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Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278

Sky County was demarcated into five distinct regions, namely the Eastern, Western, Northern,Southern, and Central Regions. Each region spread over a vast territory, more than several times thesize of Springfield City or Seacove City.

The Southern Region was the one nearest to Springfield City and was where the Scammells lived.

After traveling by car for seven or eight hours, Leon and the rest finally managed to arrive before it gotdark out, and checked into a luxurious five–star hotel nearby.

After a good night’s rest, they went out for a spin around town the next morning, to get a better idea oftheir surroundings while at the same time trying to find a real estate agent to discuss the prospects ofbuying a house here.

Finally, after visiting countless showrooms and real estate agencies, a beautiful villa on the Southernhillside caught Leon’s attention.

The villa was very big, spanning over a few thousand square feet. However, since the villa was locatedin the hills, it was not priced very high, and Leon managed to buy it for just a little over 14 milliondollars.

The reason this villa caught his attention was its superb location–it was situated directly behind the hillsand was close to a stream, and the peaceful scenery was perfect for his alchemy and martial artstraining.

After three days, the application paperwork was finalized, and they all moved into the house once Leongot his hands on the keys.

This was a four–story duplex villa that came with two underground basements, a front, and backyard,an open–air swimming pool, a garage, and an intricate pagoda in its yard, giving the entire house aluxurious look. Not only that but the architecture and furnishing of the house were exquisite, making iteven more comfortable to live in than Dragonbay Villa!

That afternoon, Leon, Iris, and the rest went out to purchase some furniture and electronics andstocked up on some necessities so that their stay would be more comfortable.

It took them an entire afternoon to finish settling into the house, and they finally plopped down on thesofa in the living room to rest.

“I can’t believe I have a house of my own now after spending so many years all by myself!” Leongrinned as a surge of warmth spread into his heart.

The orphanage he grew up in was long taken down due to their struggle to keep up with the ever–risinghousing prices and inflation.

Ever since he left the orphanage, Leon was pretty on his own without a true place to call home, andeven after marrying Marilyn, he never once felt like he truly belonged with the Mansons even after livingwith them for three years.

Although Albert helped him set up his house back in Springfield City, this was still the first house heever bought with his hard–earned money, and would always bear a significant place in his heart.novelbin

‘Well, too bad this house doesn’t have a proper Missus!‘ Leon thought to himself as he glanced lovinglyin Iris’s direction.

When she felt Leon’s eyes on her, Iris turned to meet his gaze and immediately sensed what he wasthinking. Her face flushed scarlet, and she quickly turned away to avoid his gaze.

The truth was, Leon already brought up the idea of getting married to her, even before coming to SkyCounty, but unfortunately, Iris refused to advance further until the drama between him and Cynthia wasresolved. Therefore, she had no choice but to delay things a little longer and discuss marriage again inthe future.

Although Leon was unhappy by this, he had no choice but to relent.

All of a sudden, Ruth recalled something and let out a shriek, “Oh no!”

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