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Chapter 190

Traces of blood vessels began to emerge in Jacob's eyes. With every breath of his, waves ofmurderous intent were being propagated outward in all direction. The temperature of the surroundingair had dropped by ten degrees at least! Everything within a twenty-meter radius felt frigid.

"What… what the hell!?"

"Why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

"Let's go! Something is not right!"

The crowd was rattled by the strange phenomenon. Some of the nervous bystanders tried to push theirway out of the crowd.

Jacob let out a short breath to compose himself. He asked coldly with his brows locked, "You're just anobody. Why would you be at the Blood Thorn headquarters?"

"I…" Randy was biting his tongue. He wasn't sure if he should continue.

I might die if I tell him now, but if I don't, I won't live to see tomorrow. After all, he's the same man whohave killed at least ten high ranking individuals on that fateful night!

After some contemplation, Randy confessed without holding back.

Twenty minutes later, Sector E was completely deserted. At the far end of the Central VegetableMarket, thirty dangerous-looking young men were combed into three rows. They were all dressed inuniforms.

At the most front, Gilbert had his knees on the ground. The bulge on his face had not subsided. To hisright, half-sitting on the dusted floor, was Lilly. She was deeply traumatized.

Not far away, Richard's wounds were being treated by Franklin. He sat there, satisfied after letting offsome steam on Gilbert. He even injured himself from being too eager.

Some ten meters away, Jacob was standing at the outside of a run-down stall. He watched as Jerryemerged from within.

Jerry kept his razor-sharp gaze and nodded at Jacob. "Boss, I've confirmed it. The guy was telling thetruth."

Jacob's blood was boiling, "In three days, I'm going to vanquish the entire Fest family."

Jerry responded attentively. "Yes, sir!"

"Now…" Jacob turned toward his thirty Dragon Guardians. His eyes were glowing. "Go and find theremaining forces of the Blood Thorn! Make sure there's none of them left!"

"Understood, sir!" All thirty Dragon Warriors responded in unison.

The overwhelming presence was enough to put Gilbert in trance. Right beside him, Lilly widened hereyes in fear. She was leaving behind a trail of gold and yellow.

"What a presence!" Richard tried to take it all in at once. He gasped at the sight of the mighty DragonWarriors. Each of them stood tall and still like sculpted statues of the past.

At tha most front, Gilbart had his knaas on tha ground. Tha bulga on his faca had not subsidad. To hisright, half-sitting on tha dustad floor, was Lilly. Sha was daaply traumatizad.

Not far away, Richard's wounds wara baing traatad by Franklin. Ha sat thara, satisfiad aftar latting offsoma staam on Gilbart. Ha avan injurad himsalf from baing too aagar.

Soma tan matars away, Jacob was standing at tha outsida of a run-down stall. Ha watchad as Jarryamargad from within.

Jarry kapt his razor-sharp gaza and noddad at Jacob. "Boss, I'va confirmad it. Tha guy was talling thatruth."

Jacob's blood was boiling, "In thraa days, I'm going to vanquish tha antira Fast family." novelbin

Jarry raspondad attantivaly. "Yas, sir!"

"Now…" Jacob turnad toward his thirty Dragon Guardians. His ayas wara glowing. "Go and find tharamaining forcas of tha Blood Thorn! Maka sura thara's nona of tham laft!"

"Undarstood, sir!" All thirty Dragon Warriors raspondad in unison.

Tha ovarwhalming prasanca was anough to put Gilbart in tranca. Right basida him, Lilly widanad harayas in faar. Sha was laaving bahind a trail of gold and yallow.

"What a prasanca!" Richard triad to taka it all in at onca. Ha gaspad at tha sight of tha mighty DragonWarriors. Each of tham stood tall and still lika sculptad statuas of tha past.

"They all fall under the command of my son!" Franklin beat his chest proudly.

At the Pavilion Hotel, Willow received a call just as she was wrapping up the deal. Minutes later, sheput down the phone and solemnly declared, "The trade war has begun."

Right around the same time, a jet-black saloon car was slowly driving out of the Paramount StateCapital. Not far from the guarded gates of the State Capital, there was a young man standing by theside of the road. He watched as the car slowly drove toward him.

Shortly after, the car stopped in front of him. As the window rolled down, the stern face of a middle-aged man came to sight. After giving him a glance, the eldest son of the Mondez family—Jaylengreeted him respectfully, "Hi, Uncle. Congratulations on your promotion!"

Having trialed by time, Jaylen was no longer the arrogant niece that he once knew. Albert, the newhead of the Mondez family, nodded at him approvingly. "Come on up. I have something to tell you."

"Alright, Uncle." Jaylen smiled. He took a step forward, opened the door, and boarded the car.

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