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Chapter 522

Neera patted Isabella's back, holding her in a somewhat awkward embrace, consoling her gently.

"Alright, alright, there's no need to cry. What's the big deal? Don't cry anymore. I think you've been under a lot ofstress lately. From now on, if you have any problems, just tell me. Even if it's taking out the trash, I'd be morethan happy to share the burden with you."

In a way, this whole situation was somewhat her fault, as she had indirectly involved Isabella in it.

It was only fair for her to do this.

After a while, Isabella's emotions stabilized.

The two friends exchanged a few more words before parting.

Once back at the hospital, Isabella messaged Wrenn.

"Madam Beauvort, Dr. Nancy agrees to meet with you."

Wrenn was pleasantly surprised that their approach to the Lopez family had worked so quickly. Her tone becamemore amiable as she replied to Isabella.

"Great! Ms. Lopez, thank you for your help. You can rest assured, I promise I will make sure your request isfulfilled!"

After exchanging a few pleasantries, they quickly set a meeting time for the next day at Isabella's office.

After hanging up, Wrenn's mood improved significantly. She immediately informed Kyra and praised her

relentlessly. novelbin

"Kyra, your idea was brilliant. I can't believe that just by exerting a bit of pressure on the Lopez family, things fellinto place so quickly! You're truly our lucky star in the Beauvort family!"

Kyra was floating on cloud nine from the praise, her eyes brimming with satisfaction. Although she humblybrushed off the compliments.

"It's not all thanks to me. It was your direct intervention, Aunt Wrenn, that made things happen so fast! I merelytalked a bit…"

The two of them exchanged mutual admiration for a while.

Then, seizing the opportunity, Kyra volunteered.

"Aunt Wrenn, could I accompany you tomorrow? I've heard so much about Dr. Nancy, and I'm curious to seewhat she's like! Is that okay?"

Wrenn was currently a hundred percent satisfied with Kyra and readily agreed.

At the same time, she had a slightly diminished view of Dr. Nancy.

Previously, Nancy had acted so superior and haughty, but now at the mention of meeting her demands, she hadimmediately agreed.

This showed that she was easily influenced.

Wrenn then called Jean, "Jean, I'm planning to go to Grace Hospital tomorrow to meet with Dr. Nancy. Wouldyou like to join me?"

At the moment, Jean was engrossed in his work.

Upon hearing her words, his pen came to an abrupt halt, leaving a sharp mark on the paper.

Without guessing, he knew his mother's intentions in seeking Nancy's assistance.

At that moment, his expression turned cold and he replied sharply, "I'm already being treated by Neera. I don'tneed anyone else."

Wrenn snorted dismissively.

"And what good is she? Nancy is much more renowned internationally. I'm just informing you, you don't have togo if you don't want to. After all, I'll see Nancy no matter what!"

With that, she hung up the phone without waiting for a response.

On the other side, Jean slapped his phone onto the table with a frustrated sound, his expression not too pleasant.

Finding Nancy meant that his mother had gained more leverage over him and Neera's engagement!

Realizing this, Jean's brow furrowed, and he harbored a growing resentment toward Dr. Nancy.

Back when they needed her, she was nowhere to be found!

Now that they didn't need her, she suddenly reappeared and even agreed to a meeting!

Throughout the afternoon, his face remained dark, and his aura was so heavy that it would intimidate anyonearound him.

Ian entered the room several times to deliver documents, and each time he left trembling.

By evening, to avoid any conflicts, Ian chose to stay in the yard.

Next door, after finishing their dinner, the triplets and Neera were outside walking the dogs in the yard.

Seeing Ian sitting all alone in the pavilion, they curiously called out to him through the fence.

"Mr. Assistant, why are you out here alone? Where's Uncle Jean?"

As they spoke, their three pairs of eyes scanned the yard, searching for Jean's figure.

Ian raised a finger to his lips, signaling them to keep their voices down, then turned to glance at the mansionbefore approaching.

"Sire is in his study and pretty upset!" he whispered.

Neera, who was watching Cece play, looked up in confusion.

"Upset? What happened? Did someone get on his nerves?"

With a sigh that seemed to carry years of experience, Ian replied, "Don't even mention it. Some trivial matters

have made Sire incredibly annoyed. He's even in a bad mood with me just for being around. So, I thought I'd givehim some space until he calms down."

He wisely chose not to reveal the actual situation.

If Neera were to find out that Sire's parents were looking down on her and her children, she'd undoubtedly bedispleased as well.

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