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Chatper 270

Chapter 270

Chris‘ eyes were evasive even as he quickly came up with another excuse. “I have no connection withViola–I bought that red diamond necklace! She wanted it too, but I didn’t give in, so she bore a grudgeover that!”

The Lanes were all trading glances, not sure who to believe with Frank and Chris arguing.

Frank turned toward Cindy just then and said, “Why don’t you tell us. Is the necklace Viola’s or Chris‘?”

Cindy did not think that Frank would turn his crosshairs on her.

At that moment, what she said would decide what the Lanes would believe, and she certainly knew thetruth. After all, during the party, Viola wore a blue diamond necklace with a design identical to Chris‘ reddiamond necklace.

However, if she told the truth, she would upset Chris… And Frank was not going to thank her


And considering all the grievances she harbored toward Frank, helping Chris and getting in his goodgraces was much more ideal.

“O–Of course it’s Mr. Steiner’s,” she said. “Ms. Salazar is just jealous.”

Frank frowned at her words, his eyes flashing murderously. “Still lying, are you?”


Knowing how strong Frank was, Cindy screamed as soon as Frank rushed toward her, hiding behindGina as she cried, “Help me, Aunt Gina!”

“Stop!” Gina bellowed as she glared at Frank. “How dare you lay a finger on my family!”

“You’re just jealous, kid.” Chris laughed coolly and rolled up his sleeves, ready to hit Frank. ” Hating mejust because Mrs. Lane likes me better, and now, you’re trying to hurt Cindy too. I won’t allow suchbehavior!”

Peter, however, quickly stopped Chris. “Calm down, Mr. Steiner. Don’t stoop to that lowlife’s level.”

In reality, he was afraid that Chris would be beaten to a pulp, especially when Chris was the onlyperson who could bail out his family now.

“Enough!” Helen suddenly bellowed, stopping all of them.

“Helen! Get him out of here already!” Cindy promptly cried.

Helen, however, simply stared at them, not knowing who to believe.novelbin

Despite having doubts about Chris‘ claims, she did not really believe Frank either.

As such, she did not chase anyone out, although she was not particularly friendly either.” Argue all youwant, but do it outside.”

And with those words, she turned and headed to her study.

“Hmph.” Chris snorted, folding his arms before his chest. “I’ll let this slide for Helen’s sake.”


“It’s alright, Mr. Steiner. Don’t stoop to his level,” Gina said as she pulled Chris along to the drawingroom.

Henry sighed.

As the only one around who trusted Frank unconditionally, he said, “I’m so sorry. that you had to put upwith this, Frank.”

“What are you saying?” Frank smiled, but his words were solemn. “Your troubles are mine- I’d be deadif not for you back then.”

“Don’t mention it… But I must ask, can we get through this?” Henry asked tentatively.

Frank’s phone suddenly started ringing.

Frank glanced at it to see that it was Donald Salazar calling, and he chuckled. “Don’t worry. Viola willapologize to Helen soon.”

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