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Chatper 447

Frank nodded and changed into another jacket before getting into Vicky's car.

The Fieldens were actually not a particularly important family. Paul Fielden, the family head,was a venture capitalist.

His family had fallen on hard times and their numbers were dwindling, but they retained manytreasures from their more illustrious predecessors. The drakeroot was naturally one of them.

Vicky, who had partnered with him before, rode shotgun to call Paul ahead of time.

"Hello, Mr. Fielden? It's Vicky." She laughed as she made small talk with Paul before getting tothe point. "So, I was wondering if you're at home? I would like to visit today."

Paul was absolutely stunned on the other end.

The Turnbulls had certainly been making waves in Riverton recently, and their heiress wasactually making time to visit him?

Though he had a hunch that Vicky wanted something, he had no reason to refuse.

After some thought, he said, "Of course you're welcome to visit, Ms. Turnbull. My wife is home right

now, so you can go straight there. I'm on my way home myself—see you soon."

"Great! See you," Vicky exclaimed and hung up.

Frank arrived at the Fieldens' residence soon enough, and Vicky rang the doorbell.


However, no one answered even after a long while, and Vicky was frowning. "What the hell is Paul

playing at? Didn't he say his wife is in?"

Frank shrugged. "Maybe she's out?"

"Let's just wait for a bit." Vicky sighed exasperatedly as she pressed the doorbell again, since she had

something important to do and could not leave whether Mrs. Fielden was in or not.

Frank shrugged—he was fine either way.

That was when the doors opened, and a woman dressed in a thin sleeping gown strode out grumpily.

Frank glanced at her—she was just over her twenties, her skin fair and her pretty cheeks flushed.

To think that Paul landed such a youthful wife in his thirties. the old man had game for sure.

Vicky was delighted to see Sylvia Cassidy in turn, but Sylvia snapped at her before she couldspeak, "What are you people doing here outside my house? Get lost!"

16:14 12/02/2024 Read The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu novel Chapter 447

Vicky frowned, frustrated right then—she had come to visit, and Sylvia was already snapping atthem?

She was about to retort when Frank squeezed her hand—they were not going to get thedrakeroot if she started arguing with Sylvia.

Then, nodding politely at Sylvia, he asked, "You must be Mrs. Fielden. I'm Frank Lawrence, aconsultant in Grande Pharma, and this is Vicky Turnbull, the CEO of Grande Corp. We're here tovisit your husband."novelbin

Frank actually thought mentioning names would encourage Sylvia to be polite, but sheremained grumpy as she snapped, "He's not home. Come some other day."

"Oh, but we actually called Mr. Fielden earlier," Frank explained. "He told us you'd be here andasked us to wait while he returned."

"What?!" Sylvia exclaimed in shock right then before turning and running back into the house!

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