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Chapter 787

After a while, Neera began to lose focus. It was Jean's breath, too close for comfort. It was so hot that I couldn'thelp but shiver. I could also clearly smell his refreshing scent. I am totally drawn to him,,,

But at that moment when Neera’s mind wandered, Jean's thoughts weren't on the same page. After all, I couldn'tremain indifferent with Neera in my arms. novelbin

Gradually, both fell silent.

Inside the room, a tranquil yet ambiguous atmosphere filled the air.

Neera's heart thumped, and she subconsciously turned her head to look at Jean.

Unexpectedly, at that very moment, Jean was also looking at Neera. He seemed excited and could not stophimself from looking away from Neera.

When their eyes met, they became entwined and glanced at each other passionately.

As the temperature around them rose, the scent of flowers seemed to intensify.

Before long, they kissed passionately in the midst of the atmosphere. Both were left breathless and took a longtime to calm down.

After some more affectionate moments, they finally returned home.

The triplets were still awake and gathered around them as they returned.

"Mommy, did you have a good time tonight?"

The triplets were worried since they knew Neera had been upset earlier.

Neera looked into their eyes and felt delighted. Then she said, "Yes, I am fine now and have been very happyrecently."

Neera gently patted the triplets' faces and said, "I'm sorry for worrying you."

The triplets all shook their heads in unison and said, "It's okay. As long as mommy is happy, we're relieved."

After a brief conversation, Neera took the triplets upstairs for a bath and tuck them into bed.

In the living room, only Jean remained. He was about to open his laptop to check his emails when he heard somecommotion outside. Then, he got up and went to see what was happening.

As soon as Jean stepped out, he saw a group of his men blocking Zephyr, who had just returned.

"Zephyr, you're back so late. Where were you?" Ian asked with a smirk.

Zephyr's face turned cold and said. "It's none of your business. Step aside!"

Ian clicked his tongue and said, "How can it not be our business? You went out on Mrs. Beauvort's orders, right?Tell us, Is it something important?"

Zephyr had never been interrogated like this before and turned angrily. But considering they worked for Jean, Imust remain calm!

"I can't disclose any information. Now, get out of my way!"

Ian nudged Zephyr and said, "We're friends, after all. It's not for you to be this so secretively,"

Zephyr frowned and said, "Who said we're friends? Get lost!"

"Why are you being so rude?"

On the side, Storm cracked his knuckles and seemed eager to fight.

"It looks like we might have to settle this with a fight, but be warned, it might draw Mrs. Beauvort's attention."

Zephyr could not hold back anymore but yelled, "Fine, let's fight then!"

As Zephyr’s words had just fallen, the two bodyguards behind Storm approached.

"Are you sure? There are so many of us taking on just one of you. Don't accuse us of unfairness later."

At that moment, the four of them were flexing their wrists and preparing for a fight.

Zephyr was stunned. I did not expect them to be so shameless! Should they not go one by one? Weren't theyworried about being criticized for their unchivalrous behavior?

Before they could make a move, Jean walked over.

Ian and the others quickly turned and respectfully greeted "Mr. Jean."

Zephyr restrained his expression and nodded in greeting.

Jean approached Zephyr and said coldly. "You were investigating Thora's matter for Neera, weren't you? Whatdid you find?"

Zephyr inexplicably sensed strong pressure. I felt like submitting as Jean put me under the same pressure as Mr.Gordon.

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