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Chapter 575

Ian's heart sank as he gazed at the villa's doorway.

Oh, no! I've made a terrible mistake! By the looks of Ms. Garcia's face, she's livid!

Panic overtook him, and he paced back and forth in the living room like a cat on the hot tin roof.

Why did I pry so much and ask so many questions? I'm shooting myself in the foot if Ms. Garcia takes out heranger on Mr. Beauvort due to my inquisitiveness!

After a sleepless night, upon seeing Jean the next morning, Ian immediately owned up to his mistake and soughtforgiveness.

"Sir, I was too nosy last night. I asked many questions, and I believe I may have angered Ms. Garcia."

Jean took a sip of warm water to moisten his throat. He looked at him coldly while listening intently.

"What did she say when she left last night?"

Ian wore a bitter expression and explained, "She realized I was probing her. So she asked me what was going on.I couldn't handle the pressure, so I confessed, and then..." novelbin

He braced himself and cast a glance at Jean, looking utterly guilty.

"I was just curious about her relationship with that man, so I asked again. I guess she suspects you didn't trust her.I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Jean shot a cold glance at him and said nothing.

After a brief silence, he got dressed and went to the next door.

However, Neera was not home, but Auntie Zuniga politely invited him in.

"Mr. Beauvort, you're awake. Ms. Garcia left early in the morning, but she left some medicine for you. Initially,she wanted me to send it over, but I've been busy. Since you have dropped by, you can bring it back home. Shehad written the instructions on the card."

Jean took the card. He knitted his brows tighter when he looked at the delicate handwriting on the card.


Neera had left the house early. She picked up the three and drove them to the research institute.

Upon arrival, Thora started to criticize the facility.

"This research institute is so small, isn't it? How can we work in such a small space? The equipment is incompletetoo. What can we do with these? This place is too shabby; have you spent all the money on the company?"

Neera looked up. Her face was devoid of a smile.

She retorted sharply, "If you don't like it, you can leave now. I won't tolerate this attitude of yours!"

She was in a bad mood today; therefore, her tone was particularly harsh.

Thora's complexion changed. She wanted to retort, but Neera cut her off.

"You should know your place. You're here to help, not to be a princess. If you keep picking on everything, I'llpersonally put you in a car and send you back on a plane without informing your father."

The atmosphere became tense.

Thora's expression darkened, but she could tell that Neera had been repressing her rage.

"Why are you so proud of yourselves?" She muttered under her breath and walked away.

Later, Neera gathered all the available team members and held a meeting.

During the meeting, she analyzed the previous failure data from Obadiah's research and set up a new researchplan with some adjustments.

By noon, everyone was starving.

She finally realized how much time had passed. She urged, "Let's take a break for lunch. Our discussion resumesat 2 p.m."

Osbert finally had a moment. He expressed his concern over lunch, "Neera, what's wrong? Are you upset? Tellme what happened, and I'll help!"

Neera didn't want to be so transparent and not wanting to talk about her feelings.

She just shook her head and said, "It's nothing. I just didn't sleep well. Eat now and rest a little."

Osbert didn't push further. He chatted casually with her for a while.

In the afternoon, another long meeting ensued.

As usual, Neera was so engrossed in the research that she forgot to eat or sleep.

She was serious with her task. She led the team, and the discussion went on until 10 p.m. However, they did notreach any conclusions.

Fortunately, everyone was used to her style. They were so well prepared that they wouldn't go home tonight.


Jean was at home. He constantly paid attention to the activities next door.

Before long, Ian returned from the neighbor's house for the third time.

He looked dejected and reported, "Auntie Zuniga said that Ms. Garcia called about ten minutes ago. She informedher that she wouldn't be coming home tonight."

As soon as the words fell, the temperature in the living room plummeted.

He blamed himself for this. He regretted it deeply. He decided to go all out, thinking that no matter what he did,the outcome would remain the same.

"Sir, should I apologize to Ms. Garcia now? It's my fault. I shouldn't be so nosy. I'll explain to her."

Jean coldly glanced at him and said, "It's alright. When she returns, I'll speak to her."

Hearing this, Ian grew even more anxious.

If they break up because of him, he might as well kill himself to atone for the sin.


Neera was occupied for the next two days. She spends almost all of her time at the research institute.

She only came home once in between. She hurriedly left after she got some sleep and changed her clothes.

Naturally, she didn't run into Jean.

The triplets noticed something felt wrong between their parents. They grew deeply worried.

After they came home from school, they couldn't help but rush next door.

"Uncle Jean, did you have a fight with Mommy?"

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