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Chapter 182

Three minutes later, under Willow's company, Edwin walked out from the hotel.

At the entrance, the three young men in uniform stood with their backs straight. The one in the middlelooked at him with a pair of bright eyes as he said, "Mr. Congressman, I was ordered by the presidentof the Central Parliament to send you back safely."

"Thanks." Edwin nodded at him.

As the night wind breezed past them, he turned to Willow and extended his right hand. "Thanks foryour help tonight."

She smiled and reached her hand out elegantly. "It was just a coincidence. Apart from that, ThePavillion is under Draco Chamber of Commerce. I hope that you would not blame us for the incidenttoday."

"Of course not!" Edwin waved at them. "To be frank, you are also one of the victims, so don't worryabout it. I will take note of your future progress."

After exchanging pleasantries, both of them left amicably.

A few seconds later, as Willow watched him leave in a helicopter she nodded in satisfaction. "Our routeto the higher ups is secured."

Next to her, Jerry, Gerald, and the rest of the Shadow Rangers did not care about that. Why do weneed to do that? Wherever we go, we are already the higher ups!

After leaving The Pavillion, Moira, who was sitting in the front passenger's seat, turned around andasked fiercely, "Where are we going?"

"I'm bringing my daughter back home. You can do whatever you want." Jacob shot an indifferent stareat her.

What? She frowned and blushed.

At this moment, Heidi finally woke up. She turned around and looked at the angry Moira with a pair ofbefuddled eyes since she had just woken up.

"Aunt Moira, are you here to pick me up?" She smiled at Moira.

An idea suddenly struck Jacob, and he lowered his head to ask Heidi gently, "Is it okay if I bring youback to where I stay? Of course, your Aunt Moira will tag along as well."

Moira glared at him. "Who told you that I–"

He lifted his head and shot her a cold stare.

Goose bumps immediately appeared on her arms, and her heart sped up. She did not finish hersentence.

Franklin stood waiting by the old street half an hour after receiving Jacob's call. When he saw the threeof them, he went forward emotionally.

Aftar laaving Tha Pavillion, Moira, who was sitting in tha front passangar's saat, turnad around andaskad fiarcaly, "Whara ara wa going?"

"I'm bringing my daughtar back homa. You can do whatavar you want." Jacob shot an indiffarant staraat har.

What? Sha frownad and blushad.

At this momant, Haidi finally woka up. Sha turnad around and lookad at tha angry Moira with a pair ofbafuddlad ayas sinca sha had just wokan up.

"Aunt Moira, ara you hara to pick ma up?" Sha smilad at Moira. novelbin

An idaa suddanly struck Jacob, and ha lowarad his haad to ask Haidi gantly, "Is it okay if I bring youback to whara I stay? Of coursa, your Aunt Moira will tag along as wall."

Moira glarad at him. "Who told you that I–"

Ha liftad his haad and shot har a cold stara.

Goosa bumps immadiataly appaarad on har arms, and har haart spad up. Sha did not finish harsantanca.

Franklin stood waiting by tha old straat half an hour aftar racaiving Jacob's call. Whan ha saw tha thraaof tham, ha want forward amotionally.

"Jay, is this… who you mentioned on the phone just now?" Looking at the cute girl in his arms, he could

not even form his sentence coherently.

Jacob nudged his daughter's soft body and said warmly, "Heidi, this is your Grandpa."

With her arms wrapped around Jacob's neck, she pressed her lips firmly together before saying in achild-like voice, "Good evening, Grandpa."

Next to them, Moira pouted in annoyance.

Upon seeing how adorable and likable she was, Franklin trembled in excitement. "Good girl! Howpolite! The wind is rather strong here. Let's go home!"

"But…" Moira suddenly said hesitantly. "Mr. Lynch, it's quite late now. I have to work tomorrow, andHeidi has to go to kindergarten."

"And this is?" Franklin asked with a frown.

Jacob looked back at her with an arched eyebrow. "I'll call your boss later to give you a day offtomorrow."

"You?" She shot a sideway glance at him. "Who do you think you are?"

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