The Ex and Her Riches

Chapter 860 Someone Hugs Her
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Chapter 860 Someone Hugs Her

Of course, the protagonist was merely Whitney. Even if these people were audacious, they wouldn’tdare to plot against Charles, unless they no longer wished to keep their job.

Moreover, Charles never stood up for Whitney, nor did he ever intervene in these matters these days,which further fueled the spread of the rumors.

That noon, a few people gathered in the restroom, and started a discussion about this matter.

“I wonder how Whitney has the nerve to stick around Mr. Newton. If it were me, I would have handed inmy resignation long ago.”

“Well, I think she just wants to become Mrs. Newton, so she won’t let go that easily. Hence, being theCEO’s assistant is the first step to getting close to the CEO. Do you think she’s foolish?”

“She should really take a good look at herself and see if she’s even destined for such greatness. Andwho does she think she has her eyes on? She’s seriously deluded if she thinks she’s a phoenix.”

“Hehe, well, this is great. It is just as expected that she got kicked by Mr. Newton.”

“If it were me, I would dutifully go to work, earn a living, and marry a man who matches my socialstatus. The key is to know one’s place.”

They were all chattering away by the sink, completely unaware that the person they were talking aboutwas right behind them in the stall.

As Whitney listened to their conversation, she couldn’t help but clench her fists.

She felt a slight urge to go out and pick a fight with those gossipmongers,

But reason told her, she shouldn’t.

Charles held a high reputation within the company. If she were to leave now, it might look bad.

Once the noise outside the door had subsided, Whitney finally opened the partition door, ready toleave. However, when she tried to open the bathroom door, she found it had been locked from theoutside.

No matter how she turned the handle, it just wouldn’t open.

Did those people from earlier do it on purpose?

Whitney pressed her face against the door frame and called out, “Is anyone there? I’m locked. in here.Could you please help me open the door?”

Once the door was locked from the outside, there was no way to open it from the inside.

Whitney pounded on the door with all her might, but the outside remained eerily silent, with no signs ofanyone coming or going.

She glanced at the time and saw that it was the lunch break. Most of the employees should bet takingtheir afternoon nap, so there were very few people coming to the restroom.

On top of that, Whitney had already had enough of these people’s gossip. This time, she deliberatelychose a more secluded restroom, but she didn’t expect to encounter such a situation…

She pulled out her phone, hoping to call for help, only to find there was no signal. Now, all she could dowas wait.

Half an hour had passed, she tried knocking on the door again, calling out for help. Still, there was noresponse from anyone.

Whitney was in the midst of cracking her head to think of a way when, with a sudden splash, a bucketof icy cold water was dumped in from a small window above the door, drenching her from head to toe.

Her hair instantly became wet, and stuck to her face.

She was already dressed lightly, so she was shivering to her core now that she was drenched in water.

She hugged herself, the corners of her eyes slightly reddened. Then, she pulled out her phone onceagain as she was trembling.

Finally, there was a signal.

As she flipped through the address book, she realized that she didn’t have a single friend in thecompany. The only person she had close contact with was Queenie, and no one else.

Ironically, Queenie took a leave that day as she was not feeling unwell.

Now, the only one who could offer her help was Isaac.

At a time like this, Whitney never even considered calling Charles.

After much hesitation, she finally decided to call Isaac.

The moment the call connected, Isaac’s questioning voice came through immediately.

“What’s wrong?”

“Come to the restroom on the east wing of the twenty-first floor. I’ve been locked in here by someone.”

“Alright, I’ll bring someone over right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Whitney leaned against the bathroom wall for support, feeling unwell fromhead to toe.

The bathroom’s exhaust fan made her feel cold, so she could only hug herself, trying to provide somewarmth.

By the time Isaac arrived, he saw water overflowing from the bathroom. The bathroom door lock hadbeen maliciously sealed with tape. No wonder she couldn’t open it.

He quickly instructed the locksmith to pry open the door..

The moment she saw Isaac, Whitney thought she was losing her mind and seeing things. Shestaggered out of the restroom soon after.

Seeing her drenched, Isaac took off his own coat, intending to drape it over her, but Whitney refused.

Now, she was the center of attention in the company. Any man who crossed paths with her might findhimself caught in a whirlwind of rumors.

She didn’t want Isaac to be affected by these things anymore.

“Thank you very much.”

Whitney hugged herself tightly, her figure trembling slightly as she walked towards the elevator.

Isaac took a quick look around the environment. This place was in a blind spot for surveillance, andwith the constant flux of people coming and going, it was impossible to determine who was responsiblefor the malicious act.

Thinking about the recent rumors at the company, Isaac furrowed his brows.

He was determined to get to the bottom of this matter.

The air conditioning was also on in the elevator, causing Whitney to tightly wrap her arms. aroundherself, sneezing several times in a row.

When she returned to the top floor office area. Whitney’s gaze just happened to meet with Charles,who was coming out of his office.

After a mere glance, Whitney immediately lowered her head. She walked past Charles and returned toher own workstation.

The cold war between them in the past few days had left her mentally and physically exhausted, withno energy to focus on her work. She was making mistakes more often than not while organizing hermaterials.

Charles’ reprimands towards her didn’t lessen at all. She was truly exhausted, both mentally andphysically.

I feel really cold, but it’s nothing compared to the chill in my heart.

Whitney felt as if her body was about to reach its limit, as if she could hardly hold on any longer.


Another sneeze came, and a wave of grievance welled up within her. Whitney’s head felt heavy andfoggy. She hadn’t heard any movement beside her for a while and assumed that Charles had alreadyleft.

She could longer fight the discomfort she was feeling, so she leaned on the table, curled and fell asleepwithin minutes.

Charles furrowed his brows slightly. He was still standing in the same place with his falling on her froma distance.


It’s so cold.

In her drowsy state, Whitney suddenly felt a lightness in her body.novelbin

Has someone picked me up?

She wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids were so heavy that she couldn’t muster the strength. Afamiliar scent of men’s cologne wafted into her nostrils.

Is it Charles?

Is Charles holding her?

No, it can’t be. He had just left.

Whitney’s head was throbbing painfully, causing her to whimper softly from time to time. Restless, shenuzzled into the man’s arms.

She couldn’t sense the man’s body stiffening slightly due to her movements. All she knew was that shewanted some tenderness, so she pressed herself against his chest…

A warm, thick blanket was draped over her, gradually warding off the cold. Soon, she fell into a deepsleep.

Knock, Knock.

She was awakened by the sound of a table being knocked. As she opened her eyes, she saw Isaacstanding in front of her..

“Mrs. Newton, it’s time to go home.”

Whitney rubbed her eyes, her vision gradually clearing as she looked around. She realized. she wasstill sitting at her workstation.

There was no thick blanket on her body, and that man was nowhere to be found by her side.

As expected, she was indeed dreaming.

She gave a self-deprecating laugh, quickly composed herself, and smiled at Isaac. “Thank you forhelping me today.”

“That’s my job.”

Whitney stood up, only to feel a wave of dizziness wash over her. Suddenly, her vision went black, andshe felt so weak that she had to sit back down.

Isaac hurriedly stepped forward to support her, expressing his concern, “Mrs. Newton, are you alright?”

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