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Chapter 736

Some members of the research team were on duty inside the research center.

It was late at night, and they were certainly startled when intruders barged into the building. Those people werescholars who had no means of self-defense and no fighting skills.

All they could do was grasp at any nearby objects for makeshift defense.

Ian quickly assessed the situation. novelbin

He noticed that there were quite a few intruders. Those men were skilled fighters; he could tell that they werewell-trained at a glance.

His gaze sharpened and he sprang into action. He darted forward a few steps and pulled someone over.

He roared, "All of you, hide inside the room! Don't come out unless I call for you!"

Amidst the chaos, only Luigi and Osbert seemed to maintain calm.

Luigi, with concern evident in his voice, asked, "Who are these intruders? How did they breach the center'ssecurity?"

Ian, brow furrowed, responded tersely, "I'm not sure, but there's no time for questions. Get everyone out of here.I'll handle this."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Osbert and Luigi exchanged glances and complied.

After he ensured everyone had evacuated safely, Ian sprang into action.

Outside, his bodyguards were already locked in combat with the intruders. With Ian joining in the combat, thescene became even more intense.

These intruders were skilled, and they came prepared, armed with weapons like long blades and daggers.

Ian was a seasoned fighter. He quickly identified the leader of the group and charged toward him.

After he exchanged a few moves with him, he was surprised to find that this man's ability was at the level of aprofessional mercenary.

His expression turned grave.

Ian deduced that the presence of such skilled mercenaries showed up in this place; clearly, they were here with aspecific mission, to assassinate his boss.

His complexion darkened, and his eyes filled with homicidal intent. Each move he made was more ruthless thanthe last.

These fools have sealed their fate! Whoever dares threaten my boss will pay the ultimate price! I don't mindsending them to meet the maker!

Five minutes later, after some effort, he managed to subdue the man in front of him.

To catch bandits, one must first catch the ringleader. Once the leader was captured, the morale of the otherassailants waned, making them easier to handle.

About another five minutes passed, and all the mercenaries were neutralized.

The chaotic scene calmed down, and eventually peace returned, but the air still had a hint of menace to it.

Immediately, Ian went to check on the injured.

Fortunately, the research center's two doctors were the only ones hurt. Most of his men were unscathed.

After making sure everyone was okay, he gave the order to his subordinate to clean up the scene. He brought thecaptured leader to Jean.

Jean sat up in bed and leaned back against the headboard. The noise outside did not bother him at all.

The illness had left his face looking pale, but there was a piercing brightness in his inky black eyes. Like the Kingof Hell himself, he exuded an air of fearsome menace.

He gazed at the intruder with a blank expression. He coldly asked, "Who sent you?"

The man tightened his lips, refusing to speak.

Ian frowned and kicked him in the knee.

"Still not talking, huh? Speak up. Who sent you to assassinate my boss?"

The agony hit the man hard. He kneeled on the ground. No matter how many questions were directed at him, heremained silent, refusing to respond.

Losing patience, and tried to compel the mercenary to speak by grabbing him by the chin.

The man spewed blood from his mouth out of the blue. His head sagged and collapsed to the ground.

"Hey! You…"

As he fell, Ian's eyes widened in surprise. He quickly put his fingers beneath his nose. His eyes clearly conveyedshock. He slowly pulled his hand away and turned around.

"Sir, he's dead.

Just then, another subordinate rushed into the room. He was sweating profusely and looked horrified. He enteredthe room bearing similar bad news.

"Sir and Mr. Ian, the rest of the men outside...they secretly bit on poison hidden in their teeth while we weren'tlooking. They're all dead now!"

Jean's expression turned sinister, and his gaze became menacing.

"Look into this!" He blurted out his command, word by word, "I want to know who they were and where theycame from! Find out everything for me."

Ian's complexion was ghastly pale, and he nodded solemnly.

After that, he ordered his men to remove the bodies.

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