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Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303

Meanwhile, an awkward expression appeared on Mister Yair’s face when Leon revived Damian.

He ignored Leon’s advice and came close to killing Damian, so he had no clue how to explain himself.

“Mister Yair, seeing how Damian is fine now, I won’t blame you for what happened! Just leave!” Patrickcommanded coldly.

“Thank you for your forgiveness, Elder Scammell,” Mister Yair sighed a breath of relief inwardly andturned to bow at Leon, “Young man, your skills are unparalleled and I admit defeat,” Mister Yair saidearnestly.

He was always proud of his skills as a doctor but was struck down from his pedestal after seeing howLeon. managed to revive the dead.

“You’re too kind, Mister Yair. I was just lucky,” Leon said modestly.

“This is my business card. I would be grateful if you would teach me your ways,” Mister Yair handedLeon his business card.

“I’m hardly qualified to teach anyone anything. If there’s a chance, we can exchange experience andknowledge,” Leon accepted the business card seeing how sincere Mister Yair was.

With that, Mister Yair left with his assistant.

“Grandpa, if this is all, we’ll leave now,” Iris said.

“Iris, there’s no rush! It’s almost noon now. Why don’t you and Leon stay for lunch?” Patrick saidenthusiastically.

Though he still thought that Leon did not deserve Iris, it was undeniable that Leon saved Damian.Patrick’s prejudice toward Leon faded for the most part and he started treating Leon with a much betterattitude.

“Sure.” Iris nodded.

During lunch, Patrick, Amy, and the others continued to thank Leon for saving Damian every fewminutes and the family grew closer to one another as they spoke.

After lunch…novelbin

“Iris, where do you stay right now? You don’t come here often and staying outside might beinconvenient! Why don’t you move in with us?” Patrick offered.

“It’s fine, Grandpa. Leon has bought a mansion outside and we will just stay there,” Iris said.

“I see. Very well, then.” Patrick could tell that Iris was deeply in love with Leon and knew better than tosay anything even though he did not like Leon.

“Damian, do you know any places around here that sell jadeites? I need jadeites of great quality,” Leonturned and asked Damian.

“Well, it’s- Never mind. You two have just arrived here and you don’t know your way around this place.Why don’t Penny go with you?” Damian said thoughtfully.

“Sure. Thank you, Penny.” Leon nodded, before leaving the mansion with Iris and Penny.

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