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The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

“Leon, the others and I will help you fend them off, and you take Jacob hostage, then

try to find a way to escape with Ruth and Iris,” George instructed in a low voice. Not

only were Leon and the Collins working hand in hand, but Leon even risked his life to

sneak into the Youngs and rescue Ruth from Jacob!

Therefore, there was no way George could stand by and watch idly when Leon fell

into Harold and the Fields‘


Fortunately, Leon managed to capture Jacob, God knows how!

With Jacob as a hostage, and with George, who was already at the Intermediate

Overlord state, leading the rest of the Collins‘ martial artists, they could fend off the

opposition momentarily, and Leon would have a chance to escape with the two


Once Leon got to safety, there would be plenty of time for him and the Collins to come

up with a plan to take revenge!

“There’s no need to escape! Don’t worry, Elder Collins, I’ll take care of Harold and the

Fields. You just have to help me with one thing–keep an eye on Iris!” Leon replied


“What? You’re going to take on Harold and the Fields by yourself? Leon, have you


insane?” George could not believe his ears. Not even he dared to challenge Harold

and the Fields on his own, yet Leon, who was only at the Peak Supreme State, dared

to do so!

Only an idiot would place so much trust in him!

“I’m not insane! The Fields have tried to assassinate me numerous times, and I’ve

been wanting to take revenge n them! Since they’ve shown up right on my doorstep,

I’ll gladly fulfill their death wish!” Leon sneered. follow Alaniniz(dot)com For Latest

Update Both Harold and the Fields were his mortal enemies, and he intended to take

on the Fields after he defeated Harold, but lo and behold, the Fields showed up of

their own accord.

This was exactly what he wanted!

He would seize this opportunity to defeat the Fields once and for all!

“You!” George was unsure whether to cry or laugh at this. He knew of Leon’s situation,

but he still could not understand what gave Leon the courage to take on both Harold

and the Fields at the same time.novelbin

“Leon, please wake up, snap out of this!” both Iris and Ruth were outraged by this,

especially Ruth. When Leon first caught hold of Jacob, she advised him numerous

times to escape while he could, taking Jacob hostage, but not only did Leon ignore

her, he even declared that he would not rest until he killed Harold!

Not only that, but now that the Fields joined in, he wanted to take them on at the same


What was wrong with this man? If it were not for the fact that she could not match up

to Leon physically at all, she would have cracked his skull apart by now to see what

was wrong with his brain!

“Escape? Not so fast!” seeing that Leon and George were whispering amongst each

other, Harold realized something was amiss and gestured at his subordinates. All of a

sudden, all the fighters from the Lowes, Youngs, and Fields surrounded Leon,

blocking all his paths of escape.

“Leon, you idiot! You wasted the perfect opportunity to escape,” George was so

frustrated that his entire face turned red, and there was nothing he wanted more than

to slap Leon at this moment.

If Leon listened to him and escaped before Harold or the Fields could realize what

was going on, he, as well

as Ruth and Iris, would be safe by now.

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