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Chatper 319

Chapter 319

Halt was certainly at a loss–the White family were the ones who asked for the best healer, but theywere now chasing Frank away.

Still, Frank waved him off. “It’s not your fault, chief. Don’t apologize for them–I have something else todo, so I’ll be leaving now.”

“I’ll walk with you.” Hali personally escorted Frank outside.

Meanwhile, the Yaffes‘ men brought Dan to Riverton City Hospital soon enough.

Seeing Dan’s white hair and beard, everyone in the room was nodding in approval since that was theirideal image of a healer.

Kuno introduced him. “This is Dan Zimmer, the head of Riverton’s Flora Hall.”

“Your reputation precedes you, Mr. Zimmer.”


Eron hurried to Dan, shalding his hand with both his hands–his daughter was saved! Dan saniledpolitely. “You’re exaggerating, Mr. White. Mr. Yaffe has already informed me about your daughter’ssituation along the way–time is of the essence.”

“Yes, yes.” Eron nodded repeatedly and walked with Dan to Kim’s bed.

Like Frank, Dan felt Kim’s pulse as well.. although he was soon frowning..

Kuno was naturally concerned to see that reaction. “Is Ms. White going to be fine?”

Dan inhaled deeply. “Someone wounded her, I believe?”

“That’s right!” Eron was delighted to see that he proved talented. “You could tell? Your abilities are trulydivine!”

Dan nodded. “Then there’s no mistaking it–there’s an afterblow within Ms. White’s body that has yet tosubside. That energy is disrupting the flow of her meridians and causing blockages everywhere.”

“What? Then what can you do, Mr. Zimmer?” Kuno quickly asked.

Dan shook his head. “Regrettably, I can’t do anything about this, as I’m not well–versed enough inmartial arts to nullify the afterblow.”

Jan patted his chest. “I will do it if necessary. My martial arts is peerless here in Riverton.”

Dan gave him a look but waved him off. “That won’t do. You need to be nullifying the afterblow whileperforming acupuncture to clear her meridians at the same time. Being a martial elite alone withoutmedical knowledge won’t help.”

Eron despaired at those words–where could they find someone who was amazing in both medicine andmartial arts?

“Is there nothing you can do for my daughter?” he groaned.

Liv was tearful as well, not wanting her best friend to die. “You must be able to do something, Mr.Zimmer. Please save Ms. White!”novelbin

Kuno put his hands together as he pleaded as well. “Please, Mr. Zimmer. Anything for you–as

Kim absolutely despised Jan’s behavior and asked her father, “Mr. Lawrence did save my life. You can’tjust chase him away like that, can you?”

Fron nodded since that was reasonable.

He pulled out a checkbook, wrote a number, and handed Frank the check. “Here’s your reward forsaving my daughter’s life, kid. There’s a million in there–we’re even now.”

“No, you can keep that spare change,” Frank growled as he rose to his feet and stormed off. “Hey, Mr.Lawrence…” Hali was shrewd enough with people to see the anger on Frank’s face. He quickly gavechase and caught up to Frank at the stairs. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Lawrence–1 didn’t know that the Whitefamily could be so… stubborn.”

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