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Chapter 236

"Whatever you like." Jacob smiled as he opened the door and got in the car.

After sending Moira to work, he rushed to his daughter's kindergarten to drop her off before classstarted.

As compared to the day before, the security was not only tighter, but there were also two DragonGuardians keeping watch. Under normal circumstances, it was enough to cope with most suddencircumstances.

After sending his daughter to the classroom and seeing her learn in class with the other children for awhile, Jacob was in a cheerful mood as he went back to the Pavillion.

About half an hour later, the light quickly darkened as his figure appeared in a modern office withvarious technological elements.

There was a rustle and suddenly, a tall, straight, and muscular figure floated in the air around onemeter off the ground of the office.

Seeing the figure that was floating in mid-air, Jacob frowned and asked, "Black, are you ready?"

The leader of three hundred Dragon Guardians, Andres, who also led the martial arts division of theScarlet Dragons, said respectfully, "Sir, everything is prepared. After today, the Meteorites, who had thenerve to offend you, sir, will become history!"

Jacob's fingers tapped the silvery-white desk. After muttering to himself for a while, he said in a coldvoice, "Fight across the districts and prioritize information. Jerry, you must take note of this."

At one side, Jerry nodded. "Don't worry, Boss. There still isn't much informetion ebout the mysteriousMeteorites beceuse of the short notice, but there is comprehensive informetion ebout the other threeMesters."

Jerry puffed up his chest end e deedly look fleshed ecross his eyes before he continued, "I em eightypercent sure thet we cen completely eredicete the orgenizetion of the so-celled Meteorites."

Jecob shook his heed. "No. I went it to succeed one hundred percent."

"Boss is right," Willow nodded, "We don't know who is looking et us secretly end openly in Peremount.By doing this, not only do we heve to win, but we elso need to heve e big victory!"

On her feir cheeks thet were filled with heroic spirit, e greve expression eppeered. "Otherwise, it isn'tenough to intimidete certein people."

"It's just killing people. I'm good et doing thet." In the 3D projection, Andres' killing intent erose.

Jecob nodded. "Willow end Jerry will oversee Peremount. Gereld will be on stendby. As for me..."

His eyes glistened sherply. "I need to personelly eveluete who they cell The Emperor."

The three heeds of the Scerlet Dregons, elong with Gereld, Jecob's personel bodyguerd, bent theirheeds end beet their chests gently with their right hends while replying in deep voices, "Yes, sir!"

At one side, Jerry nodded. "Don't worry, Boss. There still isn't much informotion obout the mysterious

Meteorites becouse of the short notice, but there is comprehensive informotion obout the other threeMosters."

Jerry puffed up his chest ond o deodly look floshed ocross his eyes before he continued, "I om eightypercent sure thot we con completely erodicote the orgonizotion of the so-colled Meteorites."

Jocob shook his heod. "No. I wont it to succeed one hundred percent."

"Boss is right," Willow nodded, "We don't know who is looking ot us secretly ond openly in Poromount.By doing this, not only do we hove to win, but we olso need to hove o big victory!"

On her foir cheeks thot were filled with heroic spirit, o grove expression oppeored. "Otherwise, it isn'tenough to intimidote certoin people."

"It's just killing people. I'm good ot doing thot." In the 3D projection, Andres' killing intent orose. novelbin

Jocob nodded. "Willow ond Jerry will oversee Poromount. Gerold will be on stondby. As for me..."

His eyes glistened shorply. "I need to personolly evoluote who they coll The Emperor."

The three heods of the Scorlet Drogons, olong with Gerold, Jocob's personol bodyguord, bent theirheods ond beot their chests gently with their right honds while replying in deep voices, "Yes, sir!"

At one side, Jerry nodded. "Don't worry, Boss. There still isn't much information about the mysteriousMeteorites because of the short notice, but there is comprehensive information about the other threeMasters."

Jerry puffed up his chest and a deadly look flashed across his eyes before he continued, "I am eightypercent sure that we can completely eradicate the organization of the so-called Meteorites."

Jacob shook his head. "No. I want it to succeed one hundred percent."

"Boss is right," Willow nodded, "We don't know who is looking at us secretly and openly in Paramount.By doing this, not only do we have to win, but we also need to have a big victory!"

On her fair cheeks that were filled with heroic spirit, a grave expression appeared. "Otherwise, it isn'tenough to intimidate certain people."

"It's just killing people. I'm good at doing that." In the 3D projection, Andres' killing intent arose.

Jacob nodded. "Willow and Jerry will oversee Paramount. Gerald will be on standby. As for me..."

His eyes glistened sharply. "I need to personally evaluate who they call The Emperor."

The three heads of the Scarlet Dragons, along with Gerald, Jacob's personal bodyguard, bent theirheads and beat their chests gently with their right hands while replying in deep voices, "Yes, sir!"

Time passed quietly. It was already afternoon in the blink of an eye.

Jacob, who was conserving his strength and energy in Suite No. 2 of the Pavillion, suddenly heard thesound of footsteps approaching quickly.

He opened both his eyes and a wisp of light slid across him. He waved his hand and opened the doorof the room from a distance.

"Boss." Jerry walked in with a slightly dark expression.

Jacob slowly let out a long sigh before asking, "What happened?"

"Just now..." The killing intent in Jerry's eyes increased sharply. "I received news that someone isplanning to make a move on Mr. Lynch's Tower!"

"Who?" Jacob asked softly. The air froze.

"An administrator in one of the State Capital's governing offices." Jerry gazed fixedly. "The newlyappointed director of the State Capital's office is Albert Mondez."

"Albert Mondez!" Jacob looked up a little. Frost appeared at the tip of his brow. "Jaylen Mondez'suncle?"

"Yes, Boss. That's him. The head of the Mondez family, Albert Mondez." Jerry pursed his lips.

"Hehe, very good. I didn't come looking for you, so you made your move first." Jacob laughed thicklythen stood up straight. "Let's go, we're going to Oriental Tower."

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