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The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 496

Chapter 496

The Pooles misunderstood and were not on the same channel as Leon right from the start.

Leon meant that he was going to cure Gloria once and for all, while they thought that he merely helped Gloria in regaining consciousness as Doctor Chase did in the past.

After all,Gloria was seen by many doctors and no one, including the Holy Doctor, had the means to cure her. It was only normal for the Pooles to assume that it was already a miracle that Gloria woke up at all.

“You don’t have to worry, Missus Poole! Your illness has been cured completely and you won’t faint out of the blue again!” Leon said as he got up and walked over. After focusing on his internal circulation, he managed to repel all cold forces that infiltrated his body and reached the peak Acquired state at the same


“What? I’m cured? Am I hearing this right?” Gloria’s jaw dropped as she turned to stare at Leon in disbelief.

“Yeah! Leon, stop messing with us!”

Everyone inside the room, including the Pooles, Doctor Chase, and Mister Hendrix, were stunned and gaped

at Leon.

“I’m not messing with you. If you don’t believe me, you can take a look at Missus Poole’s skin.” Leon pointed at Gloria.

The others turned to stare at Gloria, noticing that while she remained fair, she was no longer as pale and started showing a rosier tone.

“Missus Poole, if I’m not mistaken, your limbs always felt like they were freezing before this. Why don’t you feel for yourself? Your limbs should feel much warmer now,” Leon continued with a smile.

Snow and Fane immediatelyreached for their mother’s hands and feet, and even Vincent reached to grab one of Gloria’s hands hastily. When they finally realized that her temperature resumed to normal, they were


“Leon, so you’re saying that my mom’s completely cured and she won’t pass out again, right?” Snow gra

“Yeah! I’m going to write Missus Poole someprescription to reinforce her immune system and so long as she takes her medicine in time every day fo

“That’s great! You’re such a talented doctor!” Snow could not help but throw her arms around Leon.

All the other Pooles were shocked by the sight and their eyes darted between Snow and Leon.

They knew that Snow was betrayed in love in the past and were concerned about her. Seeing how Snowhugged Leon, they soon realized that she developed feelings for him.

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