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Chatper 321

Chapter 321

Everyone aside from Dan stopped smiling when they saw Frank–was he not the same brat. that theyhad just chased away?!

Dan did not notice the reaction of either side, however, and hurried to Frank. “Allow me to introduceyou to Eron White of Southdam. His family and friends are here to ask you to treat his daughter–shouldyou do so, the Earthen Dragonheart is yours.”

Frank chuckled flatly. “You don’t have to introduce them. We are already acquainted.”

“Oh, is that so?” Dan was quite surprised. “That’s great!”

Kuno strode up right then, demanding, “Are you sure about this, Mr. Zimmer? You’re saying that this kidcan help Kim?”

Dan nodded in assurance. “Of course. Mr. Lawrence’s medical knowledge is divine–I’m absolutely inawe, to say the least.‘

Everyone gasped–the way Dan spoke of Frank was no different from Hali!

One was the chief of Riverton City Hospital, while the other was the owner of Flora Hall, and both ofthem were thoroughly impressed by Frank’s medical knowledge! Even if Frank actually knew nothing,anyone could be convinced of his greatness with such acclaim!

Eron was certainly regretting being so dismissive of Frank earlier.

He hurried up to Frank, apologizing, “I’m so sorry for what happened before, Mr. Lawrence. Pleasedon’t take offense over this.”

Frank shrugged–it was no skin off his back.

But while he was not going to charge them before, he would now.

“It’s nothing. It’s normal that you’d doubt me,” he said flatly.

Eron breathed a sigh of relief. “You are truly magnanimous. Please help my daughter right away.”

He could not care less about what Frank would do to treat Kim now–not after Dan himself threw in thetowel.

If this continued, Kim would actually die!

Nonetheless, Frank said slowly, “There’s no rush. I heard that you possess an Earthen Dragonheart?”

“Uh… Yes.” Eron nodded.

“Give it to me now, and then I’ll treat your daughter.” Frank stated his conditions right then.

Kuno frowned right then. “We can apologize for belittling you before, Mr. Lawrence, but you can forgetabout the Earthen Dragonheart. To you, Ms. White’s condition was no more than a trifle, and you didn’tintend to charge us before.”

However, what actually worried Kuno more was that he would never get the Earthen Dragonheart ifFrank took it!

Frank simply smiled. “I didn’t intend to charge before, but that’s not the case now. If my condition can’tbe met, then forget it.”

With that, he turned to leave.

Dan promptly tugged at Eron in response. “What are you doing, Mr. White? Weren’t you saying youwould give anything for your daughter to get better? This isn’t the time to fret over a mere herb!”

Hearing that, Eron quickly said, “Mr Lawrence, it’s not that I’m refusing to give it to you, but the EarthenDragonheart is being kept at my family manor in Southdam. I came to Riverton in a hurry, so I didn’tthink to bring it along. Why don’t you help my daughter first, and I’ll have the Earthen Dragonheartdelivered here tomorrow.”

Frank frowned. “Are you asking me to take an IOU?”


Eron pursed his lips. “Not really–think of it as a real agreement. Moreover, my family business is vastand there’s no way we can run. You don’t have to worry about us reneging on this agreement…”

As Frank narrowed his eyes in thought, Dan thought that they had come so close, it would be a wasteto fail now.

Walking up to Frank, he reasoned, “Mr. Lawrence, this could work. Moreover, the Five ElementalWonders are too rare that there’s no telling when you’d get another if you missed this. Moreover, Eronwould be grateful after you save his daughter’s life.”

Frank nodded, understanding the reasoning–and treating Kim was as easy as turning his palm anyway.

“In that case, I can agree to this out of respect for Mr. Zimmer.‘novelbin

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