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The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 321

Chapter 321

“Cynthia! Don’t touch him!” Benedict exclaimed and used his arm to stop his granddaughter.novelbin

“Grandfather, what are you doing? Didn’t you see how badly injured Leon is? We need to send him to the hospital as soon as possible…” Cynthia panicked and stomped her feet anxiously.

Her tears were about to burst out of her eyes.

“It’s alright. He’s using his energy to recover now! Besides, don’t forget how good his medicalskills are. I’m sure he has a way to heal himself. There’s no need to send him to the hospital,” Benedict comforted.

With Leon’s excellent skill in practicing medicine, it would be useless for them to send him to the hospital if he could not heal himself.

Cynthia followed her grandfather’s sight and looked over. Leon closed his eyes and sat on the grass with his legs crossed. He used his energy to heal his injury.

Seeing that with her own eyes, Cynthia was less worried. Despite that, she continued to gaze and monitor Leon’s movement. Her face still looked very worried.

“Leon, it’s all my fault. I’m the one who did this to you. Please, you need torecover… I promise I’ll do anything as long as you recover…” She sniffed her nose.

Her eyes turned red. She couldn’t contain her tears from falling anymore.

As one of the people who was involved in the danger, she knew exactly how dangerous the situation was. Leon risked everything just to save her. That was why he was badly injured. A life for another life. He used his life in exchange for her safety!

It happened the same as last time. When she was in danger, Leonalso saved her by risking his life. And it happened again now.

Teenage girlswere prompted to be gullible with things like this. She was deeply touched by Leon when he risked his own life just to save her. Her heart melted.

Her eyes seemed to be glued toLeon’s sharp and distinctive facial features. The passion and affection she never had for anyone slowly appeared in her heart.

Leon was sitting in the middle of the Energy Convergence Circle. He used the circle to absorb spiritual energy from the surrounding. As he suppressed his injury, he slowly merged the random spiritual energies in his body.

Fortunately, lady luck was on his side. The Energy Convergence Circle was able to supply an ample amount of spiritual energy. Although it was quite slow in supplying, it was enough for him to use it to suppress and merge the random spiritual energies.

After a while, Leon’s pale was no longer pale. His cheeks were starting to look rosy. Obviously, he was looking a lot better than before.

Shortly, his body trembled when the last spiritual energy was mergedinto his body. It was a blessing in disguise. His power level successfully reached the Peak Meditation Phase from the Advanced Meditation


A rank as a sage equaled tworanks in martial arts. Now that his ability surpassed Advanced Innate State, he was just at the borderlin

e to reach Peak Innate State. Since he was a martial artist and a sage art practitioner, he could definitely have a chance to defeat a Peak Innate Statemartial artist if he used his true energy wisely. Even when the true energy in his body was weak.

In another word, he was just second to a Supreme Master!

“Leon, are you alright? Are your injury better?” Cynthia was worried and anxious when she saw Leon opslightly trembling too.

“I’m fine. I’ve recovered. Don’t worry about me,” Leon said with a smile.

He patted away the dust from his body and stood up.

“That’s terrific! God bless you!” Cynthia was overjoyed and ended up with happy tears rolling down her f

She could not control her emotion anymore and threw herself into Leon’s arms.

“What…” Leon was dumbfounded.

It was inhis wildest dream to have Cynthia hugging him. His arms remained stiff and straight in the air. He did no

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