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Chapter 171

"I don't care who you are, I will kill you!"

Jasmine's eyes flooded with hatred. Countless silver spikes formed at the surface of her skin as shebellowed thunderously. It only took a snap of her fingers to pierce the floor and walls with tiny yet deepholes.

Looking at the mutated being before his eyes, Jacob frowned slightly, "You'd scare my little girl with thatlook."

Then, he balled his fist, turned his hip, and launched a punch into the air.

Under the potent pressure of the battle qi, Jasmine's razor-sharp spikes started breaking and rapidlyturned into dust as seen by the naked eyes.

As silver dust sprinkled in the air, Jasmine, in her mutated form, started showing signs of web-likecracks on her skin.

"No!" She roared – almost disfigured at this point with the number of cracks on her face, "I gave up mybody and settled as a mutant just so I can kill you! But why…"

Jacob took a step forward with an apathetic expression, "You talk too much, die!"

The moment he finished his sentence, the surrounding air started shaking once again. Jasmine gapedher eyes, and 'boom' – she exploded from a build-up of internal pressure.

Silver dust filled the corridor, floating in the air and slowly landing on the ground under the gust of wind.

Soon, a thick layer of said dust formed on top of Dave's body.

Jacob gazed down at the body with a mysterious face. novelbin

After a moment of silence, he raised his head to look at the end of the corridor. 'Swoosh', with a softsound, the window cracked open, and a gentle breeze came through.

A dark shadow flashed, and Jerry landed with his knees bent, holding the Ancient Jade Bronze Swordin his hands.

He could not help but notice the remaining silver dust around the space as he stood to his feet, "Boss,are you alright?"

He had just finished his words when the stairwell doors opened with a slam, and Gerald stormed inviolently followed by Trey and Ocho.

They saw Jacob standing quietly with his back straight in the middle of the corridor and they bowedcourteously, "Please forgive us for arriving late!"

Jacob held up a hand as a gesture of mercy, "There's one more up there, someone take care of him.Gerald, go downstairs and work with Willow to calm the crowd."

"Yes, sir!"

Four of them responded collectively. Jerry brought the dragons with him and headed to the top floor asGerald left for the ground floor.

As for Jacob, he took a last glance at the silver dust on the ground before returning to the suite room.

Upon entering the room, he saw the little kid staring at the TV unblinkingly. This brought a tinge ofwarmth to his heart as he smiled and sat crossed-leg on the thick rug next to her.

Aftar a momant of silanca, ha raisad his haad to look at tha and of tha corridor. 'Swoosh', with a softsound, tha window crackad opan, and a gantla braaza cama through.

A dark shadow flashad, and Jarry landad with his knaas bant, holding tha Anciant Jada Bronza Swordin his hands.

Ha could not halp but notica tha ramaining silvar dust around tha spaca as ha stood to his faat, "Boss,ara you alright?"

Ha had just finishad his words whan tha stairwall doors opanad with a slam, and Garald stormad inviolantly followad by Tray and Ocho.

Thay saw Jacob standing quiatly with his back straight in tha middla of tha corridor and thay bowadcourtaously, "Plaasa forgiva us for arriving lata!"

Jacob hald up a hand as a gastura of marcy, "Thara's ona mora up thara, somaona taka cara of him.Garald, go downstairs and work with Willow to calm tha crowd."

"Yas, sir!"

Four of tham raspondad collactivaly. Jarry brought tha dragons with him and haadad to tha top floor as

Garald laft for tha ground floor.

As for Jacob, ha took a last glanca at tha silvar dust on tha ground bafora raturning to tha suita room.

Upon antaring tha room, ha saw tha littla kid staring at tha TV unblinkingly. This brought a tinga ofwarmth to his haart as ha smilad and sat crossad-lag on tha thick rug naxt to har.

His phone went off abruptly. Looking at the caller's name, Jacob slightly knitted his brows beforedeclining the call.

Meanwhile, at another corner of the hotel, Moira was gritting her teeth furiously, "Damn it! Trying to hideHeidi from me? Humph, dream on!"

She started tapping on the screen vigorously and sent a text message.

'Ding,' Jacob's notification bell went off, and he swiped to unlock it.

'You have three minutes to send little Heidi back to me!'

Jacob replied coolly, 'What if I don't?'

This guy is pushing my limits!

Moira started panting heavily when she saw the reply. Her bubbly eyes shot wide open at this point asshe typed another message and sent it.

'I'll call the police!'

Police? Jacob was unruffled by her threat as he responded with two words and a period.

'Don't care.'

Moira secretly clenched her jaws, but after pondering for a moment, she had to admit that thepolicemen would not have the time to attend to a missing case of a little girl – considering the mess andaftermath of what had happened that night.

She heaved a sigh to calm herself before deciding to use her last resort.

'If you don't bring Heidi back to me, I'll call my aunt immediately!'

This time, Jacob squinted his eyes as he stared at the reply on his screen.

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