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The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 689

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 689

Leon first helped Snow check her pulse, then gently grazed his finger against Snow’s broken shoulder, intending to check it.

“It hurts,” Snow could not help yelping in pain at Leon’s touch.

“Snow, I can’t believe how stupid you were. Why did you insist on protecting me? Have you gone insane?” Leon could not help feeling guilty about this. If Daniel’spunch shifted even just a few inches away, it would strike Snow’s heart and lungs, and she would not even be sitting up at this moment!

“I’ve promised to treat you as my brother, and isn’t it normal for sisters to take punches for their brothers? Besides, I only hurt my shoulder, that’s all,” Snow tried to reassure him.

“Sister?” Leon froze as a wave of emotions overcame him.

He was an orphan since birth and never experienced the warmth of having a family. When Snow promised to treat him as a brother, he thought she was just kidding, and never thought shewould have meant it!

Snow lunged forward and tookthis punch for him, just as a sister would. A surge of warmth spread through Leon’s heart at this realization.

“You’re right, Snow. From now on, you’re my sister.” Leon smiled as tears brimmed in his eyes, but he tried

to stifle them.

At this moment, he was overjoyed at this.

“What’s wrong, Leon?” Snow could not help asking when she sensed Leon’s change in emotions.

“Nothing! Let me help you, Snow.” Leon quickly tried to change the subject.

Snow nodded, then, with Leon’s help, she gently pulled down her sleeve, exposing therosy skin of her sculpted shoulder.

Snow was wearing a beige, skin–tight short dress that day, and as she pulled her sleeve down, her collar gaped open.

Leon was stunned by this. Snow was always an alluring woman with a pretty face and a smoking–hot body. Her suggestive language, and the air of charm that came with her every move were like kryptonite to every man that laid eyes on her.

Leon had to admit that, eventhough Iris was the most beautiful out of the Four Beauties, there was no doubt that Snow was the most seductive.

Snow could have any man she wanted at the snap of her fingers!

“Leon, what are you thinking about?” Snow’s face flushed scarlet as she began to feel a little uneasy at t

“Um, I’m contemplating how to start treating your wound.” Leon let out an awkward smile as quickly torenovelbin

Even though there was no open wound, and Snow’s shoulder looked fine apart from some redness and


The Circulation Pills were the special pills that Leon formulated. Not only were they capable of healing w

After applying it to Snow’s wound, Leon took out a box ofsmall needles and gently poked them into the pressure points around Snow’s shoulder.

Then, he summoned his spiritual energy and sent it coursing into the needles. Combined with the Circulbest way to heal Snow’s wound as fast as possible.

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