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Chatper 205

Chapter 205

Frank nodded thoughtfully. “You’d like me to talk to Noel?”

“That’s right,” Vicky said, absolutely confident in Frank’s charm. “You have this in the bag, what withyour animal magnetism.”

Frank thought about it. “Alright. Once you put the Rejuvenation Pill into production, I’ll bring a finishedproduct to see her.”

They certainly should not rush things–without a finalized product, all they could offer were words, andthat did not inspire confidence.

“Alright. Then that’s decided,” Vicky said, stretching her back before laying sprawled on Frank’s bed.“I’ll sleep here tonight.”

Frank shook his head exasperatedly and lay down beside her.

Vicky then gently slid her leg on him, but Frank did not move, almost as if he was lifeless.

Vicky certainly doubted that and started to caress him all over, even breathing into his ear, ” Frank…”


Frank started snoring audibly, and Vicky rolled her eyes.

Still, grogginess soon overcame her and she fell asleep, holding his arm.

When Frank woke up early the next morning, Vicky was already gone.

He rubbed his temples and headed to the drawing room, where she had made breakfast and laideverything out on her table.

Frank smiled but did not hesitate to start eating.

After breakfast, he was about to start training when he received a call from an unfamiliar number.

Frank answered it, and Rolf Sparks was soon greeting him chipperly. “Good morning, Mr. Lawrence!”

“Yes, Mr. Sparks?”

“My brother found one of the Five Elemental Wonders you tasked him to find,” Rolf quickly said.“However, he had to leave for the moment, so he asked me to bring it to you.”

“So soon?” Frank exclaimed in surprise–Skyblade Dojo certainly worked fast!

“Of course. We have apprentices everywhere, and a single herb is no big deal,” Rolf said. proudly.

“Thank you, Mr. Sparks. May I ask which of the Five Elemental Wonders you’ve found?”

“The Myriad Hue Snow Lotus.”

“Great!” Frank could hardly hide his excitement -the Myriad Hue Snow Lotus was the water

Chapter 205

elemental wonder, and it was another piece of his puzzle.

“I’m indebted to your family, Mr. Sparks.”


“You’re exaggerating, Mr. Lawrence.” Rolf chuckled. “Where are you right now? I’ll deliver it to you rightaway!!!

“Actually, you can just set up a meeting place and I’ll meet you there.”

Rolf thought about it. “Yeah, we can meet up at Delightpub. We could have a couple of drinks too.”novelbin

“Sure,” Frank agreed to it without hesitation-a couple of drinks was fine especially when he was in agood mood.

Meanwhile, Helen was at Lane Holdings‘ headquarters, dressed in her usual business suit.

She just stepped outside of the conference room and had yet to reach her office when she heard anoise from the elevator.

“Helen! Helen!”

It was none other than Gina.

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