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The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 744

Chapter 744

“However, you know that Leon has saved my life before. I can’t help you deal with him head on. That’s my only request!” Elder Young said firmly.

“Alright, not a problem.” Harold nodded, but he had a cold smile inhis mind. He knew very well that the three forces behind Leon were not to be trifled with. Even if the four families worked together, it would not be easy to get rid of Leon and topple the Shears. There was no side unharmed when it came to war. Whetherit was a martial fight or a business one, as long as there was conflict between the two sides, all of them would


However, Elder Young said that he didnot want to fight Leon head on. Elder Young was just trying to use the Lowes, Fields and Collins as cannon fodder so the Youngs could benefit in the end. Harold was too smart to not see through Elder Young’s thoughts. In the end, Elder Young talked a lot about being honorable, but the honor was just a front for his own calculations.

Of course, the relationships between the major families had always been filled with hypocrisy and lies. To them, there were no eternal friends. All that mattered were the profits,

“ElderYoung, I won’t keep anything from you. I already talked to Elder Fields about our plans before I came here. Let me give you the details.”

Harold smiled calmly as he got up to walk to Elder Young’s side, preparing to mention his plans. Intruth, only Elder Young and Harold were in the room. There was no need for Harold to whisper at all. H


Elder Young did not took too much about it. He leaned in closer to Harold, completely defenseless.

“Elder Young, I wanted to tell you that, rather than dealing with Leon, I actually want to deal with the Youngs more.” Harold’s lips curled up into a cold smile.

“What did you say?” Elder Young was shocked. daily new chapters upload only onalaniniz(dot)com He reacted immediately, but it was already too late. Harold’s fist had already struck him firmly on the chest.

Elder Young felt a jolt of pain on his chest. He spat out a mouthful of bloodas he was sent flying, slamming viciously on the table. The table exploded into pieces.

“Harold, h–how dare you ambush me? You despicable man!” Elder Young clutched his chest as he struggled to get up, looking right at Harold.

“So what if I did? Old man, you’re the one who’s just too stupid. You fell for my trick so easily!” Harold let out a mocking smile as he stood up, not continuing to attack.


Elder Young was furious. After that, he forced himself to push down his anger as he sneakily tried to recover as he composed himself.

“Harold, we have no grudges against each other. Why would you attack me like that?”

“No grudges, that might not be the case!”

“Daisy, it’s your turn!” Harold sneered.

The moment he said that, Daisy walked right into the study.

“You two…

Elder Young was incredibly uncertain. He looked at Harold before he looked at Daisy as an uneasy feelinovelbin

“Old man, let me tell you the truth. Daisy was already my woman over twenty years ago. The two of us hend, Gilbert forced his way in and stole my woman! How could you say there are no grudges between u

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