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Chatper 458

Gina was almost sobbing. "It's over... It's over... We can't go back to the main family, can we?"

Seeing Gina and Helen whispering among each other, Jade promptly asked, "What is it?Where's the drakeroot? Bring it here already!"

Helen braced herself as she told Jade, "Frank already used the drakeroot."

"What?!" Jade exclaimed furiously.

"It's alright," Helen quickly said. "I brought Frank himself—he's a master in medicine, he'lldefinitely save Luna."

"Are you kidding me?!" Jade's face contorted in rage and contempt. "All the healers ofSouthstream couldn't help Luna, and you're saying someone in Northstream can? She needsthe drakeroot!"

"But it's gone," Helen said exasperatedly. "Moreover, Frank's skill in medicine is extraordinary.He might be able to help Luna, and it's more practical than waiting for another drakeroot to befound."

"Why is it gone?!" Jade bellowed as she wheeled on Gina. "You told me you'd definitely get it!"

"W-Well, we were too late," Gina murmured awkwardly. "And Frank used it."

"You wretches! You lied to me!" Jade snapped, feeling tricked right then.

Hali King, the chief of Riverton City Hospital, frowned just then. "Mrs. Lane, it's not like there's a

shortage of talented men here in Northstream. And I've personally witnessed Frank's skill in medicine—

he really is special, and he just might be able to help your daughter."

Gina quickly added, "Exactly! Frank is my former son-in-law, so I would know. His skill in medicine isnovelbin


It was the first time Gina praised Frank in any way.

Not only was it insincere, but it was just to avoid any further flak from Jade.

Even if Frank failed to save Luna, that was his problem—her family would have nothing to do with it.

Jade glanced between Gina, Hali, and Helen in turn.

Still, since Hali had spoken, she had to give in for the time being, "Fine. I'll let him try out of respect for

Mr. King. If that fails, none of you are returning to the main family."

Helen breathed a sigh of relief and hurried outside to bring Frank in, not forgetting to ask, "Are you

confident about this?"

"I can't tell until I actually see her."

"Fair enough " Helen sighed and led Frank into the ward.

However, as soon as they stepped in, Jade and Luna were gaping at Frank as they snapped, "You?!"

Helen and Gina were both left dumbstruck.

"You know each other...?"

"I would recognize him even if he rotted into pieces!" Jade bellowed. "He was the one whorefused to help my daughter when we had an accident. He even assaulted me and incited theonlookers against me!"

"What?!" Gina turned pale—she certainly did not expect that!

She promptly glared at Frank. "Why are you just standing there?! Apologize already!"

"Why should I?" Frank growled icily. "She crashed her car into a motorcyclist and hurt myfriend. She should be apologizing to my friend instead."

Gina almost suffered a stroke right then. "Are you crazy? She's Jade Zahn, a member of ourmain family! You can't afford to provoke them!"

Frank snorted. "What, are the Lanes of Southstream above question?"

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