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Chapter 968

Chapter 968 Adorably Foolish


The email from King was crystal clear. It contained information he had inadvertently gathered while

infiltrating the internal network of Jones Group.

Neera frowned, feeling worried and unnerved.

She couldn’t understand why Alex Jones’ family would have such a terrifying ancient prescription.

Layers of doubt descended upon her. Without hesitation, she pulled out her phone and contacted King.

“Are you sure this belongs to the Jones Group? I noticed the word ‘Norton’ marked on the documents.

What’s going on?”

King responded nonchalantly, “I’m not entirely sure about the specifics. All I know is that this was

copied from within Jones Group’s database. I originally intended to teach them a lesson, but I didn’t

expect to unearth this.”

Seeing Neera so concerned, he asked, “If it matters to you, I can help you look into the Joneses’


Neera was indeed very concerned and didn’t hold back with him. novelbin

“All right. I appreciate your help.”

“Don’t mention it. This is just a piece of cake. Wait for my update.”

After hanging up the phone, Neera spent the entire afternoon studying the prescription.

In the evening, Jean came over.

When he walked in, Neera didn’t even notice. She was still engrossed in staring at the


Jean walked over, curiously glancing at the computer screen.

Upon seeing the words “the Norton family,” he was immediately taken aback. “How did you get the

Norton family’s prescription?”

Neera was so focused on her computer that she was startled when he suddenly heard a noise.

Looking up, she saw Jean and quickly greeted him, “You’re here?”

Jean continued to ask, “Yes. What’s going on here?”

Neera quickly explained the specific situation, then said, “However, I can’t think of any connection.

between the Jones family and the Norton family right now! They might be old acquaintances..

Otherwise, Alex wouldn’t have used the Red Rash Powder to help Kyra before.”

Jean understood clearly and immediately shared the information that Ian had previously investigated

about Alex.

“They are not old acquaintances. Alex himself is a descendant of the Norton family. You can think of the

Jones family as the Norton family! I always felt that Kyra’s involvement with the allergy incident was

undeniable, so I had someone investigate it.”

At that point, Neera quickly came to understand. “So, that’s how it is! I never expected Alex to have

such a profound background, possessing so many forbidden drugs. No wonder he has something as

troublesome as the Red Rash Powder.”

12:02 Wed, 25 Oct E


At that point, her brows furrowed deeply, and her eyes filled with frustration. If Alex continues to use

and produce these harmful ancient prescriptions, it’ll cause endless harm to others. Who knows how

many other illegal drugs that guy has made besides the Red Rash Powder?

Jean lightly tapped her forehead. “Don’t overthink it for now. Since we’ve already got so much on Alex,

he won’t be able to wriggle out for long. Relax.”

Only after hearing that did Neera relax.

Then, she looked up at him, her face full of curiosity. “Isn’t your ability a bit too impressive? You were

able to find out even this?”

Jean couldn’t help but laugh. “Only now do you realize how formidable your fiancé is? In the future, if

there’s anything you want to know, just come and ask me. I can help you find out. Don’t spend all day

guessing on your own. Isn’t it silly not to use such a good information network?”

Neera felt that what he said made sense, and she nodded seriously.

Then, she propped her cheeks with her hands, staring intently at Jean..

He raised an eyebrow. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

Neera accused him, “You actually called me silly.”

Jean chuckled, very convincingly coaxing, “Yes. You’re adorably silly.”

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head to give her a kiss, the tenderness in his eyes almost

overflowing. “Let’s go. Stop working for now. I’ll take you out for a meal.”

“Great. I’m starving.”

After tidying up, the two of them, hand in hand, left the research center.

Jean had already made a reservation at the restaurant. Upon arrival, he went straight into the private


Unexpectedly, Kyra and Alex were also there.

The two of them entered after Jean and Neera. Their faces were filled with shock when they saw the


“Shouldn’t Neera be suffering from allergies right now? Why does she look like fine? Have they

developed an antidote?” Kyra couldn’t help but ask Alex, who was next to her.

Alex immediately refuted, “Impossible! There are only a few people who know the antidote for the Red

Rash Powder, let alone make it. It’s an ancient prescription, and the required medicinal materials are

very hard to find!”

Kyra gritted her teeth, asking in frustration, “But isn’t Neera perfectly fine now? How do you explain


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