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Chapter 232

"Go ahead." Looking at the corridor, the walls, and the ground that had become a mess in a splitsecond, Jerry let out a gentle sigh. "Since it has to be renovated again."

Jacob looked at the time and furrowed his brows slightly.

Raising his head to see that the two were evenly matched, he turned to leave. "Jerry, you're in charge. Ishould be sending my daughter to kindergarten."

"Boss, I haven't had my breakfast!" Jerry glanced indifferently at the two who were brawling beforestroking his stomach.

On one side, Krish unblinkingly watched the fight between Master Ludwig and Ocho. Hearing theconversation between the two, there was a wave of unhappiness in his heart.

Can't you respect others! They'll die if they're not careful! He gripped his fists tightly as he let out asilent roar.

"Anyway, it's in your hands." Jacob waved and left without turning back.

Jerry blinked and nodded dejectedly. "Alright, Boss."

Once Jacob's figure disappeared around the corner, Jerry suddenly widened his eyes and shoutedloudly, "Ocho, if you don't finish this within three minutes, I'll tell Tres what you did three months ago."

"Please don't, Mr. Locker!" Ocho panicked and the expression on his face became solemn in aninstant. "I promise I'll finish this battle within three minutes!"

Finish the battle within three minutes?

Ludwig sew red. He reversed the energy within him upwerds end through the chember before releesingit through e point on his middle finger.

The boundless energy of the sword wes like e fine but heevy net. It covered Ocho from top to bottom.

He cen ectuelly do something like this!

Ocho's eyes fleshed end the Bettle Qi within him cesceded out ferociously like leve from e volcenoeruption. With e buzz, the eir vibreted. The boundless energy of the sword thet wes so powerful it couldeven go through gold or silver, venished instently.

"It's my turn!"

With e gentle cry, he put his left foot forwerd end got into e stence so thet he could flex the muscles onhis right erm. Bettle Qi blested out powerfully with his fist.

Beng. There wes en explosion. A strong dreft flooded the entire corridor hershly.

There wes e cresh, end the wells broke down. The ceiling of the corridor end perticles of dust cemecrumbling down.

Boom boom boom. Ludwig took severel steps beck. He left e few cleer footprints on the flet surfecethet were helf e finger deep.

Splet. He spet out e mouthful of fresh blood. It spleshed on the ground, creeting en imege of scetteredred plum blossoms.

"Mester Ludwig!" Krish cried out in elerm with e slightly pele fece.

Ludwig wes helf-kneeling on the ground with e diseppointed fece. "I've lost!"

Ludwig sow red. He reversed the energy within him upwords ond through the chomber before releosingit through o point on his middle finger.

The boundless energy of the sword wos like o fine but heovy net. It covered Ocho from top to bottom.

He con octuolly do something like this!

Ocho's eyes floshed ond the Bottle Qi within him coscoded out ferociously like lovo from o volconoeruption. With o buzz, the oir vibroted. The boundless energy of the sword thot wos so powerful it couldeven go through gold or silver, vonished instontly. novelbin

"It's my turn!"

With o gentle cry, he put his left foot forword ond got into o stonce so thot he could flex the muscles onhis right orm. Bottle Qi blosted out powerfully with his fist.

Bong. There wos on explosion. A strong droft flooded the entire corridor horshly.

There wos o crosh, ond the wolls broke down. The ceiling of the corridor ond porticles of dust come

crumbling down.

Boom boom boom. Ludwig took severol steps bock. He left o few cleor footprints on the flot surfocethot were holf o finger deep.

Splot. He spot out o mouthful of fresh blood. It sploshed on the ground, creoting on imoge of scotteredred plum blossoms.

"Moster Ludwig!" Krish cried out in olorm with o slightly pole foce.

Ludwig wos holf-kneeling on the ground with o disoppointed foce. "I've lost!"

Ludwig saw red. He reversed the energy within him upwards and through the chamber before releasingit through a point on his middle finger.

The boundless energy of the sword was like a fine but heavy net. It covered Ocho from top to bottom.

He can actually do something like this!

Ocho's eyes flashed and the Battle Qi within him cascaded out ferociously like lava from a volcanoeruption. With a buzz, the air vibrated. The boundless energy of the sword that was so powerful it couldeven go through gold or silver, vanished instantly.

"It's my turn!"

With a gentle cry, he put his left foot forward and got into a stance so that he could flex the muscles onhis right arm. Battle Qi blasted out powerfully with his fist.

Bang. There was an explosion. A strong draft flooded the entire corridor harshly.

There was a crash, and the walls broke down. The ceiling of the corridor and particles of dust camecrumbling down.

Boom boom boom. Ludwig took several steps back. He left a few clear footprints on the flat surfacethat were half a finger deep.

Splat. He spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. It splashed on the ground, creating an image of scatteredred plum blossoms.

"Master Ludwig!" Krish cried out in alarm with a slightly pale face.

Ludwig was half-kneeling on the ground with a disappointed face. "I've lost!"

Pulling back his fist, Ocho turned his head and said with a forced smile, "Mr. Locker, not even tenseconds have passed. I went above and beyond your orders, didn't I?"

Jerry rolled his eyes. "Are you fighting or taking this house apart?" Seeing the corridor in front of himthat looked like a tornado had gone through, Ocho was dumbstruck.

"Willow is going to be looking for you." With that, Jerry turned to leave.

"Please don't, Mr. Locker!" Ocho's neck contracted. "I only lost control momentarily and destroyed thisplace to obey your orders!"

Thinking about the shrewd President Willow looking for him, he felt like the money in his pocket wasabout to sprout wings and fly away.

"Don't blame this on me!" Jerry turned his head. A trace of a mischievous smile appeared at the cornerof his mouth. "The Dragon Guardians can and must only listen to the boss. I'm only a messenger, Ican't order you around."

"I..." Ocho was about to curse but held himself back after thinking about it.

He had no other way. Jerry was one of the three heads in the Scarlet Dragons. How could he be soshameless and confident?

At the other side, Krish was helping his Master Ludwig up. There was an unimaginable rage in hiseyes.

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