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Chapter 496

Chapter 496

Neera agreed to it readily. novelbin

It was already very late, so she said good night to Jean and left the house.

By the time she got home, Storm had already placed the boxes on the coffee table.

The triplets had not gone to bed yet. They surrounded the coffee table and regarded the boxes


"Mommy, what's that?"

Neera opened each of the boxes and briefly explained the contents to her children.

The triplets were all praises. "Wow! Uncle Jean is so generous to you! You should thank him!"

They continued to ask, "How was the annual gala, Mommy? Was it fun?"

Neera kept the boxes away and nodded. "Yup, it was pretty fun."

The triplets were not satisfied with the answer. They surrounded her and asked her to tell them more.

Neera sat them down on the sofa and began to tell them what happened…

Meanwhile, in the mansion next door, Jean changed into casual clothes and prepared to go to his study

to work.

Cloud returned with the latest updates. "Sire, we've found some businesses and properties jointly

owned by Crimea Group and Nacrene. Here's a list of what we've found so far."

He handed the document in his hands to Jean.

Jean skimmed through the list. The businesses were all entertainment establishments such as

nightclubs, karaoke bars, and so on.

He leaned back on his chair and asked, "What else did you manage to find?"

Cloud knew what he was asking about. He immediately answered, "On the surface, these businesses

seem legitimate, but every one of them has an illegal side to it. We don't have concrete evidence yet,

but what we have is incriminating enough."

"That's good. Hand whatever you have to the police," Jean said.

Cloud nodded and left the room. Half an hour later, many of those entertainment establishments

received a visit from the police. None of them were spared, and they were immediately shut down

pending investigations. A few of the managers were even arrested.

While Jean was busy at work, Dandy and Kyra returned to their home in a bad mood.

As soon as she stepped through the door, Kyra could not contain her anger anymore.

Without saying a word, she picked up the nearest object to her and smashed it to the ground.

Crash! Crash! The sounds of breaking things did not stop. She practically picked up everything that

was not bolted down and smashed it on the floor.

She had never faced such humiliation in her life before, and she would never forget it as long as she


Dandy felt sorry for her, but she did nothing to stop her. She knew that her daughter needed to let her

anger out.

She carefully stepped around her and went upstairs to her bedroom.

Inside, she gave Wrenn a call.

Wrenn did not know what happened. She was happy to pick up Dandy's call.

"How were things, Dandy? Did it go well?"

Dandy smirked coldly, though she did not let it affect her voice. "Wrenn, I don't know what Kyra did

wrong. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way!"

Wrenn could immediately tell that things didn't go as planned. "What do you mean? Tell me what


Dandy told her the events at the gala with additional details of her own.

"Kyra is so upset that she hasn't stopped crying ever since she got home. I can't bear to see her so


Wrenn was furious. She said, "Tell Kyra not to cry. I'll come back with a satisfactory answer!"

After she hung up, she immediately dialed Jean's number.

"Jean Beauvort! Don't you think you've gone overboard tonight? Even if you don't show Kyra any

respect, why won't you show your mother some respect? Not only have you humiliated the Marks

family, you've also embarrassed me!"

Jean had anticipated his mother would call him.

He remained unperturbed. "I went to the annual gala, just as you wanted. Kyra Marks was also

introduced publicly. It sounds like everything went well. Why would you think I disrespected you or


That only made Wrenn angrier. She began to yell over the phone, "How dare you ask me that! I told

you to bring Kyra to the gala, not Neera! What's the meaning of this?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with bringing Neera. After all, she is my legally wedded wife. In

fact, it would be very inappropriate of me to bring another woman."

Wrenn could feel her blood pressure rising.

Eventually, Frederic came over, snatched the phone from Wrenn's hand, and ended the call.

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