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The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 11

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 11novelbin

“By the way, Leon, I remember seeing the man stab you with a dagger last night. Are you…alright?Would you like me to take you to the hospital?” Iris asked concernedly. She remembered having a clearview of the man stabbing Leon in the chest with the dagger, but strangely enough, Leon was alive andwell as if nothing happened to him at all.Iris began to doubt if she saw it that time.“I’m fine. My injury isfine.”Leon touched his chest subconsciously, but he accidentally made contact with the wound. Hefrowned in pain as a result and could not help but let out a groan.“What’s wrong? Does it hurt? Okay,we’re going to the hospital right now!”Iris stood up abruptly and had a nervous expression on herface.“It’s not that painful. The pain lasts for only a little while, and it disappears almost as quickly as itarrives. I don’t think there’s a need to go to the hospital.”The pain gradually lessened as Leon rubbed itback and forth a couple of times.He wanted to take off his clothes to check on his injury, but he feltembarrassed to do so in front of Iris.“Take off your clothes and show me how bad it is.”Iris was stillworried.“But…”Leon was incredibly shy and it was a little awkward of him to be taking his clothes off infront of a girl.“Just hurry up and take them off!” Iris urged.She practically ignored the fact that Leon wasa man—he was young and full of vigor too!Leon comforted himself by saying that there was nothing tobe shy about if she did not mind!With that thought, he gritted his teeth and took off his shirt to reveal hisslim and sturdy figure.Iris leaned forward to take a look and saw that the wound on Leon’s chestalready formed a scar. Worse still, the scar was unsightly, like a five-centimeter-long centipede, andanyone who saw it would feel chills down their spine.“How can you say that it doesn’t hurt when thescar is this huge?!” Iris reached out instinctively and touched the scar on Leon’s chest. her nose thenbecame sour, and tears began welling in her eyes.One could easily imagine how she felt after seeingthe scar that remained of Leon’s heroics when saving her the last night.The next moment, however, acurious scene appeared.With Iris’s touch, the scars began to peel off bit by bit, revealing fresh baby-like pink skin underneath.Iris was dumbfounded. It would usually take at least a month or two for scarsto fully form and disappear, yet that was exactly what happened even though it had only been less thana day since the wound was first inflicted. Amazingly, there were no traces of the scar on his new skin.It

was simply unbelievable.Confused, Iris continued to rub on the scar, moving very gently untileverything gradually fell off. Any traces of the scar that was once there was absent from the new skinunderneath, and it was almost as if Leon was never injured at all.Iris’s mind went blank.Leon, on theother hand, blushed!Iris’s fair hands were soft and delicate, and they rubbed back and forth on hischest like the strokes of a lover.A young, healthy man could not endure such touches!His body tensedup immediately and his heart thumped wildly. He was so nervous that he was practically on the vergeof suffocating.“What the hell are you two doing?!” an angry voice shouted at that moment.A square-faced, imposing middle-aged man in his fifties walked into the room.A gorgeous 36- or 37-year-oldwoman clung intimately to him. She looked rather charming, albeit with a rather generous application ofmakeup.She wore a red tight-fitting dress with a plunging neckline. Her figure was ridiculously good,and she moved her hips with a touch of allure.“Dad? Why are you here?”Iris was startled, and only thendid she realize that she had one hand on Leon’s bare chest.It was a rather indecent sight.Iris’s daintycheeks turned scarlet in an instant, and she retracted her hand as if she touched a live wire.Leon wasno better and he hurriedly put on his clothes.Both Leon and Iris blushed as if they were caught inflagrante delicto.

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