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Chapter 525

Wrenn finished reading all the documents, her expression shifting between various emotions. After a moment ofsilence, she couldn't hold back her frustration and raised her voice in accusation.

"If you are indeed Nancy, why didn't you reveal your true identity earlier? Deceiving us like this, leading us on awild goose chase, is that amusing to you?"

Neera, looking unfazed by Wrenn's righteous anger, found some amusement in her indignation. "Concealment isnot equivalent to deception, Madam. Please understand the distinction. I neither have the responsibility nor theobligation to publicly declare my identity. I've always preferred to keep a low profile, unlike some who enjoyflaunting themselves."

Her tone was steady but with an underlying strength. "Furthermore, I concealed my identity for a reason. I believeI am well within my rights to make such a decision without being accused."

Wrenn was caught in her throat, unable to find its way out.

On the other side, Kyra's face resembled a stormy sky, her frustration apparent. She hadn't anticipated thingstaking such a turn. Her plan to involve Nancy had backfired horribly.

Chewing on her lip, Kyra cast an anxious glance at Jean. To her surprise, he was fixated on Neera, his eyes filledwith a mix of delight, curiosity, and some unreadable emotions.

He observed with such focus as if everyone else had faded into insignificance, and his gaze was fixed solely onher.

For Kyra, it felt like a sudden dousing of cold water, leaving her thoroughly soaked.

The hand resting on her lap clenched tightly around her skirt as she turned to Neera, a defiance burning in hereyes.

"Documents can be fabricated, seals might not be genuine, and Ms. Garcia might be young, yet heraccomplishments appear so impressive. It's hard not to have doubts." novelbin

Isabella sensed Kyra's intent to undermine and promptly fired back, her tone biting. "If documents can be forged,can medical skills be forged too? Leaving aside the rest, consider her ability to treat Mr. Beauvort. Achievingsuch rapid progress in his recovery—how many years would your past doctors have taken to accomplish thesame? Furthermore, the authenticity of these documents can be verified. If you remain skeptical, by all means,investigate. Only after thorough scrutiny do you earn the right to speak."

Isabella's words grew sharper, cutting through Kyra's attempts to discredit Neera. While she remained cautiouswhen addressing the Beauvort couple, Kyra was an entirely different story.

Isabella's unwavering gaze settled on Kyra, each retort honing in on her vulnerabilities. "Ms. Marks, though Iunderstand this revelation may be difficult for you, the truth remains unchanged. Even if you choose to discredither, the facts remain. Additionally, considering Neera's connection to the Beauvort family as Jean's wife, it's onlynatural for the Beauvort elders to question her identity. But you, Ms. Marks, what qualifies you to interrogateher?"

Her words carried a strong undercurrent of mockery, almost pointing a finger at Kyra as if questioning herrelevance.

Kyra felt her humiliation escalating, her face turning crimson. But Isabella showed no intention of letting up, eachremark a precise jab at Kyra's vulnerabilities.

"Ms. Marks, not to belittle the Marks family, but you're a celebrity in your own right. You're a public figure, forbetter or worse. Meddling in others' affairs in such a manner—how do you think others would perceive you ifnews got out?"

Kyra's heart skipped a beat, her lips pressed into a thin line, unable to muster a response.

Observing this exchange, Wrenn chimed in without a hint of reluctance. "Kyra is here accompanying me. TheMarks family and ours, the Beauvort family, have a longstanding connection. That's why she's concerned."

Isabella made it clear she wasn't buying into Wrenn's explanation and responded with a mocking "Oh."

"Oh, I see. Well, I thought Ms. Marks might be trying to become the other woman. That wouldn't bode well,considering the potential fallout. Such behavior doesn't fare well in the entertainment industry, where such actionsare met with zero tolerance. Ms. Marks, you must preserve your reputation. Don't end up like a rat in the gutter,despised by everyone."

This statement was both a jab and a warning, making Kyra's ulterior motives painfully evident.

Kyra's fists clenched, her nails digging into her palms, her face turning ashen.

Neera recognized Isabella's intention in coming to her defense.

Despite the situation, Neera remained outwardly composed, finding the unfolding drama rather tiresome.

"Now that everything is clear, is there anything else you wish to ask?"

She redirected her gaze, unwilling to waste more time on this matter. "If not, I have other matters to attend to and

would like to take my leave."

Upon hearing this, Wrenn and Frederic grew uneasy. The situation had escalated into an irreparable confrontation.If Neera decided to wash her hands of the matter, how would she proceed with Jean's treatment?

The room fell into silence as the two of them exchanged glances, their hopes resting on Jean to salvage thesituation.

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