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Chatper 493

And with that, Frank eliminated an entire guild of black market hitmen.

Gina and the rest remained oblivious inside Lane Manor, as the walls were soundproof andthunder was cracking relentlessly outside. They could not hear the massacre nor the deathscreams of the hitmen at all.

Convinced that Frank would never win against so many despite his strength, and certainly notthe famous Dwight Houston, Gina had brought out the Lafayette wine she prepared beforehandand filled everyone's glasses in celebration.

Now, they just had to wait for Dwight to carry Frank's corpse inside.

Turning toward Cindy, Gina asked, "Have you sent the photo to the Turnbulls?"

Cindy nodded and smiled. "Don't worry—I hate Vicky Turnbull myself, but she'd be furious ifshe found out that her gigolo has another bitch on the side. We just have to dump Frank'scorpse on her doorstep, and she'd be awash with gratitude."novelbin

Gina grinned. "Hmph. She's always so high and mighty, but we have leverage against her now.She'll be humiliated if we leak the news—let's see if she can strut around us after this!"

"Haha! She might come to our doorstep, begging!" Cindy laughed.

Jade shot Gina a sideways glare right then. "Don't push her too far. I heard that the Turnbulls are a big

deal in Morhen."

"Oh, don't worry," Gina chuckled. "We know where the line is."

Right when she said, the tall, heavy doors to Lane Manor were kicked open!

Those doors were supposed to keep even burglars out, but it was reduced to dust!


Everyone yelped and turned pale in shock.

Then, Jade saw Luna.

She did not expect her to return before the others. Before she could ask why, however, she realized

Luna's face was pale, her lips darkened and her body trembling.

And she was even wetting her own lolita dress!

"Mom... Mom..." she mumbled as if she had seen a ghost, not moving an inch even as she stared at


"What's wrong, Luna? What happened?!" Jade exclaimed.

However, before she could reach her daughter, a hand reached in from behind and seized by the

throat. "Give me my sister, or you will all die in pieces!" A thunderous roar ensued.

Everyone froze when they saw the shadow behind Luna.

Gina especially jumped as if stung, pointing at him as she shrieked, "F-Frank?! How are youstill alive?!"

"You have three seconds." Frank ignored Gina's question, his fingers tightening slightly aroundLuna's neck instead.

Luna's face turned ashen even as she screamed, "Mom! Save me! I don't want to die!!!"

Luna's screams drove Jade out of her mind, and she lunged toward Frank, punching his chestas he cried, "You insufferable bastard! Let go of my daughter! I'll kill you!"

"Go away!" Frank would not hit a woman, but he had no reason to hold back against fishwiveslike Jade.

With a vicious slap, he sent Jade's rotund frame soaring and rolling through the air before sheslammed heavily on the floor.

She started bleeding out of every orifice before passing out.

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