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Chatper 495

"Yes, I'm Hughie. Mr. Lawrence, I—"

Frank punched him before he could finish, though his knuckle never made contact.

It was the pure vigor swirling around his fist, tearing through the air like a lightning bolt thatsent Hughie flying.

His huge frame slammed viciously against the floor, his meridians severed as he was left with ahole in his chest.

His eyes rolled into their sockets, and he was clearly not breathing much.

"Argh!!!" Cindy screamed right then and dropped to a crouch, clutching her head with botharms.

She would not dare to snap at Frank—unlike her aunt, she had seen Frank's true nature.

With the way he would kill without flinching, she would be next if he said another word.

"Frank Lawrence!"

Gina shrieked in both rage and terror, pointing a trembling finger at Frank, "You ingrate! You refused to

treat Luna, and you're attacking us in our own house now, even murdering right before our eyes?! The

Southstream Lanes will kill you!"

Seeing that Gina was still gloating even at this point, Frank glowered and strode toward her.

Gina screamed right then and ran to pick up a vase, holding it in front of herself as she cried, "S-Stop!

Are you crazy?! If you lay a finger on me, the old man won't ever forgive you!"

Frank hesitated at the mention of Henry and lowered his hand.


Henry himself called out to him from upstairs just then. "Is that you, Frank?"

Frank was silent for a moment before he looked up and answered, "Yes, it's me."

"Frank... My family has really done you wrong!" Henry's voice was choking with tears. "I'm too old, and

Helen is too kind and naive. I-I."

"Please stop." Frank's eyes went red too. "It's all my fault."

His eyes went red—he owed Henry his life, and he would never forget that he would be dead if not for


"Frank, I'm begging you one last time. Please forgive us. in exchange for my life."

"You don't have to go that far, Gramps," Frank replied. "Just say the word, and I'll consider it done."

He started upstairs, only to hear Henry breathing a long sigh.

"I know you're in a dilemma, Frank. But know this—you owe my family nothing anymore, and I'll no

longer be a burden."

Frank was stricken with a sense of foreboding, but even before he could run upstairs, he heardit.novelbin


The violent gunshot seemed to strike Frank in the heart. His head went blank even as hescrambled upstairs to find Henry sitting limply on the couch, his hands dangling limply at hisside while he bled freely from a hole on his temple.

"Gramps!" Frank screamed as he leapt up, prying Henry's mouth open and shoved all the pillshe had down his throat.

"Temples... sternum... solar plexus..." He pulled out the acupuncture needles from his pocketand frantically tried to save Henry.

Ultimately, he was left sitting limply on the floor, staring blankly into thin air.

Henry Lane was dead.

Frank was a miracle worker, but there was nothing he could do for a patient who blew his ownbrains out.

At the same time, the Turnbulls arrived.

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