz's threat. "Y-You're despicable!"

"I'm really not." Chaz expression suddenly turned cool even as he folded his arms before his chest.

"Would I have any reason to spur Titus into action if Frank didn't seduce Ms. Turnbull? How is that

despicable? I guess I should remind you—there have been idiots in Riverton who have tried to woo Ms.

Turnbull. one was cut into pieces and fed to pigs while another was dismembered, and the last one

was buried alive."

Every death Chaz mentioned left Helen cringing.

The Lionhearts of Morhen were way worse than Sage Lake Sect as they could crush little Riverton

whenever they wanted!

Chaz then put away the business card just then. "I'm sure you're smart, Helen, so why stay with Frank?

When the fighting starts, you'd just be hurting your mom, your cousin, Lane Holdings, and even the

Lane family of Southstream. Hell, they might even exhume your grandfather's body."

Chuckling as he folded his arms before his chest again, he continued, "Naturally, if you give me your

heart and soul, I swear I won't tell Titus, just so your ex-husband will live another few years."

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