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Chapter 488

While the people in the hall discussed excitedly, Kyra, who was standing just outside the door, had never felt sohumiliated before.

When she was heading downstairs earlier, her heart was aflutter, excited that she would steal the spotlight.Everyone would be looking at her when she stepped into the hall!

However, the stray comments were like buckets of cold water that doused her enthusiasm.

At the same time, she found it hard to believe what was going on.

Jean should have been the one to introduce me! Why is it Larry?

Instinctively, she turned her head toward Jean, who was standing not far away.

The man had his head lowered. He was browsing on his phone. novelbin

His attitude instantly made Kyra realize that he had done this on purpose.

He told Wrenn he would attend the gala. Wrenn and Kyra thought he agreed to their plan.

It turned out that it was not the case at all. Kyra was only fantasizing.

She felt even worse after arriving at the truth.

Since childhood, she had already known that Jean had a cold personality.

This was the first time she had experienced his cruelty!

She felt hurt at the betrayal, but everyone was looking at her, and she could not express it on her face.

"That Jean! How dare he? He's gone overboard this time!" Dandy was shaking with anger.

She asked her daughter beside her, "What are you going to do? Are you going in?"

"What will tomorrow's papers say if I don't go in? I'll be reduced to a joke!" Kyra said menacingly.

Dandy felt sorry for her daughter. "Our families have been friends for generations. He's so insensitive."

"Yes, he is…"

Kyra knew there was no point in sulking. She composed herself and wore a wide grin so that she didn't lookperturbed.

The reporters aimed their cameras at her face and snapped away.

No matter who introduced her, it was big news that she was joining Star Entertainment Media.

Moreover, Kyra had always been regarded as a fashion icon. Her fans regularly emulated the way she dressed.She looked amazing no matter the angle.

She continued to attract the attention of everyone in the hall after she went on the stage.

Larry handed the microphone to her. "Greetings, Ms. Marks. Would you like to say a word or two?"

Kyra smiled warmly. "Thank you, Mr. Mcdonagh."

She inadvertently cast a glance at Jean, who was near the stage.

He was still looking at his phone, though he was wearing a barely perceptible smile. To Kyra's surprise, Jean'sgaze was gentle.

Kyra had never seen that expression on Jean before.

She turned her head away and began to speak.

She thanked Star Entertainment Media for accepting her and shared with her audience what she planned to do inthe company.

"I believe Star Entertainment Media will allow me to unleash my full potential. I would like to thank all my fanswho have supported me thus far, and I will continue to do my best!" she concluded and put the microphone away.

That was the last item on the schedule. After that, the guests mingled freely.

The celebrities off the stage were all waiting to meet Jean, hoping to gain his favor.

Of course, they maintained a respectful distance. They went over to him with their wine glasses and said hello.

Jean put his phone away and returned their greetings one by one.

Many of the celebrities were delighted. Jean was not as unapproachable as the rumors said.

Sasha was not in a hurry to go over. Instead, she picked up another glass of champagne and elegantly swirled it.

Her assistant, on the other hand, was very anxious. "Sasha, shouldn't you be going over to say hi to Mr. Beauvort?He rarely appears among us commoners. You should go and make yourself known to him!"

Sasha took a sip of the champagne and said, "What's the rush? He's surrounded by so many people now. Even if Igo over now, I won't be able to talk to him. I'll go say hi later."

The assistant thought it made sense.

With the corner of her eye, she noticed Kyra walking elegantly in Jean's direction.

"Sasha, look. Kyra is making her move."

Sasha turned her head over…

Indeed, she saw Kyra walking toward Jean.

Kyra's entrance wasn't as glamorous as she imagined, but she managed to keep her cool.

It was undeniable that the Beauvort and Marks families were very close, and if she went over to chat with himnormally, he would definitely entertain her.

Thinking that she still stood a chance, she hastened her footsteps.

The other guests had differing reactions when they saw Kyra walking toward Jean.

Jean also noticed it. He furrowed his brows slightly.

He was not very happy to see Kyra, but he did not want to be rude to her in case that affected the families'relationship.

Just when Kyra was about to reach him, a man and a woman suddenly appeared behind her.

They were none other than Storm and Neera.

When Jean saw Neera's figure, a smile automatically appeared on his lips.

Everyone who saw that smile was shocked.

Before anyone could react, Jean began to walk toward Neera.

Kyra happened to be in the same direction. Her heart began to thump wildly when she thought that Jean wassmiling at her!

When he came closer, she said, "Jean…"

Before she could continue the rest of her sentence, Jean walked past her and said to the woman behind her,"You're here."

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