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Chapter 924

Willard nodded in understanding after listening to Neera's explanation.

“All right, we'll follow your plan. I'm completely on board.” novelbin

Although Neera didn't give a hundred percent assurance of a full recovery, her honesty made him trust her evenmore.

Leila was still somewhat uneasy and looked at Neera with concern.

“Ms. Garcia, I'm not doubting your medical skills, but... isn't there a distinction between mother wugs andwuglings? Are you sure it's safe to proceed like this?”

Neera understood her worries and promptly addressed them, offering reassurance.

“I've examined your grandfather's condition. The wugs in his body are most likely mother wugs. They only causesuch severe problems when the mother wug becomes active. If it were wuglings, based on the timeline, theywould have remained dormant for a longer period, at least a few more years before becoming active. That's why Idecided to act swiftly. While mother wugs are dangerous, at least we can treat them immediately without the needto search for wuglings.”

Leila grasped the explanation, still concerned but with a bit more trust in her.

“All right, Ms. Garcia, I'm entrusting my grandfather to you.”

She then solemnly bowed.

Neera replied graciously, “You're very welcome, Ms. Saunders.”

She then stood up and said, “Now that we've confirmed the treatment plan, let's not waste any more time. Let'sget started.”

Soon, Leila led the way, taking Neera and Willard upstairs.

“There are only coffee lounges on this floor, and there's no suitable place. This room here is my grandfather'slounge, and we can use it as the treatment room.”

Neera nodded in agreement. Inside, she proceeded to disinfect her hands and helped Willard lie down.

After completing the preparations, she took out the prepared medication from the day before and injected it intothe old man's body.

Then, she took out silver needles, sterilized them one by one with alcohol-soaked cotton balls, and inserted theminto Willard's chest.

This treatment mainly involved dry needling, with medication as a supplementary measure.

Since it was the first session, it took quite some time.

Just the needling process alone took over an hour.

After administering the final needle, Neera stretched her wrist and let out a sigh of relief.

Outside the treatment room, Leila anxiously waited.

When Neera came out, she immediately approached and inquired, “Ms. Garcia, how is my grandfather?”

Neera took the handkerchief handed to her by Jean and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She then explainedthe situation inside.

“Your grandfather has temporarily fallen asleep. He's still in the midst of the dry needling, so we'll have to wait abit before removing the needles.”

Leila asked with concern, “After this treatment, will my grandfather's health improve?”

Neera replied with a hint of helplessness, “One session of treatment won't yield significant results. It'll take atleast three sessions before we can see initial improvements. Ms. Saunders, for any serious ailment, you can'texpect instant miracles, especially when it involves wug pests.”

Leila bit her lip apologetically and said, “I'm sorry; I was just too anxious.”

Neera didn't blame her and offered a reassuring smile.

“I understand. You're just anxious from being overly worried, but your concern will surely help your grandfatherrecover faster.”

Afterward, she asked for a piece of paper and wrote down the address of her research center.

“For future treatments, please bring him to my facility. I'm usually quite busy, and I can't come in person everytime. Moreover, the conditions in the treatment room there are better than here.”

Leila accepted the note and expressed her gratitude. “All right, thank you.”

Neera wrote another prescription for her and handed it over.

“Also, during each treatment session, there's a possibility of triggering the wugs inside your grandfather's body,which will cause him pain. But don't worry. Follow this prescription, boil the herbs in two bowls of water until itreduces to one bowl. When he has an episode, feed it to him. It should help alleviate the symptoms. Additionally,during the treatment period, make sure he gets proper nutrition, with a preference for light, nourishing foods thatcan replenish his nutrition.”

Leila nodded attentively, memorizing Neera's words before expressing her gratitude.

Later in the evening, Neera removed the needles and gave some instructions before leaving with Jean.

In the evening, she received an unexpected call from Leila.

“What should I do, Ms. Garcia? My grandfather suddenly developed a high fever, and he's extremely weak. Histemperature is frighteningly high. What's going on?”

Neera had anticipated this and immediately reassured her.

“Don't worry. This is a typical response. Administer some fever-reducing medication to your grandfather and usephysical means to reduce his temperature. He should recover. However, closely monitor his condition during thisperiod. If there are any changes, please contact me immediately, regardless of the time.”

Leila let out a sigh of relief and replied, “Okay.”

After hanging up, Neera turned to see her aunt returning alone.

“Where's Uncle Chad? Why isn't he with you?”

Adriana set down her bag and replied, “He went to the Cox residence. It seems like there's some trouble overthere.”

The Cox residence?

Neera immediately had a hunch.

Could it be that there was progress in the case of Avery being afflicted by wugs?

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