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Chatper 302

Chapter 302

Hugo smiled slightly, while Zeb introduced, “Mr. Goodman, this is Cindy Zonda, cousin of Helen Lane ofLane Holdings. I’ve mentioned her before.”

“Oh… Ms. Zonda.” Hugo nodded and turned to tease Zeb, “You lucky dog. It’s a different girl from everyother event!”

“Haha… don’t tease me now, Mr. Goodman.” Zeb chuckled and soon asked, “Now, about the distributorrights…”

Hugo’s expression turned solemn at the mention of business. “Every major family in the Central Steppeis here to make a bid. It’s going to be a bloodbath.”

“I understand,” Zeb quickly said. “But I’m sure we can make an arrangement since we go way back, Mr.Goodman. Moreover, Lane Holdings is also taking part–Ms. Zonda here has long been an admirer ofyours.”

Hugo smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry–I made a promise, and I’ll naturally keepit.”

Zeb was delighted. “Thank you. So, how many pills are we talking about?”

“To be honest, I can’t get you the real deal,” Hugo said. “But I’ve been noticing that during the pillrefinement process, a lot of defective pills would be produced. Those were supposed to be returned tothe cauldron to be reprocessed, but I’ve been stashing them. There are around five thousand ofthese… If you want the whole lot, just twenty million dollars will do.”

Zeb was shocked.

Even if those Rejuvenation Pills were defective, they would still sell since it was still in hot demand.

If anything, five thousand was not that many–and each Rejuvenation Pill was selling for a whoopingfifty grand apiece right now!

Zeb would be making bank with this deal!

“That’s fantastic, Mr. Goodman. I’ll take the whole lot!” He grinned.

He had no intention of becoming a legitimate distributor anyway–he would be gone as soon as hemade his profit..

As for what came after, it was none of his business.

Huge nodded at his eagerness. “That’s good. You can come with me to get the pills once this bid eventis over.”

However, Frank had been listening to them from a distance and was actually shocked to hear that thebastard was stashing defective Rejuvenation Pills,

Since he could not prevent the occasional defective pill from every cauldron he used himself, he couldlet that slide.

On the other hand, if those five thousand Rejuvenation Pills found their way into the market, it wasgoing to inflict a huge blow to the confidence in the product.novelbin

The first wave of distributors were inevitably bigwigs, and they would not take the bullet lying down!

With that, Frank strode up to them and demanded, “Why were those pills not returned for reprocessingor disposed of?”

The trio did a double take, surprised Frank was suddenly questioning them.

Although Hugo was shocked since he would be in deep trouble if his bosses found out, he narrowedhis eyes and growled coldly, “Who the hell are you?”

Cindy promptly snapped at Frank in turn, “Get out of here, Frank! This is none of your business!”

At the same time, Zeb quickly said, “That’s Helen Lane’s ex–husband. They’re already divorced, so heholds a grudge and wants to sabotage all Lane Holdings business.”

Hugo promptly breathed a sigh of relief–as long as it was not a Turnbull!

“I’m asking you a question,” Frank growled coolly at Hugo just then.

“Just stop already!” Zeb bellowed at him. “I’m warning you–don’t you dare start it here!”

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