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Chapter 719

When Neera called, Obadiah was in the middle of something.

He was discussing data with his students when he picked up the call. He wondered, "Neera? What's up?"

She took a deep breath and calmly replied, "Mr. Hanson, there are two things I need to inform you. It hassomething to do with Thora."

Obadiah sensed the grave undertone in her voice. He quickly wrapped up the conversation with his students andstepped out of the lab.

Once in the hallway, he asked, "Okay, you can tell me now. What happened?"

She went straight to the point and detailed all of Thora's wrongdoings.

The more he listened to it, the angrier he got; his complexion darkened due to his anger. He reprimanded, "Howcould this irresponsible scum do such a thing? How dare she put someone's life in danger!"

He was panting heavily. Apparently, he was exasperated with his daughter's wrongdoing.

"Don't worry. I will try to contact her."

Neera grunted and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hanson."

At this point in the conversation, an awkward silence shrouded the two.

Neera didn't hang up the phone, as if she were waiting for a shoe to drop. novelbin

It took Obadiah a few seconds, as he struggled to speak his mind.

He moved his lips a few times before saying, "If I do reach her, I'll make sure she apologizes and makes amendsfor her mistakes. Please, for the sake of me, could you help me speak up for her?"

With full knowledge of how outrageous Thora's behavior was, he struggled to make this request.

This request did not surprise Neera. She made her position clear.

"I've put up with her for a long time, but only because I have respect for you. This time, however, two lives are atstake. Even if I let her off the hook, the Beauvorts will investigate this further.

"I don't need to tell you what kind of family they are. I still have to clean up her mess and treat the victims rightnow, so..."

Obadiah sighed after hearing this.

He was neither disappointed nor dissatisfied; he was simply overwhelmed by guilt and helplessness.

My daughter had caused such a mess, but my proudest student had to clean up after her. How ironic!

"I'm sorry, Neera. I shouldn't have asked; because of this, you've had a difficult time and a lot to deal with."

Neera was still upset after their phone call was cut off. Her eyes were clouded with melancholy.


Kyra received a phone call from Wrenn early in the morning.

She was taken aback because she had never expected things to turn out this way.

Thora had confidently promised that she could treat Jean. It turned out that she had made matters worse.

Kyra attempted to defend herself in panic, terrified of losing Wrenn's support.

"I met Thora by chance. I knew she was Obadiah's daughter and trusted her medical abilities, but I only toldUncle Clarence about her. I didn't introduce her to Jean. I wouldn't have let her treat Uncle Clarence if I hadknown she was so untrustworthy!"

Her voice was filled with resentment and on the verge of tears.

"You've got no idea. Jean has recently developed a strong dislike for me. He's been pressuring me at work. I'vetried not to irritate him any further. I dare not approach him for fear of upsetting him further. Why would I allowThora to harm him? Don't you believe me?"

Wrenn had a rough idea of what had happened after she grasped the situation.

Kyra appears to have introduced Thora to Clarence. Then Clarence leveraged this connection. He contacted Karland introduced her to Peter to treat his son.

Kyra, from this vantage point, had little to do with it.

Wrenn let out a sigh. She believed Kyra.

"I've misunderstood you. Please don't take it to heart."

"It's okay," Kyra said, relieved. "I understand you're worried about Jean. It's natural to be anxious when he's sickand we can't get hold of the culprit."

She went on to inquire about Jean's health.

Wrenn creased her brows, her face pale from a restless night's sleep.

"It's bad. He had seizures all night and passed out as dawn approached. Neera said he might be in a coma forseveral days. We're not sure when he'll wake up."

Kyra's heart thumped furiously when she heard Wrenn bring up Neera.

Despite her words of concern, her heart sank.

Does this imply that Jean could die without Neera's care? Is it possible for them to divorce in this case? Whenwas I going to get my chance?

Is Aunt Wrenn even showing signs of acceptance now that she seems to have softened her stance toward Neera?Isn't it becoming more and more unfavorable for me if that's the case?

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